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Except we have done exactly the route you suggest, in large numbers. Only to then find out that the letters and emails are being forwarded (perhaps inappropriately to RV), giving him the notion that he must further defend his actions to us, "the minority". 

Note that he makes no apologies, no "I'm sorry we failed in these areas; here's the plan to do better." It's a bunkered-down, us-vs-the world mentality, and it's one I know a number of those incredibly underpaid Assistant and Associate AD types with those under them are not fully on board with. Things are coming apart at the seams.

And so now we take to the sky, be a little bolder, more brash and brazen, because everyone - even those three or four floors up - should fully realize the desperation we feel.

I'm mad and want RV to step aside too, but I still have reservations about publicly shaming him.

I understand why this banner will fly. Many on here have already sent letters to Smatresk, and apparently some or even all were forwarded to the athletic department. I don't think anyone has read or seen a serious response from Smatresk. Now we hear about the head coach search committee, but we have no clue who is serving on it. It appears Smatresk may be part of the problem too.

I'm positive UNT90 will hit his mark and the banner will fly. Personally, I think the powers that be at UNT could have avoided this banner problem if they were not so dismissive of the anger, and actually engaged our fan base, not just the wealthiest doners.

I appreciated Wardly's gentlemanly, reasoned, cool-headed approach as stated in his letter. I was going to compose an equally thoughtful and respectful answer to him but most of my thoughts are contained in the two quotes above. I think we have been shooed away like flies by the administration. I am a Smatresk fan but his silence on this situation is  beginning to gnaw at me. Stronger, louder measures are called for.

  • Upvote 7

We don't know what will get Rick Villarreal fired -- and you don't either. Dismal performance on the field hasn't done it, the worst FBS loss to an FCS team hasn't done it, a huge number of empty seats at Apogee hasn't done it and our complaints to President Smatresk haven't done it.

Our opinions have been so disregarded that RV is calling us a "minority" of fans in the press. 

Given all that, I think the banner is worth a try. If nothing else my donation to the banner is a final expression of how I feel about the state we're in under RV.

If Smatresk can look up at that banner and tell himself RV still has the support of fans and alumni, our problem goes higher than the AD.

As for the next coach, the banner tells him UNT fans care enough about the program to get mad when it stinks. If that's too much pressure for a coaching prospect, please let him end up on somebody else's sideline. Preferably SMU. 

I wish I had more +1's. Well said. 


Under your logic, everyone on GoMeanGreen who calls for a coach or AD to be fired should be using their real names.

But not everybody has the luxury of doing that, given their employment and other considerations. If people want to use a pseudonym or stay anonymous I don't see any problem with that. Football coaches and athletic directors in FBS make sweet salaries. They should be able to handle tough criticism of their job performance and even calls for firing. That comes with the job.

Yep...they should.  Not man enough to use your own name...then keep your comments private.  You lose that right when you go public in public forums.  Man up or shut up.  Anyone who criticizes the institution or their institutions's personnel when they draw their paycheck should shut up or resign.  Plenty of internal and confidential avenues to get your point across without bringing shame upon yourself and the institution that provides your paycheck.  Like you were told, or should have been told, as a child....if you wouldn't say it in front of your mama, don't say it!  People who do such things anonymously should be completely ignored and considered to be the small person they are demonstrating that they are by their need to be secretive.  Own it people...or don't do it!

If this hits too close to home for some folks, so be it.  You can rate my posts anyway you wish if it makes you feel better, but man up to your own comments, actions and things you say you stand for.  Character counts...you have it or you don't.  One knows by your actions. 

So, I guess I've pretty much said all I need to say on this topic.  No need to beat a dead horse.  Call me old school or whatever you like, but that's my take and I am staying with that position.  Everyone else is welcome to their own opinions on the matter.  My opinion...your opinion...won't change anyone's opinion. 




I got news for you in the fraternity world of D1 Football coaches RV is despised, it would make a coach feel better that there is some hope at North Texas that he may be gone. RV is a complete liability.  RV simply being present will make it harder on us. 

Sources from that "fraternity world of D1 coaches" please.  There are, what, 128 of them as head coaches and many more times that as assistants.  How many have you talked with about RV?  Or, is this just more made up poop to please the haters?  Snopes is waiting.  Statements such as this need to be backed up with proof and names.  Pretty strong statement to throw out there without any references that can be verified.  Hey, I don't know if this is correct or not.  You say it is...I am just looking for references or is this going to be another anonymous thing?

  • Upvote 1
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Yep...they should.  Not man enough to use your own name...then keep your comments private.  You lose that right when you go public in public forums.  Man up or shut up.  Anyone who criticizes the institution or their institutions's personnel when they draw their paycheck should shut up or resign.  Plenty of internal and confidential avenues to get your point across without bringing shame upon yourself and the institution that provides your paycheck.

