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Will RV's Terrible Scheduling Continue unabated?


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You don't understand. According to UNT90, RV must be fired or NT will never win another game in any sport. The need for RV to be fired is so great that until it happens there will be no accountability in the Universe. And we will be forced to play nothing but fine game schedules against FCS teams!

Are you guys related?

At any FBS school that was actually serious about winning, people would have called for this in 2009, if not before.

It has taken me a lot of time and a lot of frustration to get to this point. Football scheduling and blaming 20 year olds for HIS mistake by again making a terrible hire, this time in basketball, finally pushed me over the edge.

And it's an edge that could absolutely cut both ways. If UNT does fire RV, will they hire a serious athletic director to take his place? Or just another suck up that balances the books? Or worse?

The "or worse" really scares me, but I'm finally willing to take that chance. And that says a WHOLE lot about the situation at UNT.

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Its going to be even harder for R.V. to get anyone of the Big 5 Conferences to schedule us since both TCU and Baylor getting hammered because of their soft O.C.C.Lets face it. We are a cupcake.

We're not Samford, or Northwestern Louisiana St. though. Those are the teams TCU & Baylor cannot afford to play due to SOS concerns. I think any FBS squad would suffice.

Remember at the beginning of the year alot of people were talking about UNT being a great "1st test" for Charlie Strong because we were coming off a 9-4 year with a bowl win?

Just gotta win.

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This list HAS to be WRONG... there's no Ben Gooding. I'm fairly certain a guy that continuously exhorts us all to demand more is leading the way by giving at least $125 annually to the MGC. No Ben Gooding = fabricated list.

Nice try, King. You almost had me

You see this weak ass list and that's your first thought?

I've stated several times that I'm not donating a red cent until someone from the University picks up a damn phone and contacts me. I am a willing donor, they have my contact information, I have never been contacted via phone, email or mail.

I jumped on 2 of the young alum seats while already having season tickets. I saw people putting genuine effort into something so I contributed. It's crazy how that works. Effort.

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I want some of what you are smoking if you think Missouri,Arkansas, or Nebraska would come to Denton.Even if they did I wouldn't be that excited about us getting hammered at home. I would like to see us play 6 home games, to include an annual 1aa opponent such as SHSU[who could probably kick our ass]. In addition most Belt , MAC , and AAC ,teams would be welcome additions.Schools used to schedule OOC games based upon ; a]one you should win b]one you could win c] one you would have to be lucky as hell to win. I do know that financially we still must play 1 or 2 money games on the road, which is a far cry from the 3 to 5 Dickey was saddled with when he first arrived at North Texas. Since each school has different financial goals I don't know if it is fair to compare our OOC games vs. theirs.It seems reasonable to me for some one[perhaps Harry]to ask Rick to go thru the scheduling steps so we have an understanding as to what is involved, as I certainly do not, and until I do I am not as quick to pull the trigger as some of you .In summary, I just don't have enough information to make an informed opinion[which I admit has not always stopped me in the past]. I also am a big fan of RV and the sports venues we have built during his tenure.He is not perfect. He rolled the dice with Dodge and lost, and the jury is still out on Jonnie Jones replacement.I thought Coach Mac was a good hire, but am extremely disappointed in this past season's performance. Also if I hear again what a hard place UNT is to recruit I think I will puke. Sorry for changing the subject somewhat, but I assure you that I do understand and share your frustrations.

Edited by wardly
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I want some of what you are smoking if you think Missouri,Arkansas, or Nebraska would come to Denton.Even if they did I wouldn't be that excited about us getting hammered at home. I would like to see us play 6 home games, to include an annual 1aa opponent such as SHSU[who could probably kick our ass]. In addition most Belt , MAC , and AAC ,teams would be welcome additions.Schools used to schedule OOC games based upon ; a]one you should win b]one you could win c] one you would have to be lucky as hell to win. I do know that financially we still must play 1 or 2 money games on the road, which is a far cry from the 3 to 5 Dickey was saddled with when he first arrived at North Texas. Since each school has different financial goals I don't know if it is fair to compare our OOC games vs. theirs.It seems reasonable to me for some one[perhaps Harry]to ask Rick to go thru the scheduling steps so we have an understanding as to what is involved, as I certainly do not, and until I do I am not as quick to pull the trigger as some of you .In summary, I just don't have enough information to make an informed opinion[which I admit has not always stopped me in the past]. I also am a big fan of RV and the sports venues we have built during his tenure.He is not perfect. He rolled the dice with Dodge and lost, and the jury is still out on Jonnie Jones replacement.I thought Coach Mac was a good hire, but am extremely disappointed in this past season's performance. Also if I hear again what a hard place UNT is to recruit I think I will puke. Sorry for changing the subject somewhat, but I assure you that I do understand and share your frustrations.


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You see this weak ass list and that's your first thought?

