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MGB breaking news -- UNT athletics gets $1.25 mil. donation

Brett Vito

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A theory because hope is fun.

Maybe back in 2004 as @Cerebus rightly pointed out, RV realized that he didn't have the staff or budget to get to 3,000 MGC members. He looked at it and said everybody we call just says, well if you ever get serious I'll join.

So his new unannounced plan was, go after the big donors and show people we are serious. It's easier to convince 15 millionaires to be wined and dined by RV because he is a nice guy, and then get them to cough up some big money for their old Alma Mater. And now that that has happened several times, and facilities are in place, now we'll go after the 2,000 MGC members.

15 year to get 15 big money donors, so how long will it take to double MGC membership from the present number? 

And it should never be an either/or proposition. 

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There is one reason the MGC never took off and probably won't-

RV and the department never consistently attempted to change the culture at North Texas. If you ask them what the MGC is they give you the standard "The Mean Green Club is the fundraising arm.....blah blah." In other words- you give us your money, it goes down a black hole, and we lose a bunch but here's a nice cooler for your troubles. 

That might cut it at UT or other universities but it won't cut it here. You have to make the effort to give back a little for what people are giving. You have to be creative. You have to work at it. Giving people a key chain and some free food before basketball game works for the die-hards but not the casual fan. 

RV and his staff have made attempts. There was a Mean Green rally on the square one year and other half-hearted attempts that if they weren't total successes they disappeared into the ether and the old "people just don't care here" excuse was rolled out. 

The 10,000 member promise was a joke and never should have been a goal. Same for the quarterly meetings. 

He can raise all the money he wants, it won't fix the disconnect. Did the new tennis facility change anything? The nice bus? Will baseball? A shiny new practice facility?

Times are tough right now. They should be going above and beyond to build a bond between fans and the department so when it gets better the bandwagon fills quickly. Instead it's the same ol same ol. No imagination. No creativity. And they get defensive about it. 

Money won't fix the problem. 


This is why the problem is waaaayyyyy bigger than RV's laziness. He's lazy because his job is easy--stay in budget and don't make any negative public comments bout funding. If you do that, you get to stay for as long as you want. Literally, we don't care if you schedule 5 or 6 home games a year at Apogee--just don't lose money. We don't care if we lose games--just don't lose money. We don't care if the Super Pit will have a 50% drop in attendance under the current coach, which is about 20% capacity of the arena--just don't lose money.

Money won't fix the problem because even if you got more of it, the expectations from the leadership has always been to just not lose what we budget to athletics. Until winning trumps the possibility of losing money, the problem won't go away. All of the other efforts (caravans, signing autographs, sending out small gifts, etc..) won't solve anything until the leadership at the top clearly states and ACTS on making winning in revenue sports the top priority of the athletic department. Right now, its all about staying in budget.

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There is one reason the MGC never took off and probably won't-

RV and the department never consistently attempted to change the culture at North Texas. If you ask them what the MGC is they give you the standard "The Mean Green Club is the fundraising arm.....blah blah." In other words- you give us your money, it goes down a black hole, and we lose a bunch but here's a nice cooler for your troubles. 

That might cut it at UT or other universities but it won't cut it here. You have to make the effort to give back a little for what people are giving. You have to be creative. You have to work at it. Giving people a key chain and some free food before basketball game works for the die-hards but not the casual fan. 

RV and his staff have made attempts. There was a Mean Green rally on the square one year and other half-hearted attempts that if they weren't total successes they disappeared into the ether and the old "people just don't care here" excuse was rolled out. 

The 10,000 member promise was a joke and never should have been a goal. Same for the quarterly meetings. 

He can raise all the money he wants, it won't fix the disconnect. Did the new tennis facility change anything? The nice bus? Will baseball? A shiny new practice facility?

Times are tough right now. They should be going above and beyond to build a bond between fans and the department so when it gets better the bandwagon fills quickly. Instead it's the same ol same ol. No imagination. No creativity. And they get defensive about it. 

Money won't fix the problem. 


Cute list, but you forgot something:

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Has Apogee increased MGC membership significantly? 

