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Found 3 results

  1. So I was able to get in touch with somebody in the programming department of Fox Sports to help out with figuring out our game watching schedules. Luckily, yes, the Ball State game is going to be broadcast on FSNAZ so anyone visiting or any lurkers who live out here, yes we will be having a watch party. Now, as to knowing what games are shown and when, that's a bit tougher. For the first 3 weeks of the season, they "lock in" all of their games so you know for sure who is playing. After that, because of tv ratings and team/conference rankings, they plan games either 6 or 12 days in advance. Also, each Fox Sports regional network has its own website and you can find most programming information on there, or call the programming department of your regional network. So after Week 3, you can check online and/or call 12 days in advance of any FSN game to verify if it will be televised in your region, and if they don't know yet, then you can call/check online 6 days later and should have your answer. A lot of this doesn't help in terms of planning watch parties far in advance and getting the word out through the Alumni Association, this site, etc. But now that we know a little bit more info, even though the timeframe might still be short sometimes, at least we know for sure how to verify in that short timeframe to plan as best as possible. I know this only applies to the Fox family of networks, but I'd bet the others use similar models in their program planning.
  2. How can I find out (or does one of you already know?) if our BallS taters game on FSN is national or just regional? I'm setting up our game watching schedule and that's a big question mark, one that needs to be handled in the next couple of days so that I can nail down our location and get the word out. Please help...thanks...
  3. Hello Mean Green Nation, It has a been a long time for me and after this weekend, I miss the Nation. Sooo, I am looking for fellow Mean Greens in the Land of the Bear. I want to have a watching party of Mean Green, K-State in Waco. Please let me know if you are out there. Big Spill
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