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  1. The UNT coaching search continued to work its way toward a conclusion Wednesday afternoon, when Football Scoop, a college football site that specializes in coaching searches and inside info, reported that the school is down to four candidates. The site confirmed what we reported on the blog earlier — that Baylor offensive coordinator Kendal Briles and Oklahoma offensive coordinator Lincoln Riley are not among the final four coaches UNT is considering. A source close to Mike Norvell said earlier this week that he is not interested in the position, a fact the Football Scoop report echoed. read more: http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2015/11/wednesday-afternoon-coach-search-update.html/
  2. There is a lot of talk about the amount of compensation that we will pay for this next coaching hire and I truly think it is so important that it's worth a separate thread. You don't have to set an exact, pin point amount because you need to range it based on the candidate, their level of experience etc. I get that. But you do need to up that range significantly from where it is now. Why? If our goal is to be the top of C-USA, then our salary does not need to be a lot higher than what it is now. We are already sitting at the 2-3 spot as it is. I want to see the bar raised higher. I don't just want to be at the top of C-USA. I want to be one of the best G5 programs in the country and ultimately be positioned to join the P5 ranks. Is that a lofty goal? Absolutely. UNT needs capture the passion of our alumni, student and fans. You can do this by raising the bar beyond "normal" expectations. Some will say, "that's great Harry but we don't have the money or the budget to do this.." My response to this is, if it is IMPORTANT enough we sure as hell do. I would argue that doing things half assed get you where you are today, a failed coaching regime with a big buyout, empty stadiums, low season ticket sales and Mean Green club memberships. We have a small but loyal core group of supporters. How can we get to the ones who are either sitting on the fence or completely out of the picture altogether? The money we invest in this hire helps erase much of the doubt and negativity surrounding this program. It says our administration believes we can be successful and is willing to put their money and resources behind it. It is a very important statement that needs to be made! I also think there are many other areas that would pay tremendous dividends - enrollment will grow with a good football program, you will be able to attract more donors, you attract more positive media coverage which is a free advertisement. Rick Gosselin brought up a very valid point when he mentioned we need to hire Todd Dodge part 2. There were aspects of the Dodge hire that captured the imagination of our fanbase and the local media. We/Dodge just didn't execute it they way it needed to be executed. The funding we supplied for that Dodge hire was woefully short of what was required to put together a solid staff. In hindsight, Dan McCarney was a very Safe hire and provided very little boost other than 2013 and the bowl. We have a chance to do this right this time! When we hired Dodge we basically had one major donor which was Mattress Mac who gave us 1 million dollars. Now we have multiple big dollar donors who can influence the financial aspect of this hire in a very positive way. UNT can send a very clear message to the marketplace that we mean business this time. If they do this - and I really think and hope they will - - I think it will prove to be one of the best investments they have ever made because they could make back 10 times+ the investment in a short period of time. gmg
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