Why are you changing the subject to people who get a paycheck from UNT? We were talking about fans and alumni posting on GMG and donating to the banner, not UNT employees.

  • Upvote 1

Why are you changing the subject to people who get a paycheck from UNT? We were talking about fans and alumni posting on GMG and donating to the banner, not UNT employees.

You brought up the "given their employment" thing. I just put it in a UNT context for you.  Go back and read your post...you brought up the employment angle.  And, again....if you think you should not use your real name due to employment considerations, perhaps you should not do it at all.  Thought I made that point perfectly clear.  Look, I have said all I need to say on this subject..my position is clear.  You have your position, I have mine...like I said, no one is changing their mind.  Probably time to move on.

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@EagleMBA and @rcade is it possible that Smatresk is on your side in this and is working toward RV's removal, but has to line up his ducks? Or rather, just how fast do you think he is likely to be able to move, if he wants to?

Perhaps there isn't enough money around to cover two large buyouts back to back? Maybe Smatresk can't wait to get rid of him but financially his hands are tied for the moment. 

  • Upvote 1

but I still have reservations about publicly shaming him.

This was me too at some point.. Before I sent two letters to the president..., before I sent countless social media outcries to UNT affiliated accounts..., before I read an article about a cocky AD calling a vast majority of the fan base a minority... In essence, RV brought this upon himself. And as United States citizens, we have the right to protest. We tried the keep it between the president and disgruntled North Texan approach.. And that was crumpled up in our face...

Now it's time for us to get our opinion across to the general public. With a very simple message, "Fire Rick Villarreal". We are not making fun of the guy, talking about his looks, beliefs, or any other personal attacks. We are keeping it (IMO) a respectful protest to change what has been ongoing the past failed few coaching attempts. He obviously had no respect in firing Mac immediately after the game, so I'm sure he'll understand were we are coming from...

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Someone said "how the banner look to a new potential HC at UNT" are you freaking kidding me?  No young up and coming coach with options is going to come here unless we over pay and outbid those other options.  And it isn't pressure from the fans, it is knowing that you are entering toxic situation in the athletic department.  If you get a coach who had worked in Texas a while he knows UNT and steers clear unless a huge paycheck is offered.  But again let look at the UNT position

1. Last 3 head coaches were fired and their careers took a step backwards

2. Great University with a back water "sister's of the poor"  FBS reputation

3. An AD (your potential boss) that may be out the door and has reputation for taking coaches down.

4. Apathetic students

5. A history of poor relations with the Denton Community.  


It is not pressure it is a challenging situation that if you fail kills your career.  You would really be better off at SMU.  Coaches are people not heroes. 

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Go back and read your post...you brought up the employment angle.

You misunderstood what I was saying there. I wasn't talking about UNT employees. I was talking in general about how some people can't afford to get in trouble with their jobs over online activities.

I recently heard from a user here whose boss got a complaint following a dispute here on GMG. That's a shitty thing to do -- utterly loathsome -- but some people carry online beefs into the real world like that. They get angry and lose their freaking minds.

It's easy for me to use my real name because I'm self-employed. But I know other people don't have that luxury, so I don't get on a high horse about people who use pseudonyms or stay anonymous. The only reason I did it to you is because you were preaching against anonymity.

  • Upvote 5

@EagleMBA and @rcade is it possible that Smatresk is on your side in this and is working toward RV's removal, but has to line up his ducks? Or rather, just how fast do you think he is likely to be able to move, if he wants to?

I'll throw out my 2 cents. Disclaimer: I am not close enough to the inside action to know. My reads come from almost 50 years' work experience in both the public and private sectors but not in the culture at UNT.

I think your hypothesis is very possible. I've had thoughts along those lines in various scenarios myself. Given what I think I know about this culture, no decisions of this magnitude get made quickly and by any one person. For example, I subscribe to the school of thought that Mac's firing might have been in the works for weeks, waiting for the trigger event.

Time will tell, but I think this has got to play out by the UTEP game. Maybe we'll have something to be thankful for. Start no rumors - this is JMO.

  • Upvote 3

You misunderstood what I was saying there. I wasn't talking about UNT employees. I was talking in general about how some people can't afford to get in trouble with their jobs over online activities.

I recently heard from a user here whose boss got a complaint following a dispute here on GMG. That's a shitty thing to do -- utterly loathsome -- but some people carry online beefs into the real world like that. They get angry and lose their freaking minds.

It's easy for me to use my real name because I'm self-employed. But I know other people don't have that luxury, so I don't get on a high horse about people who use pseudonyms or stay anonymous. The only reason I did it to you is because you were preaching against anonymity.

