After watching the broadcast, I felt they did an outstanding job. Great to see Dave Barnett, he was very good. They did a great job of showcasing the positives. Great shots from different angles inside and outside the stadium. Ha, they even showed the posers drinking on the hill during the game. Still upset with the fact I head people say they are going to the UNT tailgate, not the UNT football game. I digress. Great shots of the crowd, references to the students and the noise. Good interviews with RV, the great BIll Mercer, and even Tony Benford at halftime. They also gave the green brigade about 3 minutes during halftime. Needless to say, they more than made up for the crappy promo. Also saw plenty of "hots" in the crowd. Plenty of CUSA talk. It was a broadcast that I hope recruits saw. I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but overall I was very pleased with it.