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  1. I am excited about the new coach but I won't have season tickets to come see what he produces. I welcome him to UNT. I will warn him about the ineptness of our athletic department. And tell him that he will have generate financial support and media attention for the program because the AD simply doesn't care or doesn't know how. (Just once I would like an AD to be honest with us and tell the masses what it will take financially get where we want to be). In so many negative ways what is going on at UNT mirrors exactly the same problem the pro team 35 miles south has. But I relent and simply ask the fans that have a problems with people who think like UNT90, KingDL1, and myself a few questions. I want to you consider these carefully if the next football coach fails 1. What did we accomplish by hanging on to RV in 2015 2. If RV is not one the main contributing factors to the mess that is our athletic department then what are these factors and how do we fix them? 3. Has RV generated strong and diverse financial support for the program? 4. Since the completion of the facilities improvements what exactly has RV done well? 5. Does Athletic Department have a mission statement and are they living up to it?
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