The situation you discuss was probably done anonymously.  You are right, people who do such things anonymously usually do "shitty" things (just using your word here...not one I find appropriate in public forums).. Yep...utterly loathsome.  Sort of like calling for someone's firing anonymously, huh?   Again....if those you discuss hiding their activities from their employers because they fear repurcussions, might want to consider changing their behavior or changing their employer.  Why do things that might cost your job?  Pretty stupid.  If you won't do something openly, don't do it at all.  Seems pretty simple to me.  By hiding, they are admitting that they know they are doing something wrong.  My how folks stretch so hard to justify poor decisions and unprofessional behavior.

  • Downvote 7

Perhaps there isn't enough money around to cover two large buyouts back to back? Maybe Smatresk can't wait to get rid of him but financially his hands are tied for the moment. 

If a buyout is a problem, Smatresk could move him to another position for the length of his contract. FSU did that to Randy Spetman in 2013. They pushed him from AD to a newly created position in strategic planning that sounded like inconsequential busy work.

I'm not saying the cost of doing that would be cheap, but it might be cost-effective given how much UNT loses from RV's factory of failure.

  • Upvote 4

If a buyout is a problem, Smatresk could move him to another position for the length of his contract. FSU did that to Randy Spetman in 2013. They pushed him from AD to a newly created position in strategic planning that sounded like inconsequential busy work.

I'm not saying the cost of doing that would be cheap, but it might be cost-effective given how much UNT loses from RV's factory of failure.

That certainly works better from a cash flow perspective, or in this case a budgetary perspective. You don't get the dead horse out before he stinks but you can at least move him downwind!

  • Upvote 1

Sources from that "fraternity world of D1 coaches" please.  There are, what, 128 of them as head coaches and many more times that as assistants.  How many have you talked with about RV?  Or, is this just more made up poop to please the haters?  Snopes is waiting.  Statements such as this need to be backed up with proof and names.  Pretty strong statement to throw out there without any references that can be verified.  Hey, I don't know if this is correct or not.  You say it is...I am just looking for references or is this going to be another anonymous thing?

 If you want to do your own research be my guest, but with a little work you can find out what I already know. I ran across this several times now with always the same answer. Unfortunately I do wish i was wrong because it bothers me to my core. 


I got news for you in the fraternity world of D1 Football coaches RV is despised, it would make a coach feel better that there is some hope at North Texas that he may be gone. RV is a complete liability.  RV simply being present will make it harder on us. 

I've spoke to a coach who has confirmed this to me. (He's been an assistant before for a few programs). Without me saying a word to him about my feelings on the situation he said "that Rick Villareal is kinda like a used car salesman, isn't he?" 

Kram, if you'd like my source on that statement you can PM me. He's a good friend of my father's. Draw whatever conclusion you want, but if that is the unsolicited response a college football assistant makes when I bring up the program I don't take that as a good sign. 


Not to argue the point, but an assistant coach who has bounced around a few programs calling R.V. a used car salesman is a far cry from "every coach in D1 despises him." That would be 128 times staff of about  10 equals 1,280 D1 coaches. Look, you guys are going to do what you are going to do. But it's absurd undocumented statements such as this that undermine your creditability. I admire the passion that you have for North Texas . I am just not a fan of negative energy, and am truly sorry that you feel the need to take this type of action. Regardless,GO EAGLES[looking at our past record I think MEAN GREEN is pretty cheese' for a knick name , but again that's my opinion,differences of which make the world go round]

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Kram, I think like most people, I don't give a rat's bottom what anybody's real name is on this or any other message board. I don't know any of you from Adam. Anything I post here, is nothing I wouldn't say to your face. Knowing my name proves nothing. I'm glad you were man enough to post yours, but I still don't care.

  • Upvote 3

Not to argue the point, but an assistant coach who has bounced around a few programs calling R.V. a used car salesman is a far cry from "every coach in D1 despises him." That would be 128 times staff of about  10 equals 1,280 D1 coaches. Look, you guys are going to do what you are going to do. But it's absurd undocumented statements such as this that undermine your creditability. I admire the passion that you have for North Texas . I am just not a fan of negative energy, and am truly sorry that you feel the need to take this type of action. Regardless,GO EAGLES[looking at our past record I think MEAN GREEN is pretty cheese' for a knick name , but again that's my opinion,differences of which make the world go round]

You have no clue do you? It seems you are good at making assumptions and you might want to do your own research.


Lol. I don't think anyone knows who it is. But go ahead and confront who you think it is at the next game. That wI'll be funny. 

Change is affected in many different ways, my friend.

Yeah, I won't be there. I'm not what you would call accessible right now. I am able to watch via foxsports.com and yell at words as they update. 

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