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Liquor stores, yes. Unlike the Frisco City Council's unilateral move to immediately buy up all the approved parcels of land after the citizens voted yes on the local choice option.

Yes. Damn the Frisco city council for not recognizing what wonders liquor stores have done for Dallas. How short sighted of the city council to not want more alcoholics in the city. When will they ever learn?


Yes. Damn the Frisco city council for not recognizing what wonders liquor stores have done for Dallas. How short sighted of the city council to not want more alcoholics in the city. When will they ever learn?

From my view, since I lived on the side of town closest to Little Elm and The Colony, it didn't affect me, but yes, damn them for willfully, wantonly, immediately overruling the vote of their own people.

  • Upvote 4

From my view, since I lived on the side of town closest to Little Elm and The Colony, it didn't affect me, but yes, damn them for willfully, wantonly, immediately overruling the vote of their own people.

So, you're saying liquor made Little Elm and The Colony the thriving metropolises they are today?

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Frisco has it's ups and downs. But, it's safe for my wife and kids, so I endure whatever the minor downs are. The major dust ups here are things like where boundary lines for the new 80% white high school will be and whether the new power lines to accommodate the growth will be above or below ground. I'll take that any day over sending my kids to schools with thugs and communities filled with thieving, drug-infested maggots.

As far as Denton, it's easy to see why UNT's athletics gets no support - the city hates anything that might actually bring money to the city. Convention Center, no. Fracking, no. Fight for an outdated grocery store, yes.


Drug infested maggots.

You're a reprehensible human being. Plain and simple.

Stay in Frisco, we'll move into the 21st century over here in little d.

Not touching this thread anymore, it's a minefield.

Edited by Ryan Munthe
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Drug infested maggots.

You're a reprehensible human being. Plain and simple.

Stay in Frisco, we'll move into the 21st century over here in little d.

Not touching this thread anymore, it's a minefield.

You didn't like his characterization of certain criminals and decided to call him names. I fail to see how that makes you any better than what you purport to dislike.
  • Upvote 4

You didn't like his characterization of certain criminals and decided to call him names. I fail to see how that makes you any better than what you purport to dislike.

You don't think his insane description of people from rough upbringings is a little out of touch and insane? Being addicted to drugs doesn't make you a lesser person. Sorry that TFLF was raised in a privileged family that never had to contend with the unfortunate aspects of society.

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You didn't like his characterization of certain criminals and decided to call him names. I fail to see how that makes you any better than what you purport to dislike.

I'd say his inference that communities not featuring 80% white schools are full of thieving, drug filled Maggots and thugs.... Pretty reprehensible.

Disagree if you will.

  • Upvote 7
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Posted (edited)

I'd say his inference that communities not featuring 80% white schools are full of thieving, drug filled Maggots and thugs.... Pretty reprehensible.

Disagree if you will.

I had written racist in my original post to him but didn't want to go down that rabbit hole on here.

Funny enough, the schools I attended that were primarily white were the ones rampant with drugs, thievery and crime.

Edited by Ryan Munthe
  • Lovely Take 1

You don't think his insane description of people from rough upbringings is a little out of touch and insane? Being addicted to drugs doesn't make you a lesser person. Sorry that TFLF was raised in a privileged family that never had to contend with the unfortunate aspects of society.

"thieving, drug infested maggots"

Second definition here:


"A despicable person"

So if person is a thief and on drugs they are not despicable? Do you think they are admirable?

To answer your question, no his description was not insane and whether it was out of touch is debatable. Judging by your post you shouldn't have any problems with someone being harsh towards any other person or groups of people as you so quickly engage in that behavior yourself.

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I spent six years living in Frisco, and would rather have multiple root canals without anesthetic than to spend one more night in that souless corporate facade of a community populated by people who fuel their lives by fear of everybody and everything and protect their children with 10 foot privacy fences that match HOA approved shades of stain.

I truly could not care less whether Denton gets a convention center or not, but to use Frisco in any way, shape, form, or even mere mention as a model of what Denton should be, gets a "fart in your general direction" from me.

