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Gainesville Caravan


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There was a nice crowd for the first stop on the Caravan tonight. Lots of great food, beer, wine and sodas. Had a table of UNT gear for sale as well.

Dave Barnett made his first official event to MC tonight. Don't know, but assume he will be at other events as well.

Same panel format as last year...which I tend to enjoy. Jalie Mitchell made her first appearance as head coach and did a fine job. She is definitely excited about being the Mean Green Head Coach. Coach Mac was Coach Mac and full of the "fire and brimstone" we have come to expect from him. And, before someone asks...Andy Mac is definitely #1 at this point and at this point Mac expects him to start game one against SMU...at this point.

Coach Benford smiled when I asked him about Brice's play in last weekend's all-star event. He obviously knew about it and mentioned that he had not been playing much recently. He said they were definitely going to be "coaching him up". He also mentioned that Combs is going to be a top five CUSA player and that J Mycal (sp.?)

Reese should be a top 10 CUSA player.

Heard also from volleyball, swimming, cross-country and softball.

Very well done, very positive evening and a good start to the Caravan season.

Anyone else who attended, please fee free to chime in with your perceptions of the event.

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Mac made an impassioned plea for attendance at games, not only at Apogee but for other sports as well. Says recruits do notice the 1/2 or 1/3 filled venues when they come to visit.

Benford mentioned that Brice could be what Combs was last season.

Jalie was very engaging. If you ask her a question, be prepared for a long answer. She said something about another announcement in the next few days (perhaps another transfer??).

All the other coaches were very good also. Love Slekis, she's entertaining.

Good turnout once again at Gainesville. Nice to see Era's own Aaron Fortenberry, almost didn't recognize him. He's lost a lot of weight since his playing days.

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Appreciate the updates guys. Sounds like it went well.

Sorry to get on my soapbox again, but I don't understand why coaches at these events are telling our most loyal fans that more people need to show up to games etc? Duh! We (the fans) are showing up and I would hazard a guess that most if not all who attend the Caravans are season ticket holders and diehards. This is not the audience for that message. Now if the message is prefaced by, "I know this does not apply to you" or "bring a friend, or a neighbor " I get that -- but honestly I think most who attend already being friends to the games as well. Shouldn't this type of plea be going out to the many alumni who aren't attending games or are disengaged from athletics? Why not send an impassioned plea letter out in the North Texan or some other widespread means that might actually end up garnering some damn results?

I just don't like the impassioned plea message being directed to loyal fans who are already doing what they can. How about thanking those in attendance for supporting the programs? It is supposed to be a fun event and I don't see why there needs to be the guilt trip laid on folks. gmg

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Appreciate the updates guys. Sounds like it went well.

Sorry to get on my soapbox again, but I don't understand why coaches at these events are telling our most loyal fans that more people need to show up to games etc? Duh! We (the fans) are showing up and I would hazard a guess that most if not all who attend the Caravans are season ticket holders and diehards. This is not the audience for that message. Now if the message is prefaced by, "I know this does not apply to you" or "bring a friend, or a neighbor " I get that -- but honestly I think most who attend already being friends to the games as well. Shouldn't this type of plea be going out to the many alumni who aren't attending games or are disengaged from athletics? Why not send an impassioned plea letter out in the North Texan or some other widespread means that might actually end up garnering some damn results?

I just don't like the impassioned plea message being directed to loyal fans who are already doing what they can. How about thanking those in attendance for supporting the programs? It is supposed to be a fun event and I don't see why there needs to be the guilt trip laid on folks. gmg

Agree 100%. Or maybe he should ask RV why his staff isn't doing their job!

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Yeah, I agree. But this is their marketing campaign to attend games. Hot mics are essentially free, doesn't matter whose listening. When it's all said and done they can say they tried. Wrong place, wrong demographic, wrong time, wrong everything. But who cares, we're North Texas.

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Harry, I mostly agree. But I would go a little further and say Coach Mac pretty much needs to quit that message altogether. You sell football tickets by portraying North Texas football as a fun, exciting experience, not by trying to guilt people into attending. But yeah, that message has most certainly worn thin with the faithful, especially considering how continuously he has directed it at them.

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Thank you very much Harry for your post. After reading Vito's story about the event, I began to reconsider attending any caravan event. I've gone all but one year to at least one and get tired of the guilt trip about attendance. I hear it and want to say, you know what, why don't you quit being terrible and maybe I can get someone else to come.

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Appreciate the updates guys. Sounds like it went well.

Sorry to get on my soapbox again, but I don't understand why coaches at these events are telling our most loyal fans that more people need to show up to games etc? Duh! We (the fans) are showing up and I would hazard a guess that most if not all who attend the Caravans are season ticket holders and diehards. This is not the audience for that message. Now if the message is prefaced by, "I know this does not apply to you" or "bring a friend, or a neighbor " I get that -- but honestly I think most who attend already being friends to the games as well. Shouldn't this type of plea be going out to the many alumni who aren't attending games or are disengaged from athletics? Why not send an impassioned plea letter out in the North Texan or some other widespread means that might actually end up garnering some damn results?

I just don't like the impassioned plea message being directed to loyal fans who are already doing what they can. How about thanking those in attendance for supporting the programs? It is supposed to be a fun event and I don't see why there needs to be the guilt trip laid on folks. gmg


Dont make some desperate plea to get the loyal fans who do show up to go to the games. If you expect us to show up your team better show out. If you want your sell outs put a better product on the field and bring in more quality opponents. Do your part coach and we will take care of ours.

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Thank you very much Harry for your post. After reading Vito's story about the event, I began to reconsider attending any caravan event. I've gone all but one year to at least one and get tired of the guilt trip about attendance. I hear it and want to say, you know what, why don't you quit being terrible and maybe I can get someone else to come.

