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UNT students petition for a speaker other than Texas Gov. Abbott

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Gov. Greg Abbott will speak at the University of North Texas graduation next month even though some students promise to boycott their own commencement ceremony if he gives the keynote address.

More than 2,000 students have signed an online petition asking UNT officials to choose a different speaker for their May ceremony.

While Governor Abbotts story is inspirational, his views on inequality cannot be overshadowed by this, the petition states. Our Mean Green Pride comes from being heard and respected. Which is why we ask University President Neal Smatresk to find a new keynote speaker for graduation.

Smatresk said hes not changing speakers and hes excited that the states 48th governor will speak at the ceremony.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article17728151.html#storylink=cpy

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I love the anti-Abbott crowd being so "disgusted" by Abbotts supposed intolerance for certain minorities while they sling offensive intolerant rhetoric towards a man in a wheel chair. The hypocrisy is great. I just hope these jackasses don't embarrass UNT.

Side note: Has any left leaning speakers gotten crapped on by right leaning students at UNT?

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I love the anti-Abbott crowd being so "disgusted" by Abbotts supposed intolerance for certain minorities while they sling offensive intolerant rhetoric towards a man in a wheel chair. The hypocrisy is great. I just hope these jackasses don't embarrass UNT.

Side note: Has any left leaning speakers gotten crapped on by right leaning students at UNT?

Gay >>>>>>>> disabled in far left politics, my friend.

But if the right were like the left (thank god we aren't), all you would be hearing right now is how Gov. Abbott is being discriminated against by the left because they hate the disabled.

I wonder if it ever occurred to any of these morons that they are attempting to stop a really good role model for the disabled from speaking to disabled students at UNT.

What a bunch of hate filled bigots. Why do they hate the disabled?

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I'm conservative as it gets and though I have already graduated I would be honored if Obama came and spoke at my graduation. And I think Obama is a nitwit, but I would still be honored. So, that dudes analogy is out the window.

There's a reason republicans are called conservatives. I'm not protesting at anything, ever. I'm not going to ever sign a petition, ever. I'm not going to be publicly obnoxious. I am going to listen to what any one has to say and take a step back and observe. Then, make my opinion based off of my own thoughts, not someone else's. I am going to vote every local election and national election and hope that my elected official makes the best possible decisions for the sum and not the parts. Loud mouths are the libs and that is fine because more times than not the loudest are usually the most uninformed. So, I'm going to go to this graduation, just to hear MJF (he's still going to be there, right?) and Gov Abbott speak at out university graduation and be proud that they both came to our place.

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I was never a Bill Clinton supporter, but I went to hear him speak at one of my industry conventions years ago. I didn't like his politics and, as my Mom would say, he had the morals of an alley cat, but how often are we giving the opportunity to hear a past world leader speak. BTW, he was smooth and a great speaker. No wonder he was chasing skirts. The man had skills.

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I was never a Bill Clinton supporter, but I went to hear him speak at one of my industry conventions years ago. I didn't like his politics and, as my Mom would say, he had the morals of an alley cat, but how often are we giving the opportunity to hear a past world leader speak. BTW, he was smooth and a great speaker. No wonder he was chasing skirts. The man had skills.

I understand from those in a position to know that Bill Clinton is a guy you would love to drink a beer with while watching a game.

Those same people say Hillary is a complete shrew who you wouldn't want to be alone with for 5 minutes.

They are in a very good position to know.

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Gay >>>>>>>> disabled in far left politics, my friend.

But if the right were like the left (thank god we aren't), all you would be hearing right now is how Gov. Abbott is being discriminated against by the left because they hate the disabled.

I wonder if it ever occurred to any of these morons that they are attempting to stop a really good role model for the disabled from speaking to disabled students at UNT.

What a bunch of hate filled bigots. Why do they hate the disabled?

Yeah, after his accident he suited the homeowner and the tree service company, and was awarded a 10Million settlement. After that he championed tort reform in Texas that put a cap on awards at 750,000. He's a great "well-I-got-mine-now-good-luck-to-the-rest-of-you" role model.

