OK...not to take away at all from the main event, but we are thinking of adding a CORN HOLE contest to the Basketball Game event for the less "athletic" and/or "experienced" (see Older) or otherwise inclined folks. Same fee...$25 per player (includes the super special classic t-shirt) and same date, time and place: MARCH 8th 2:00PM UNT Volleyball Gym The game would be played as a bracket type contest crowing the one winner at the end of the event. May play with modified rules to move it along so we can get it done pretty much the same time (or before) the basketball game ends...but GMG.Com Corn Hole Championship is a possibility.... So, before we go too much further...any interest in this option in order to be part of this fun event and after-event celebration and awards ceremonty at Oak Street? If there is enough interest, we will definitely set it up. MINIMUM EIGHT (8) players to make this work. Yes, more can sign up, but need minimum of 8 or it is a no go for this time. So...any interest out there for this less-sweaty skills competition?