I've stated several times that I'm not donating a red cent until someone from the University picks up a damn phone and contacts me. I am a willing donor, they have my contact information, I have never been contacted via phone, email or mail.

I jumped on 2 of the young alum seats while already having season tickets. I saw people putting genuine effort into something so I contributed. It's crazy how that works. Effort.

Even 90 agrees if a person doesn't have $ in the game, they should tone down the complaints.

You're no son of his.

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Every off season I'm torn. Do I want to discuss helmet stickers and handbags or do I want to discuss who pisses higher on the donor chart? Let's throw in a wild card -- could Todd Dodge have won at Apogee?

The answer is, you guessed it, Karen Aston.

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Even 90 agrees if a person doesn't have $ in the game, they should tone down the complaints.

You're no son of his.

Not quite.

People can complain as much as they want, it just doesn't mean as much or carry as much weight (or at least it shouldn't) unless you are invested financially.

Ben Gooding is invested financially. He buys season tickets. That's more than about half the mofos on this site that regularly post do for this program.

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Not quite.

People can complain as much as they want, it just doesn't mean as much or carry as much weight (or at least it shouldn't) unless you are invested financially.

Ben Gooding is invested financially. He buys season tickets. That's more than about half the mofos on this site that regularly post do for this program.

I will re-up the donation pledge I let lapse if you all go have a father/son catch in the wing end zone with RV and film it with actual production value.

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People can complain as much as they want, it just doesn't mean as much or carry as much weight (or at least it shouldn't) unless you are invested financially.

I don't donate anymore and I don't care how much weight my complaints have here.

My complaints had zero weight with the AD when I did donate, hence why I don't donate or own season tickets anymore. I'll be back the day RV is gone.

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I don't donate anymore and I don't care how much weight my complaints have here.

My complaints had zero weight with the AD when I did donate, hence why I don't donate or own season tickets anymore. I'll be back the day RV is gone.

And RV being gone is kind of what 90 is and has been lobbying for. I think he's gotta go and it's not even really up for debate. It should be a no-brainer decision and our BOR is for whatever reason hesitating to pull the trigger. It's fascinating, it really is. Maybe they are waiting to watch our bball team completely crumble and pull the trigger in the summer? Or maybe they simply don't care. Who knows.
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And then the next person will make you mad and that will be your excuse. Donations are about helping student athletes, not who the athletic director is.

It's the AD's job to make good hires so he can have quality results on the field and court. Ultimately that is what really matters and counts otherwise why have one and why pay him a very handsome salary for several years down the road? If success happens, people get more engaged and care and if that happens that is when they have an itch to get more involved and thus donate for the student athletes. At the end of the day this is a business and that's the way it works and will always work.

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And then the next person will make you mad and that will be your excuse. Donations are about helping student athletes, not who the athletic director is.

Sure, if you believe that then why even worry about how many wins the program gets in each sport? I'm all about helping student athletes but ya - there needs to be accountability to the highest levels of the AD office and above.

  • Would you hold the dean of the College of business accountable if they had a 1% graduation rate?
  • Would you hold the Pres. of UNT accountable if he doesn't even come close to his stated goals?

You could choose to say, yeah but - we're educating citizens! We have graduated x number of great citizens!

Every single person out there has goals that are written down somewhere.

Simple question for you - what is your requirement for RV to keep his job? Basic job requirements beneath which, this person will be fired. Please be specific in all phases.

Or not, and we can continue to ignore the situation publicly. I can guarantee you, there are base requirements for most to meet in order to keep their jobs.

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And then the next person will make you mad and that will be your excuse. Donations are about helping student athletes, not who the athletic director is.

Education helps student athletes. The best teaching is by showing your students what to do, not what to say. When these student athletes see that giving a full effort, doing things as well as other entities, and achieving on the field simply don't matter at UNT, don't you think that is detrimental to their education? Their life education?

Because, it's all about the student athletes, right?

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Education helps student athletes. The best teaching is by showing your students what to do, not what to say. When these student athletes see that giving a full effort, doing things as well as other entities, and achieving on the field simply don't matter at UNT, don't you think that is detrimental to their education? Their life education?

Because, it's all about the student athletes, right?

Your ground is getting really shaky here.

Move back over to the 'We only have 5 home games' rock. That's the issue; not student-athletes' life lessons learned from a 5 game schedule even though someone promised we'd have 6.

This is the University of North Texas, not the School of Hard Knocks. The education we, as boosters, are supporting is in the classroom.

If someone is dumb enough to believe the above and use it as justification for withholding support from their university's booster club (which, admittedly, I doubt you would), then that is awfully inept.

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I agree donations are about helping student athletes.

Imagine how many donations we would have helping student athletes if the football and basketball program had consistent winning seasons, the home schedule was on par with other schools with lesser resources, athletic dept. lip service was replaced by action and the programs were marketed properly….

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