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MGB breaking news -- Dajon Williams no longer a part of UNT program

Brett Vito

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If I drive down to Dallas on September 12th, sit in the sun and see the same perfomance, it will be bedlam.  I believe we can beat SMU with McNulty.  I also believe that the job is his until he loses it, and I don't know if he can do anything to lose it.


Haha, after being fed a crap sandwich from this AD for 14 years, a loss to SMU will finally reach the edge of bedlam, yeah ok. 

Something tells me that if we do lose, the standards for bedlam will be pushed back much like how the definition of failure for you with Benford after 2 years changed when it actually happened. 

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Haha, after being fed a crap sandwich from this AD for 14 years, a loss to SMU will finally reach the edge of bedlam, yeah ok.

Something tells me that if we do lose, the standards for bedlam will be pushed back much like how the definition of failure for you with Benford after 2 years changed when it actually happened.

​I just hope that RV knows he feels this way. I suspect that Mac knows it, too, and will be ready to gameplan for a win over the Ponies in Dallas, in our "alterantive" home game this season!!

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​I'm saying you're making an irrational jump in judgement. 1+1 is 2 and you are extrapolating 12,345,456,456,765 from it. Yes, the sons of the very good football players became good football players themselves. That's the norm. What you are suggesting without any support is the only way the sons of good college football players could become starters on the college teams is via nepotism. I'm sure Mac was friends with a LOT of people who had sons that became football players. Not all became starters. And do you anything at all to show the players who became starters were NOT the best players available at the time?

People who were not at all of the practices, all of the scrimmages or at all of the meetings seem to know far better than the professional who were at all of those things. But somehow, a group of coaches who are obsessed with winning are going to purposely choose to loose, apparently for the sole reason of making our fans mad. I don't think so!


By the way, on the CUSA board someone suggested that DW could go play for UAB. The UAB fans said thanks, no, they've seen him play.


​So you are saying that our current starting quarterback(who couldn't start for UTSA or Texas State) is the best quarterback that we have had on the roster (other than Derek Thompson) for the past 4 years? and that the fact that the head coach of our program has been close to him since he was in diapers is in no way related to him being the starter?

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​So you are saying that our current starting quarterback(who couldn't start for UTSA or Texas State) is the best quarterback that we have had on the roster (other than Derek Thompson) for the past 4 years? and that the fact that the head coach of our program has been close to him since he was in diapers is in no way related to him being the starter?

​Let's take it slowly. I wrote neither of the things above.

First, McNulty's chances to start for either UTSA or TXST would be directly dependent on what the other choices are. Last year, he only started at North Texas after two other quarterbacks had disastrous pairs of games each. He was number 2 going int the UT game only because DW had not been around for practice. Yes, DW had a good reason, but if you don't practice and you don't know the playbook you shouldn't play, period! 

Secondly, what I actually wrote was your "evidence" of "nepotism" only showed that the sons of good athletes tend to be athletes themselves. In no way what so ever was it evidence of nepotism! 

Third, if McCarney had not known McNulty since he was a child, McNulty would never have come to Texas for college, much less to a school like North Texas that gets ZERO publicity in Iowa. Every coach knew he wanted to play for his Dad's friend which certainly effected every other schools efforts at recruiting him. I don't remember his star rating, one or two, certainly would have gotten him in one of the many MAC or even FCS schools in the midwest. As the son of a former player, he could have been a walk on at Iowa. Instead, he chose to come to North Texas because he knew the coach. A LOT of people pick a college because they know someone who works in a program there. It doesn't equate to nepotism. 

Yes, he started for McCarney while here, but ONLY when there were no viable choices that offered any chance of winning. Both the previous starters had proven unreliable. If you don't believe that, look back at the games they played! McNulty ONLY started as a last result. When someone picks their last option after exhausting every other option, it isn't nepotism! 

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Not shocked by this one bit. I know many here, myself included, speculated DW transferring/leaving after the whole MiniMac debacle last year.  MiniMac committed several turnovers but was NEVER yanked like Dajon/Greer were. What message does that send to your QB's? Pretty obvious message, IMO. I was hoping DW would fight his way back into the fold.  We'll never really know what happened. He was the most physically gifted QB on this roster without a doubt. Maybe he lacked the mental toughness to work himself out of Mac's doghouse?  