Yeah, quit being terrible and have a winning season, win a bowl game or something! Oh wait...geez people have a short memory.

While I agree that he's probably speaking to most of the faithful I think it's well accepted that the attendance on the alumni side is fickle. They show up to some but not all games. That is who I think he is speaking to, not to the faithful on this board. Could it be delivered better though? Absolutely

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Yeah, it's pretty crazy hearing about him demanding people to come out and watch this wonderful product he has put together.

The Derek Thompson comparisons at the FIRST stop is so frustrating to hear. AM has about half the arm DT had and theres no changing that.

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KRAM, were you offended by Coach asking you to show up?

I buy season tickets to football, never miss a home game and try to see 1-2 road games/year. Show up for 1-2 basketball games/year.

I would assume he is not talking to me about football and talking to me about basketball. Either way, don't take it personally fellas.

Nothing wrong with asking for the business when the customer is sitting in front of you at a free (?) event.


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“What we need now is for folks to come out and be a part of what we do,” Villarreal said. “It’s fair to say that we provided the facilities and atmosphere that people wanted. We have the kind of coaches who can do what we need to do. Dan proved that a year ago. We need people to come out, fill the stands and help move the program forward.”

Seriously, Rick?

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“What we need now is for folks to come out and be a part of what we do,” Villarreal said. “It’s fair to say that we provided the facilities and atmosphere that people wanted. We have the kind of coaches who can do what we need to do. Dan proved that a year ago. We need people to come out, fill the stands and help move the program forward.”

Seriously, Rick?

Ah straight out of the ol' RV playbook. The blame 'em, shame 'em and they'll turn out strategy.

The strategy that has failed every year and will fail again this year.

The day RV and his Southern Miss good ol' boy marketing director are gone can't come soon enough.

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Seriously, Rick?

Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. To say that after a season in which we went 4-18 against our division opponents, had the second worst conference record in football (lost to the only team below us), didn't make the conference tournament in women's basketball, and lost by 28 in the first round of the men's basketball tournament, but we have the kind of coaches we need. Obviously. So what are the fans waiting on?

Dan proved he could win with 7 starters on offense and 6 starters on defense inherited from the previous coach, including the QB and entire defense line. Has he really proved anything beyond that? It hasn't been proven that he can't sustain success, but he hasn't "proved that" just based on that one season. And Jalie has looked like a good hire so far, but she hasn't coached a game so we don't know that for sure.

I just don't get how he can make statements like that and expect people to believe and trust him, outside of the people who will no matter what.

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Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. To say that after a season in which we went 4-18 against our division opponents, had the second worst conference record in football (lost to the only team below us), didn't make the conference tournament in women's basketball, and lost by 28 in the first round of the men's basketball tournament, but we have the kind of coaches we need. Obviously. So what are the fans waiting on?

Dan proved he could win with 7 starters on offense and 6 starters on defense inherited from the previous coach, including the QB and entire defense line. Has he really proved anything beyond that? It hasn't been proven that he can't sustain success, but he hasn't "proved that" just based on that one season. And Jalie has looked like a good hire so far, but she hasn't coached a game so we don't know that for sure.

I just don't get how he can make statements like that and expect people to believe and trust him, outside of the people who will no matter what.

RV must go and his need to go is starting to become well documented. I have no hard feelings toward the man, but his time here has expired. I do not understand the hesitation to bring in someone else.
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Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. To say that after a season in which we went 4-18 against our division opponents, had the second worst conference record in football (lost to the only team below us), didn't make the conference tournament in women's basketball, and lost by 28 in the first round of the men's basketball tournament, but we have the kind of coaches we need. Obviously. So what are the fans waiting on?

Dan proved he could win with 7 starters on offense and 6 starters on defense inherited from the previous coach, including the QB and entire defense line. Has he really proved anything beyond that? It hasn't been proven that he can't sustain success, but he hasn't "proved that" just based on that one season. And Jalie has looked like a good hire so far, but she hasn't coached a game so we don't know that for sure.

I just don't get how he can make statements like that and expect people to believe and trust him, outside of the people who will no matter what.

Yet he gets extended again and again.

The BOR loves him. So do the very few big donors we have.

You either accept it or you go away--just like the other students, alumni, and potential fans have for decades. They are our teams with our alma mater on the uniform. Its not their fault that the leaders above them aren't held to a better standard of success that might actually attract fans to come to games.You either support the kids with your attendance or you walk away. Judging by the 1/2 empty (or more) Apogee at the end of the season home game and the 4/5s empty Super Pit at the end of a season home game, we can fairly easily figure out what side we gmg posters are on and the side the other UNT family finds itself overwhelmingly on.

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Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. To say that after a season in which we went 4-18 against our division opponents, had the second worst conference record in football (lost to the only team below us), didn't make the conference tournament in women's basketball, and lost by 28 in the first round of the men's basketball tournament, but we have the kind of coaches we need. Obviously. So what are the fans waiting on?

Dan proved he could win with 7 starters on offense and 6 starters on defense inherited from the previous coach, including the QB and entire defense line. Has he really proved anything beyond that? It hasn't been proven that he can't sustain success, but he hasn't "proved that" just based on that one season. And Jalie has looked like a good hire so far, but she hasn't coached a game so we don't know that for sure.

I just don't get how he can make statements like that and expect people to believe and trust him, outside of the people who will no matter what.

It gets harder and harder every year. It took me from the last Dickey Bowl all the way to last season to give up on my diehard football ways. Hell... If the Benny disaster had been put to death in a timely fashion I'd probably still be football optimistic now. Checkout quickly or you'll soon not be able to muster up a single damn about any collegiate sport as they just make you angry when you relate them back your beloved alma mater.

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