In case you might have forgotten, or had not heard, the game Thursday is also a canned food drive collection game! They are asking folks to bring canned food items to the game. There will be collection bins at each stadium entrance for folks to deposit their canned goods. This is a drive being handled by and through the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. It is a competition against other CUSA schools to see who can collect the most pounds of canned food items.
All items will be donated to Denton-area charities including the North Texas Food Bank and the Salvation Army.
So, come on folks...let's help to win the canned food drive along with the football game by being proud and loud at Apogee and by donating a canned food item or two to some folks who could use some help.
I've got my bag of cans ready to about you?
BEAT, we will not be throwing the cans at the good folks from Rice! Hey, bring a canned rice food item...OK, maybe not! Just bring some canned food items and drop them in the receptacle on the way into the Apogee.