I'm praying DSmith gets a fair shot come fall camp. In the back of my mind I know McNulty will start 99% games of this season. 

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​Let's take it slowly. I wrote neither of the things above.

First, McNulty's chances to start for either UTSA or TXST would be directly dependent on what the other choices are. Last year, he only started at North Texas after two other quarterbacks had disastrous pairs of games each. He was number 2 going int the UT game only because DW had not been around for practice. Yes, DW had a good reason, but if you don't practice and you don't know the playbook you shouldn't play, period! 

Secondly, what I actually wrote was your "evidence" of "nepotism" only showed that the sons of good athletes tend to be athletes themselves. In no way what so ever was it evidence of nepotism! 

Third, if McCarney had not known McNulty since he was a child, McNulty would never have come to Texas for college, much less to a school like North Texas that gets ZERO publicity in Iowa. Every coach knew he wanted to play for his Dad's friend which certainly effected every other schools efforts at recruiting him. I don't remember his star rating, one or two, certainly would have gotten him in one of the many MAC or even FCS schools in the midwest. As the son of a former player, he could have been a walk on at Iowa. Instead, he chose to come to North Texas because he knew the coach. A LOT of people pick a college because they know someone who works in a program there. It doesn't equate to nepotism. 

Yes, he started for McCarney while here, but ONLY when there were no viable choices that offered any chance of winning. Both the previous starters had proven unreliable. If you don't believe that, look back at the games they played! McNulty ONLY started as a last result. When someone picks their last option after exhausting every other option, it isn't nepotism! 

​We aren't talking about Riley Dodge here who despite his size and fragility, had some real talent. We didn't poach the kid from Iowa or Iowa State. Your thought process seems to be that Greer and DW were so bad that no matter how bad McNulty(and our offense with him at the helm) got that the other two were so bad that a second chance could not possibly warranted. Is that correct?

Here is an honest question: Could you say with any degree of certainty that, if McCarney retired after the HOD bowl and Canales took over, McNulty would be the starter today? Maybe you would argue that Chico has a different offensive philosophy so it isn't a fair question but what about the Buick? If Dickey took over this team after the '14 season, would he have picked McNulty out of our stable of qbs to "drive the bus" based on their performance this spring? 

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I would like Billy's perspective on this question:

Who would you say is the biggest impact recruit that we offered early, influencing said player to shut down his recruiting early, that everyone else decided not to offer because we offered early and the player outwardly said he was shutting down his recruiting early? Grammatical errors intentional.



I would say Tee Goree, although we didn't offer that early. We offered in September of his senior year, which is fairly late in modern day recruiting. He committed in November and apparently was offered by Arkansas a month and a half later but stayed.

As someone else said, any kids we have who bloom late and become P5 prospects are not that likely to stay even if they are committed. Also, because so many offers come out before, during, and shortly after kids' junior years, there aren't as many P5 offers going out during our after a kids' senior year. At least not nearly as many as they used to be.

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​We were likely the only because he committed very early and shut down his recruitment.

Dajon committed in late June. By modern day recruiting standards, especially with QBs, that is not early at all. Not really all that late, but definitely not early. The primary evaluation period (where the majority of offers come out) occurs right after signing day ends, with the offers starting to trickle out in February and March, but with a lot coming out from April through June.

Dajon made it the whole evaluation process, with colleges having plenty of chances to see him and evaluate him. The date of his commitment is not what kept his offer list from being extensive, and that goes for pretty much any kid who commits in June or later. That's an early commitment for our standards, but not much of a heavy time for additional offers to start coming in.

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Dajon committed in late June. By modern day recruiting standards, especially with QBs, that is not early at all. Not really all that late, but definitely not early. The primary evaluation period (where the majority of offers come out) occurs right after signing day ends, with the offers starting to trickle out in February and March, but with a lot coming out from April through June.

Dajon made it the whole evaluation process, with colleges having plenty of chances to see him and evaluate him. The date of his commitment is not what kept his offer list from being extensive, and that goes for pretty much any kid who commits in June or later. That's an early commitment for our standards, but not much of a heavy time for additional offers to start coming in.