Depends on what you would attribute as 'significant' due to building a football stadium, but probably.  I didn't join the MGC until it was built... even though I had season tix at Fouts.   I wouldn't hold the other buildings you cited in contempt though because those same things are likely not helping booster clubs at other schools either.

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What has not been pointed out here is that Mr. McNatt's gift to the University is actually $2.6 million.  On top of the athletic donation he is providing funds for academics and research including the Center for Logistics Education and Research, for research at the Kristin Farmer Autism Center and for the highly successful UNT Kuehne Speaker Series.

This is a great donation from a long time successful Denton businessman and community member.  And, it is by far his largest donation.

I do find it a bit amazing and callous that some here, in the face of this outstanding news for the University, can find a way to be negative.  The people who worked toward this donation deserve all the credit in the world.  While Mr. McNatt has been a long term supporter, it took foresight and effort to approach him for such a sizable level of donation.  Through what small amounts of fundraising I do for this university, I have learned it is not easy and takes effort.  The excuses one hears are at times laughable and one knows they are simply excuses.  It is often those who don't give who poo poo the efforts of those trying to help raise needed scholarship and research dollars for UNT.  Funny how that works, huh? If you think approaching folks for any level of donation is easy, I would encourage you to try it sometime.  It might just open your eyes a little.  If not, it will certainly provide you with some comic relief at times.  As UNT90 says....it is usually "crickets" from the usual suspects.

And, to expand further on the efforts of those working with Mr. McNatt, the original level suggested by Mr. McNatt was $500,000. Obviously, the folks working with Mr. McNatt and Mr. McNatt himself changed that vision as talks progressed and he saw both the athletic and academic need that he could fulfill.  That did not just happen.  

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Depends on what you would attribute as 'significant' due to building a football stadium, but probably.  I didn't join the MGC until it was built... even though I had season tix at Fouts.   I wouldn't hold the other buildings you cited in contempt though because those same things are likely not helping booster clubs at other schools either.

According to Cerebus we have around 1000+ MCG members. Considering RV's goal in 2004 was 3000 I would say Apogee didn't help us meet the goal. 

I don't hold the other buildings in contempt, I stated those types of contributions don't increase MGC membership and neither will this latest gift. Not that those aren't important and necessary but they don't solve the fan apathy/contribution problem here. 

Other schools don't need help with their booster clubs. We desperately do. 




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Now I see your problem......

Yes, I used FACTS.  The count came directly from the rosters posted by the AD on their own website.  


I guess if the facts undermine your position your best bet it to discredit the reporter of facts.



I would love to get the numbers straight from the AD. 

Last year was the first year I had seen the membership count on the website.  Prior to that I was able to see the 2002 MGC and season ticket sales number in a report from the AD.  Since then the only times I have seen season ticket numbers is when reporters have leaked a CUSA report.

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Yes, I used FACTS.  The count came directly from the rosters posted by the AD on their own website.  


I guess if the facts undermine your position your best bet it to discredit the reporter of facts.



Last year was the first year I had seen the membership count on the website.  Prior to that I was able to see the 2002 MGC and season ticket sales number in a report from the AD.  Since then the only times I have seen season ticket numbers is when reporters have leaked a CUSA report.


How much do you think the numbers have changed since Apogee? @Cerebus

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How much do you think the numbers have changed since Apogee? @Cerebus

Well we have the 2012-2014 season ticket info from CUSA:


And our tickets declined every year, even after our BOWL WIN.  I can't imagine MGC membership went up at the same time.  

We don't have 2010 and 2011 info, but I bet there was a bump in  numbers cause by the new stadium.  How much of that bump is still left?  Who knows.  

