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Mac says McNulty will start but DaJon could play...and more


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On the radio show tonight. Thought that was interesting. He was very complimentary of them both stating that other than the pick six Mini hadn't turned it over since being named the starter. He said that DaJon looked great on the 20-yard run and had been working hard and improving. He also mentioned they were hopeful that some of the dinged up guys would be back specifically mentioning Rex Rollins who he said was a special team phenom.

It was nice to see that they invited Brett Vito on the show as well.

It made me think of one point that needs some clarification. Mac loves UNT and always speaks about what a great school and program we have. I think sometimes we hear Mac's "it's hard" quotes to being down about UNT and I just don't think that is the case. I think where Mac is coming from is that where the program was prior to him arriving was a deep hole to dig out of. It's hard to argue that point.

The other theme I hear is that you don't hire a coach and immediately see reap the benefits in recruiting... it takes time. Even last years great season will probably not see its full effect until this coming class.

The other thing that I think is important to note -- stability. When you look at some of the successful G5 programs, you see good coaches who are there for a period of time. I know that high school prospects and their parents value this.

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I think the only thing we know about either of these quarterbacks is, that against conference opponents, either of them can play well for part of a game. So, I don't understand why we try to pretend that we have "the one" at quarterback, and don't just alternate them each quarter or some such. To compensate for the lack of stability, just have one running back take most of the snaps (Jimmerson?).

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McNulty looked decent until he took that hit to the ribs. Dajon should have stayed in. McNulty can barely play when healthy. You definetly dont play a hurt McNulty.

The last two games were winnable and the talent was out there to make it possible. We were tied at the half against usm and leading rice. Came out flat in the second half. Theres no half time speech that can finish the job. Its adjustments.

Its time to coach these players up.

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It made me think of one point that needs some clarification. Mac loves UNT and always speaks about what a great school and program we have. I think sometimes we hear Mac's "it's hard" quotes to being down about UNT and I just don't think that is the case. I think where Mac is coming from is that where the program was prior to him arriving was a deep hole to dig out of. It's hard to argue that point.

It is hard to argue that point. Here's the thing. Perhaps he was unaware of the (in retrospect) weekly entertainment that were Dickeyisms. That guy, to my understanding, basically went out with two middle fingers extended and broken wind aimed in Denton's general direction.

On top of that, this:

Just because you put up some cement and some bigger stands, that doesn’t make it easy.

Look up my name in the program. There's a cute little star by it. Follow down to the bottom of the page, and it says, "* Stadium Donor." I'm not C. Dan, I'm certainly not Ernie, hell, I've never even bought a mattress from a shitty television commercial in Houston. But the good book says I'm a stadium donor. That wasn't an easy decision for me to make, and it certainly was beyond my comfort zone financially.

But that's ok Mac. You can say shit like "put up some cement and bigger stands," because you don't want to admit any shortcomings. You can give me the perception that you're spitting in the face of my decision to support this thing. That's cool.

Truth be told, was there a game against Southern Miss? I'm not really sure because I didn't really bother watching. I was having too much fun setting up a table of food and drinks on the club terrace with my friends. That was a whole lot more fun than watching your failed product on the field. You spit in my face, I'll take a big ole' swig of Sierra Nevada and return volley.


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It is hard to argue that point. Here's the thing. Perhaps he was unaware of the (in retrospect) weekly entertainment that were Dickeyisms. That guy, to my understanding, basically went out with two middle fingers extended and broken wind aimed in Denton's general direction.

On top of that, this:

Look up my name in the program. There's a cute little star by it. Follow down to the bottom of the page, and it says, "* Stadium Donor." I'm not C. Dan, I'm certainly not Ernie, hell, I've never even bought a mattress from a shitty television commercial in Houston. But the good book says I'm a stadium donor. That wasn't an easy decision for me to make, and it certainly was beyond my comfort zone financially.

But that's ok Mac. You can say shit like "put up some cement and bigger stands," because you don't want to admit any shortcomings. You can give me the perception that you're spitting in the face of my decision to support this thing. That's cool.

Truth be told, was there a game against Southern Miss? I'm not really sure because I didn't really bother watching. I was having too much fun setting up a table of food and drinks on the club terrace with my friends. That was a whole lot more fun than watching your failed product on the field. You spit in my face, I'll take a big ole' swig of Sierra Nevada and return volley.



That's all.

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On the radio show tonight. Thought that was interesting. He was very complimentary of them both stating that other than the pick six Mini hadn't turned it over since being named the starter. He said that DaJon looked great on the 20-yard run and had been working hard and improving. He also mentioned they were hopeful that some of the dinged up guys would be back specifically mentioning Rex Rollins who he said was a special team phenom.

It was nice to see that they invited Brett Vito on the show as well.

It made me think of one point that needs some clarification. Mac loves UNT and always speaks about what a great school and program we have. I think sometimes we hear Mac's "it's hard" quotes to being down about UNT and I just don't think that is the case. I think where Mac is coming from is that where the program was prior to him arriving was a deep hole to dig out of. It's hard to argue that point.