​I stand corrected. Thank you for correcting my misinformation.

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​Let's take it slowly. I wrote neither of the things above.

First, McNulty's chances to start for either UTSA or TXST would be directly dependent on what the other choices are. Last year, he only started at North Texas after two other quarterbacks had disastrous pairs of games each. He was number 2 going int the UT game only because DW had not been around for practice. Yes, DW had a good reason, but if you don't practice and you don't know the playbook you shouldn't play, period! 

Secondly, what I actually wrote was your "evidence" of "nepotism" only showed that the sons of good athletes tend to be athletes themselves. In no way what so ever was it evidence of nepotism! 

Third, if McCarney had not known McNulty since he was a child, McNulty would never have come to Texas for college, much less to a school like North Texas that gets ZERO publicity in Iowa. Every coach knew he wanted to play for his Dad's friend which certainly effected every other schools efforts at recruiting him. I don't remember his star rating, one or two, certainly would have gotten him in one of the many MAC or even FCS schools in the midwest. As the son of a former player, he could have been a walk on at Iowa. Instead, he chose to come to North Texas because he knew the coach. A LOT of people pick a college because they know someone who works in a program there. It doesn't equate to nepotism. 

Yes, he started for McCarney while here, but ONLY when there were no viable choices that offered any chance of winning. Both the previous starters had proven unreliable. If you don't believe that, look back at the games they played! McNulty ONLY started as a last result. When someone picks their last option after exhausting every other option, it isn't nepotism! 

My apologies for breaking into someone else's dialogue, so I'll just briefly say that I'm not sure that I agree with a lot of that. Did anyone besides Mac really want AM as a scholarship QB? Anyone? And weren't there other potentially viable options in every instance where Mac placed AM on the top shelf? Personally, I would have let DW try and play through his issues last season, and this is coming from someone who was a DW skeptic from the beginning. I sure hope that AM skeptics (including myself) are proven wrong this season, because I strongly suspect that he is almost unmovable from the position.

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Ya'll remember that one time when as a true freshman McCarulty was brought in to score the first ever touchdown at Apogee?  A package/play we really wouldn't see the rest of the season unless DT was hurt and has to leave the game?  


Nah... Zero signs of nepotism here. 

​Yes, and we all know that Apogee will be our stadium until either the sun burns up or the feminization of America ends the game entirely. His legacy has been secured.

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​Vito, it is good to see you exclude facts like McNulty threw 3 pick sixes of his own last season. Or that even excluding the Nicholls game, DW threw for more yards per attempt with a higher completion percentage and still had as many tds as ints. McNulty threw more picks than tds. I guess those facts don't meet the McCarney narrative and you don't want to be in Mac's doghouse like Dajon was.

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I'm keeping my hopes up. I thought Thompson was going to be as awful his senior year as he was his junior year. (I won't mention a word or name of the team concerning the game versus the team from Troy, Alabama. ) Thompson played well his senior year. McNulty might surprise us. I hope he does but this is North Texas Football. They love to break my heart.

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Good luck to Williams where ever he lands.  I always wanted him to be tried at another position.

However, it is not like NT lost a key member of the team; because he was not.  He was not heavily recruited out of HS, like most NT recruits and apparently he didn't do the things off the field that Mac requires.  

He did look like the best QB in the spring game and I was hopeful that he would be able to contribute.  Mac is a coach and there are many like him that reward work off the field as much as on field performance.  I think they miss out on a particular gamer type of player, who ratchet it up at game time.   However, obviously the argument can be made, that despite some game time plusses with this type player,  their value is outweighed by  the effect of rewarding a player with game time that is not dedicated to practice and the effect that has on the rest of the team. 

Williams looks like "all world" against the completely outclassed by everybody Nicholls State, looked less than average against Indiana and looked about as bad as a QB can against UAB.  Coaches bend their rules for star players all the time, but Williams was judged not to be that quality.  




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Ya'll remember that one time when as a true freshman McCarulty was brought in to score the first ever touchdown at Apogee?  A package/play we really wouldn't see the rest of the season unless DT was hurt and has to leave the game?  


Nah... Zero signs of nepotism here. 

LOL @ McCarulty !!!

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