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Found 9 results

  1. I'm freaking giddy. This is Christmas Day 2.0, except it's adult-ier. I missed the 2014 Bowl because I opted for overtime at work. I'm attending this time in the middle of my fellow Mean Green fans and can't wait to take in my first-ever Bowl Game experience. While I've been to a couple of NCAA tournament games when they were in the area in the past, those are going to pale in comparison . . . mainly because I wasn't rooting for a school I attended at those. I look forward to possibly meeting some of you guys/gals there and having a blast as we watch our boys represent us proudly. I'm going to get chills just entering this historic complex and am going to hopefully shed some happy "sports tears" before all is said and done. Now, I'm off to bed to try and at least rest a bit before the big day. Let's do this!!! GMG
  2. Does anyone have any video feed on the post game speech on the field. I have been looking for it to no avail........??? BTW- Shout out to 'adman' and his crew for sitting RIGHT behind us and their hilarious game commentary. My brother looked over at me at the beginning of the game and said, "Did you just hear them make a 'Dune' reference?? I knew I liked that guy." HA! After a REALLY rough week for our family- I don't think it was any coincidence that we went to the wrong section, sat down for over 30 minutes prior to kick off, then had a really big jerk tell us to move because we were in his seats and told to move, then ended up RIGHT in front of you guys. God's funny like that. We were cracking up most of the game and NEEDED that really bad. Enjoyed it, adman! Hope to see ya sooner than later!
  3. It's game week! One last hoo-rah at this for the 2013 season. Can we go out with a bang? If this thread can be correctly derailed, a Mean Green victory is guaranteed. UNLV Roster
  4. Me, the g/f, and a buddy are looking for things to do Tuesday night. We aren't too interested in the official party, looking for something a little more...bar like. Anybody planning to go out for the evening but not to the official event? Our hotel is near Deep Ellum, so we are thinking somewhere in that area.
  5. I don't care what Bowl we're in, or who the opponent is! This game is like Christmas Morning in Heaven to me! My fraternity put together a group of 70 people, all of whom bought their tickets today in the same section. And yes, at $75 a pop, EVERYONE will be going inside the game. Additionally out of the 72 people I texted (not included in the group of 70), I received 11 maybes and 42 yes's regarding their attendance! I am always the first one to get my hopes way too high, but I think we are going to be pleasantly surprised in every aspect of this bowl game, and I can't freaking wait! GMG
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