The other theme I hear is that you don't hire a coach and immediately see reap the benefits in recruiting... it takes time. Even last years great season will probably not see its full effect until this coming class.

The other thing that I think is important to note -- stability. When you look at some of the successful G5 programs, you see good coaches who are there for a period of time. I know that high school prospects and their parents value this.


Good Grief. It has nothing to do with love, being down or depressed. It's not about themes or what people might or might not think. It's about actions and results. But since we are being inculcated with the notion that actions and results don't speak louder than words, why don't we just stop all the nonsense and all agree that it is going to take RV and Mac another FIVE to TEN years to BUILD the program because thats just the way it is at North Texas. At least thats what the professionals say. And one other thing, while we're at it lets give them both a nice big raise and extend their contracts into infinity.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that Jesus Christ returns before these two guys can "rebuild" this program.

Edited by meangreenbob
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It is hard to argue that point. Here's the thing. Perhaps he was unaware of the (in retrospect) weekly entertainment that were Dickeyisms. That guy, to my understanding, basically went out with two middle fingers extended and broken wind aimed in Denton's general direction.

But that's ok Mac. You can say shit like "put up some cement and bigger stands," because you don't want to admit any shortcomings. You can give me the perception that you're spitting in the face of my decision to support this thing. That's cool.

Yeah. Personally I think you're getting a little too wound up about some coach speak. ;)

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Yeah. Personally I think you're getting a little too wound up about some coach speak. ;)

There was a time in my life when I was the face and the voice of a large company on a large stage. Even though in private, I'm one of the most foul mouthed, curmudgeony organheads you'll ever meet, when the light turned on, I was super charming, engaging, and very cognizant of what I was saying. Call me crazy, but I think the head coach of an FBS program should be held to at least that standard when making statements on a stage over the airwaves.

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It is hard to argue that point. Here's the thing. Perhaps he was unaware of the (in retrospect) weekly entertainment that were Dickeyisms. That guy, to my understanding, basically went out with two middle fingers extended and broken wind aimed in Denton's general direction.

On top of that, this:

Look up my name in the program. There's a cute little star by it. Follow down to the bottom of the page, and it says, "* Stadium Donor." I'm not C. Dan, I'm certainly not Ernie, hell, I've never even bought a mattress from a shitty television commercial in Houston. But the good book says I'm a stadium donor. That wasn't an easy decision for me to make, and it certainly was beyond my comfort zone financially.

But that's ok Mac. You can say shit like "put up some cement and bigger stands," because you don't want to admit any shortcomings. You can give me the perception that you're spitting in the face of my decision to support this thing. That's cool.

Truth be told, was there a game against Southern Miss? I'm not really sure because I didn't really bother watching. I was having too much fun setting up a table of food and drinks on the club terrace with my friends. That was a whole lot more fun than watching your failed product on the field. You spit in my face, I'll take a big ole' swig of Sierra Nevada and return volley.


You pretty much sum up my feelings on the matter. I paid off the rest of my stadium obligation this year. Wish I could say I felt motivated to give them more. Losing is one thing. To act like it is harder to recruit to UNT than Rice, Southern Miss or any other team in CUSA is a total slap in the face to all of us that parted ways with our hard earned money. I really wanted to send him an email on the matter but never found an email address for him. If anyone has it please send to me.

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Yeah. Personally I think you're getting a little too wound up about some coach speak. ;)

Again people, it's the timing of this "coach speak" that make it sound dangerously close to an excuse.

And I'm really sick of excuses from anyone in the AD. We are light years ahead of where we were 10 years ago in every aspect of athletics except for on the field/court performance.

And then a coach is gonna say how tough it is here? After one of the most disappointing losses in program history?

Really makes me want to respond "well, just pack your shit and head on down the road, pal."

I don't think it is ignorance of UNT's past (willful or not) that led to this comment. Mac is too smart for that.

Fix it. That's what you were brought here to do.

Edited by UNT90
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You think so?

Ya, I do.

I think very little of what he says publicly is not calculated.

Which is why that comment and when he said it bothers me so much.

I bet if you went to any G5 program with a coach struggling in their 4th year, you would here a very similar comment during a disappointing 4th season.

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Ya, I do.

I think very little of what he says publicly is not calculated.

Which is why that comment and when he said it bothers me so much.

I bet if you went to any G5 program with a coach struggling in their 4th year, you would here a very similar comment during a disappointing 4th season.

Don't get me wrong, what he said rubs me the wrong way. But 99% of what he says strikes me as completely off-the-cuff and not very well thought out. That's a big part of why he repeats himself so often--he hasn't thought of anything new to say, so he just latches onto one of his old clichés. And I really doubt that he has thought through all the implications of everything he says. While I absolutely understand and mostly agree with oldguystudent's reaction to what Coach Mac said, I highly doubt that his intent was to insult stadium donors. Because if that was his intent, it was plain dumb and has no positive ramifications for himself or anybody else.

