Diana Dunklau, Director of Marketing and Communications for the Honors College at the University of North Texas, was looking for a photo to include with an email sent out on February
13th that "invited Honors students to enjoy tea and light refreshments with visiting guest speaker and Princeton professor of English Daphne Brooks," according to the NT Daily.
The photo Dunklau chose was of a perfectly normal looking young lady drinking out of a tea cup - no scandal here. But the insignia in the bottom right corner, however, marks the photo as
the property of Suicide Girls, a website that specializes in alt-porn featuring a "global sorority" of ladies who "fail to fit into society's mold" and like posing naked while listening to The Smiths.
read more: http://austinist.com/2013/02/18/unt_sent_this_photo_to_their_entire.php