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Yeah, after his accident he suited the homeowner and the tree service company, and was awarded a 10Million settlement. After that he championed tort reform in Texas that put a cap on awards at 750,000. He's a great "well-I-got-mine-now-good-luck-to-the-rest-of-you" role model.

So because of his politics, he's not the RIGHT kind of disabled for you?

Got it.

Only the disabled who follow the left's version of how disabled people should act can be allowed to speak to the disabled, eh?

Edited by UNT90
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I would have loved to have Ann Richards speak at my graduation even though Bush was the Governor and running for president at the time. I thought her politics were garbage but she was a cool lady.

I just don't get these lunatic people who freak out about the little things in life. Abbott will probably have a great speech lined up with good stories to tell. Like him or hate him but he's an intelligent guy with a above average biography.

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So because of his politics, he's not the RIGHT kind of disabled for you?

Got it.

Only the disabled who follow the left's version of how disabled people should act can be allowed to speak to the disabled, eh?

Reading comprehension please. I just pointed out the hypocrisy of his "inspirational story". He got his, and good luck to everyone else after him who becomes disabled.....right or left.

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Reading comprehension please. I just pointed out the hypocrisy of his "inspirational story". He got his, and good luck to everyone else after him who becomes disabled.....right or left.

Yet you leave out the real story of overcoming a huge obstacle in life because YOU want to focus on a polotical point and amazingly seem to disqualify his disability because of YOUR politics.

Just head shakingly obtuse.

Edited by UNT90
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Yet you leave out the real story of overcoming a huge obstacle in life because YOU want to focus on a polotical point and amazingly seem to disqualify his disability because of YOUR politics.

Just hand shakingly obtuse.

You've GOT to be kidding.He overcame his disability with the help of his 10m money stream. I'm more inspired by someone who has overcome the same disability with only the support of their families and the meager financial support that they can scrape up locally. Let me repeat... Abbott got his, and then supported legislation that limited the financial support that he enjoys for all others that came after him. Your refusal to acknowledge this is the very definition of obtuse.

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You've GOT to be kidding.He overcame his disability with the help of his 10m money stream. I'm more inspired by someone who has overcome the same disability with only the support of their families and the meager financial support that they can scrape up locally. Let me repeat... Abbott got his, and then supported legislation that limited the financial support that he enjoys for all others that came after him. Your refusal to acknowledge this is the very definition of obtuse.

So the fact that he did his job in presenting the state now disqualifies him from not only being a role model to the disabled, but from addressing the disabled at a commencement? Does it disqualify him from being disabled in your mind, also?

And how mighty liberal of you to decide for the disabled how they should act and who their role models should be.

It's like you want them to fit the exact stereotype of how you perceive them or else you will disqualify their disability.

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So the fact that he did his job in presenting the state, (actually the insurance industry) now disqualifies him from not only being a role model to the disabled (yes, because thanks to his support of tort reform, he made it more difficult for anyone in the future to get the full financial support that they need to achieve, (for them) full recovery), but from addressing the disabled at a commencement? Does it disqualify him from being disabled in your mind, also?...perhaps, mainly because with his 10m financial support he's not as disabled as they are.

And how mighty liberal of you to decide for the disabled how they should act and who their role models should be. Once again Mr. Obtuse, I didn't say anything of a kind. I said that I don't find him to be a inspirational role model.

It's like you want them to fit the exact stereotype of how you perceive them or else you will disqualify their disability. Mr. Obtuse, Who the hell are they? Never mind.

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I have to side with Silver on this one. Besides, where does it ever state that he is going to speak about overcoming his disability? You're right, it doesn't.

The point of me bringing up my Bill Clinton experience was that some of the people chose to not attend based on his politics. His speech was not political in nature. In fact, his speech was excellent on the rise of global obesity and how that had become America's largest export. Too many people get hung up on one or two aspects of a person's personality that they don't like and tune them out to never hear the positives they would experience.

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