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McCarney is a smart and positive man. But losing gets the best of us and we all say things we shouldn't say in moments when we are upset, whether its at home or at work. The losing has just gotten to him, that's it. I fully believe that he felt that we would be much better than we are, that he would have a QB on the roster that wouldn't be the backup at Denton High right now. But that hasn't happened, the defense has been dominated, and the OL has massively underachieved--all of which he is ultimately responsible for and it is just killing him that the team has regressed so much, especially when the program apperaed to be turning around after the HoD Bowl win. In his frustration, he said soemthing he wishes he could take back and is trying to move away from. Its just that losing exacerbates those comments, no matter how flippant they may or may not be.

I believe in Mac--he deserved the extension he got. He deserves the chance to get this thing turned around--and even if he didn't deserve it, his contract status now makes it prohibitive to do anything it. But he also deserves the criticism he is getting right now because that statement is atrocious, both in timing and, especially, in tone. If he is complaining about what was left from the Dodge era, he shouldn't be complaining anymore about that since it has been 4 years since he has been gone and his recruits were the ones Mac built into a winner. But, worse, if he is insinuating that this is the hardest place to recruit to, then his comments are Dickey-esque, which is unacceptable to make in light of the facilities and pay improvements. Yes, this place has major hurdles to overcome--and he may not be able to do what he figured he could get done here because of the instituiional issues that he has had nothing to do with in creating and sustaining here, but the negativity killed Dickey with the little fanbase we had then and if it festers within McCarney and keeps coming out in his postgame comments, he will lose the bigger fanbase that exists today than we ever had under Dickey. But I don't think Mac will do that--because I do think the real personlaity he has is very positive and he is a smart, experienced head coach. He won't let this happen again, at least I think that right now.

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We live in a twitter infested social media world now where even the humblest among us need watch what we say on the interwebs lest some overzealous HR assistant find it and use it against us. Public figures, and with what small fanbase we've got, Mac is a public figure, need take extra caution in their words and actions while people are watching. The public is quick to jump on you for things you might have said without thought, off the cuff, and slow to forgive. Maybe it ain't right, but it's how things are.

How many here have criticized players for making poorly thought out tweets? Well, those are teenagers. Mac is their chosen leader. He needs to lead by example and if necessary, silence.

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I agree with 90 about the timing. Its true that it is hard to recruit at UNT. Thats a no brainer. The timing of the comment is an excuse.

If we get to the specifics of it, what position is it hard to recruit? UNT has had success in some areas. DT is hard for most g5 schools, so we already know that.

What other areas have we been lacking compared to our counterparts? Its the areas we are currently hurting at now, and that is why he made the comment. QB, WR is our biggest recruiting need and area we are hurting at now.

He doesnt want to throw canales under the bus, which is cool I guess, but deep down, if we asked him what positions are we hurting the most, I bet it would be offense.

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Our conference mates set the bar. Compared to other CUSA schools we are above average to well above average in almost any category a recruit would care about. Fans, facilities, coaches pay, academics and so on. We could never say that until recent years. So for him to make excuses about his poor recruiting performance is just bad form.

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Our conference mates set the bar. Compared to other CUSA schools we are above average to well above average in almost any category a recruit would care about. Fans, facilities, coaches pay, academics and so on. We could never say that until recent years. So for him to make excuses about his poor recruiting performance is just bad form.

UNT has much more to deal with than just cusa schools. If the fans, AD and Mac came in with that mindset, then that is a huge mistake and estimation.

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UNT has much more to deal with than just cusa schools. If the fans, AD and Mac came in with that mindset, then that is a huge mistake and estimation.

I understand your point but you are putting the cart before the horse. First and foremost we must be recruiting at a higher level than our conference mates. We are not. Why? Macs excuse does not hold water, not now. Dickey at least had a point.

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You pretty much sum up my feelings on the matter. I paid off the rest of my stadium obligation this year. Wish I could say I felt motivated to give them more. Losing is one thing. To act like it is harder to recruit to UNT than Rice, Southern Miss or any other team in CUSA is a total slap in the face to all of us that parted ways with our hard earned money. I really wanted to send him an email on the matter but never found an email address for him. If anyone has it please send to me.

You pretty much sum up my feelings on the matter. I paid off the rest of my stadium obligation this year. Wish I could say I felt motivated to give them more. Losing is one thing. To act like it is harder to recruit to UNT than Rice, Southern Miss or any other team in CUSA is a total slap in the face to all of us that parted ways with our hard earned money. I really wanted to send him an email on the matter but never found an email address for him. If anyone has it please send to me.


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I understand your point but you are putting the cart before the horse. First and foremost we must be recruiting at a higher level than our conference mates. We are not. Why? Macs excuse does not hold water, not now. Dickey at least had a point.

The conference mates that UNT has a direct recruiting competition for recriots are Rice, UTSA, and UTEP. UNT is ahead of UTEP, equal with UTSA. Rice is ahead due to academics and consistency, but not by much.

Rice has picked up some steam in the Houston area, but Mac has just recently entered the Houston area. The previous coach wasnt pulling anything from Houston. Orr, jmarshall, Davis, McClain, jjones, kidsy are all playing. Loving and dwalker are also from the area. He still has a lot more ground to cover in the GHA, but its a big improvement.

Mac has also had recent success in east Texas. Wont pay off now though. Its going to take to take a year or two for them to start paying off.

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