Just wanted to alert everyone to the fact that we will have not one, but two...count 'em TWO autographed Brelan Chancellor TD run photos. Both of the same shot and both autographed by Brelan.
As of right now we have a high bid on one for $125 by Green59...and we have a current high bid of $100 from Quoner for the second.
Both will, of course, be on display at the silent auction on the 22nd at the GMG.Com BB Classic. But, if you can't make the game, you can bid right here on GMG.Com.....bring 'em on!
ALSO...we should have yet another great autographed photo as well. This one a HEART OF DALLAS BOWL on-field trophy presentation photo of the trophy, Coach Mac and RV. Both Coach mac and RV will be autographing the photo...sorry, I have no photo to show right now as it is at the athletic department for autographing! But, I have seen it...quality stuff....BIDS anyone?
Everyone...please come out and support this event. It will be enjoyable for sure...always has been!