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How much do you think the numbers have changed since Apogee? @Cerebus

As based on the "Mean Green Club Members" page on a random 2010 (last year @ Fouts) game program:
Platinum (Minimum gift = $15K): 0  -  May not have been in existence yet
Diamond (Minimum gift = $10K): 1 (C.Dan Smith)
Emerald (Minimum gift = $5K): 2
Golden (Minimum gift = $2.5K): 6
Silver (Minimum gift = $1.5K): 7
Bronze (Minimum gift = $1K): 60
VC (Minimum gift = $500): 218
G&W (Minimum gift = $250): 184  - Included in this number was DATCU.  a local business should never have been allowed to give at this low level.  They're at Platinum now.
EP (Minimum gift = $125): 6
Recent (Minimum gift = $25): Not in existence yet.
TOTAL: 484

Compare that to Cerebus' numbers (which is from the same source, just published online)

That's a greater-than-two-fold increase.

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TOTAL: 484


That works with this article that states that in 2011 the school added 220 members to go "past 700."  Since 484 + 220 = 704 I am going to guess your numbers are correct.

So now we have four data points

  • 2002 - 211
  • 2010 - 484
  • 2011 - 700
  • 2014 - 1075

I'll go home and look through old programs from 2003 onward and see if any of them have MGC numbers.  

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That works with this article that states that in 2011 the school added 220 members to go "past 700."  Since 484 + 220 = 704 I am going to guess your numbers are correct.

So now we have four data points

  • 2002 - 211
  • 2010 - 484
  • 2011 - 700
  • 2014 - 1075

I'll go home and look through old programs from 2003 onward and see if any of them have MGC numbers.  

I believe they all will.  Check the last few pages, that's where I found these.

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As based on the "Mean Green Club Members" page on a random 2010 (last year @ Fouts) game program:Platinum (Minimum gift = $15K): 0  -  May not have been in existence yet
Diamond (Minimum gift = $10K): 1 (C.Dan Smith)
Emerald (Minimum gift = $5K): 2
Golden (Minimum gift = $2.5K): 6
Silver (Minimum gift = $1.5K): 7
Bronze (Minimum gift = $1K): 60
VC (Minimum gift = $500): 218
G&W (Minimum gift = $250): 184  - Included in this number was DATCU.  a local business should never have been allowed to give at this low level.  They're at Platinum now.
EP (Minimum gift = $125): 6
Recent (Minimum gift = $25): Not in existence yet.
TOTAL: 484

Compare that to Cerebus' numbers (which is from the same source, just published online)

That's a greater-than-two-fold increase.

Quiet you.....positive facts not welcome here! We only do graphs and charts in an attempt to discredit UNT.  You will be banned soon if you keep this up.  

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anyone who owns a suite is required to make a 15000 level plus donation to the MGC.  A couple of suites are split between two friends so they would be reflected individually at a lower level.

As everyone probably knows, club seating comes with required MGC donation also, I am not sure what that is, I don't own any club seats, but I think it is 500 annually.

The infrastructure is there to leverage apogee and seating.  We desperately need some consistency in football to help this happen.


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As everyone probably knows, club seating comes with required MGC donation also, I am not sure what that is, I don't own any club seats, but I think it is 500 annually.

Club level seating costs:

  1. One time stadium donation of  $3,125/$6,250/$12,500 per seat depending on section.
  2. Min. $500 MGC donation per year
  3. $325 per season ticket per year.



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Club level seating costs:

  1. One time stadium donation of  $3,125/$6,250/$12,500 per seat depending on section.
  2. Min. $500 MGC donation per year
  3. $325 per season ticket per year.



Unquestionably the best bargain in college football today.  I have often wondered why the donation level was not a per ticket per year requirement.  Many of the "big time" programs folks want to emulate require a donation level per seat...not the same level for the guy who buys one Club seat as for for the guy buying eight.  Don't know what donation per seat I would recommend, but seems a bit fairer to me across the board.  If such were to happen, some annual donation required levels might drop, some remain the same while others increased.  Don't know.  Glad I am not the one who has to figure this stuff out.  But, if I were, we would definitely have donations levels per seat, not per purchase regardless of number of seats purchased.

And, yes, should such a change be made it might behoove folks to speak individually to Club Seat holders and explain the rationale behind such a move, and furthermore, it might behoove folks to wait on making such a move until a time when demand is outpacing supply.  

Edited by KRAM1
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