Lot of cool places in Frisco, you just have to get off the beaten path and find them. Plus, places are fun or not based on the people there, not the tile or wood floors.

  • Upvote 1

"thieving, drug infested maggots"

Second definition here:


"A despicable person"

So if person is a thief and on drugs they are not despicable? Do you think they are admirable?

To answer your question, no his description was not insane and whether it was out of touch is debatable. Judging by your post you shouldn't have any problems with someone being harsh towards any other person or groups of people as you so quickly engage in that behavior yourself.

They're not despicable. TFLF has no humanity or empathy, and it's obvious. They're people who are in different situations than you, TFLF or I. They need to be helped, not called maggots. Not to mention that his comment was racist, too.

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I'd say his inference that communities not featuring 80% white schools are full of thieving, drug filled Maggots and thugs.... Pretty reprehensible.

Disagree if you will.

If that's what he said and not what you read into it, yes reprehensible. If you and/or Ryan read that with enough bias to reach that conclusion then I don't think a message board will change your feelings. I took the two statement separately and to Ryan's point I think any statement saying that a high percentage of white students will ensure low crime/drug use is inaccurate and as previously stayed awful.
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Spec's is owned by UNT alumni, isn't it? I seem to think that through whatever grapevine I've got in Denton that they are among the first in line for a permit and location.

It is. I honestly think a warehouse style one at Rayzor would do incredible.

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They're not despicable. TFLF has no humanity or empathy, and it's obvious. They're people who are in different situations than you, TFLF or I. They need to be helped, not called maggots. Not to mention that his comment was racist, too.

Yes. I'm the racist married to a Mexican with half-Mexican children in tow. Absolutely. And, we speak Spanish at the house...that's how racist we are. We eschew speaking English amongst ourselves, the mother tongue of racism, right? We also have the kids taking Chinese on the weekends because we hate the Chinese, right?

By the way, it was my Mexican (real Mexican, born and raised in Mexico, not some half-witted American hispanic puffing away on weed, knocking back 40s, listening to Pitbull, unable to put two sentences together in Spanish or English, yet marching around yelling, Sí, se puede, because they are unemployed, doped up, and have nothing better to do) wife who picked Frisco because it lacked the drug-infested maggots that she figured would endanger her children.

My preference was for Lucas, Allen, or McKinney...all of which are demonstrably less drug-infested than Dallas County and its aging cities, where I grew up when they were, thankfully, not drug-infested.

The druggies, criminals, and those that are constantly enabling them, are welcome to stay in the crap hole sections of the world that they have made for themselves. Far, far away from the rest of us who do not accept criminal behavior, drug use, and socio-political stupidity as a way of life.

Now, grind that up, stick it in your one-hitter and smoke it.

  • Upvote 4

The Convention Center is a great example of what, in my opinion, is a fundamental problem with a lot of attitudes on this board toward the city of Denton with regards to what the city does or doesn't do for the university and what the university does and doesn't do for the city.

At no point in time did UNT's leadership put any skin in this game. NO. POINT. IN. TIME. I know that the city council reached out to UNT's leadership to ask for their support, even if it was nothing more than vocal support. The answer to that was crickets. UNT in general and UNT Athletics in particular were going to be huge beneficiaries of this project and yet they couldn't bother getting behind it beyond a press release or two.

Regardless, to more than a few of you here, this is all the city's fault. It's merely the latest in a long line of perceived slights and let downs. If you want to be angry at an institution and individuals who could have made a difference in moving public opinion on this, be angry at UNT's leadership and their deafening silence on the subject.

  • Upvote 8
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The Convention Center is a great example of what, in my opinion, is a fundamental problem with a lot of attitudes on this board toward the city of Denton with regards to what the city does or doesn't do for the university and what the university does and doesn't do for the city.

At no point in time did UNT's leadership put any skin in this game. NO. POINT. IN. TIME. I know that the city council reached out to UNT's leadership to ask for their support, even if it was nothing more than vocal support. The answer to that was crickets. UNT in general and UNT Athletics in particular were going to be huge beneficiaries of this project and yet they couldn't bother getting behind it beyond a press release or two.

