This link will take you to the most recent UNT System Board of Regent meeting notes from May 21-22. There is a ton of info in there which is interesting if you have time. There is some specific information in regards to athletics on the following pages: Pgs. 432-434 UNT is moving their plans from building a new golf practice facility from Trophy Club to Honors Golf Club in Carrollton. Pg 435 -437 Info on Mike Petersen's departure and Jalie Mitchell's contract Pg 442 -- 447 with photos - Deals with authorization for the new Central Path Extension at Clark Park (1.5 million) which appears to be a pedestrian walkway which goes from Avenue C to a crossing at Maple (which will require funding from City of Denton). I mention this because it actually might help foot traffic from some of the campus dorms and buildings over to the Super Pit and the pedestrian bridge leading to Apogee. Link: