With George leaving and Coach Peterson gone, I was wondering which job is getting the most applicants. I would think the paly-by-play guy would/could be here longer than any current Athletic Dept. employee. George was here 25 years. And so that's an important hire. But the Women's BB coach needs to be on the road right now trying to keep up with contacts made by Coach Peterson. Are demo tapes stacked up on somebody's desk and does a prospect come in and try out the press box. Does he have to audition with Hank ? While a coach prospect has been "auditioning" his/her entire career, although we saw that's not entirely reliable. Does the play-by-play guy have to bring his own microphone and does the women's coach have to have their own shoe contract ?
I'd still like to see Chuck Mills do color and move Hank to play-by-play. And for that matter, let Chuck coach women's BB as well. How bad could he be ? 89 feet of heat ?