Regardless, to more than a few of you here, this is all the city's fault. It's merely the latest in a long line of perceived slights and let downs. If you want to be angry at an institution and individuals who could have made a difference in moving public opinion on this, be angry at UNT's leadership and their deafening silence on the subject.

Good post!


Posted (edited)

I love this place because it is truly like an ant pile when you kick it...or, even, just nudge it a little with the toe.

Ryan, get a physical grip on reality. What do you think separates cities like Frisco from Dallas? Why is it that drug dealers don't run the neighborhoods in places like Frisco? Decade after decade of excusing drug crime has gotten Dallas and other cities what they deserve - neighborhoods terrorized by gangs, thugs, and drug dealers.

I could care less for drugs, okay? I'm intelligent enough to understand that they rot your body and brain. I've had several friends from high school, college, and grad school die due to years of substance abuse, the latest on September 23rd of this year, at the ripe old age of 39...faithful marijuana user and drinker to the end.

Part of me felt sorry for them at the time. Yet, all except one of them had children. And, so, these days, when I see the wives, ex-wives, and kids they left behind, struggling and scrambling without the support of their dead dads, I feel much less sorry for them. Two of them were the type who would argue for marijuana legalization with me endlessly. How ironic that I now visit their graves.

Sorry. Drug use is ugly and stupid. Politicians, judges, and community leaders/organizers who make excuses for it, do nothing more than dig the hole deeper for their neighborhoods and cities. That it goes on decade after decade after decade...sorry, no sympathy. The people in those cities know damn well why their cities are in the shape they are in, yet they keep electing the same idiots to protect the criminals and drug-addicts that made it that way.

It's easy to look around and see what drugs do to a place and a person. If you want to be blind to it and look at it as a "racist" thing, that's not my problem. In American, you choose where you live. "Hope and change" only works if you and actually committed to changing. In many cities in America, they are not changing the drug culture, but enabling it. They get what they deserves, and we don't have to be a part of it.

"Change" has to come from within those communities themselves. Sadly, for them, it is not coming. To them I say, enjoy your schools with metal detectors and drug-sniffing dogs.


Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
  • Upvote 2

I love this place because it is truly like an ant pile when you kick it...or, even, just nudge it a little with the toe.

Ryan, get a physical grip on reality. What do you think separates cities like Frisco from Dallas? Why is it that drug dealers don't run the neighborhoods in places like Frisco? Decade after decade of excusing drug crime has gotten Dallas and other cities what they deserve - neighborhoods terrorized by gangs, thugs, and drug dealers.

I could care less for drugs, okay? I'm intelligent enough to understand that they rot your body and brain. I've had several friends from high school, college, and grad school die due to years of substance abuse, the latest on September 23rd of this year, at the ripe old age of 39...faithful marijuana user and drinker to the end.

Part of me felt sorry for them at the time. Yet, all except one of them had children. And, so, these days, when I see the wives, ex-wives, and kids they left behind, struggling and scrambling without the support of their dead dads, I feel much less sorry for them. Two of them were the type who would argue for marijuana legalization with me endlessly. How ironic that I now visit their graves.

Sorry. Drug use is ugly and stupid. Politicians, judges, and community leaders/organizers who make excuses for it, do nothing more than dig the hole deeper for their neighborhoods and cities. That it goes on decade after decade after decade...sorry, no sympathy. The people in those cities know damn well why their cities are in the shape they are in, yet they keep electing the same idiots to protect the criminals and drug-addicts that made it that way.

It's easy to look around and see what drugs do to a place and a person. If you want to be blind to it and look at it as a "racist" thing, that's not my problem. In American, you choose where you live. "Hope and change" only works if you and actually committed to changing. In many cities in America, they are not changing the drug culture, but enabling it. They get what they deserves, and we don't have to be a part of it.

"Change" has to come from within those communities themselves. Sadly, for them, it is not coming. To them I say, enjoy your schools with metal detectors and drug-sniffing dogs.


You're delusional if you believe drugs are not present everywhere in Frisco.

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