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  1. Let me throw out a few comments/thoughts about what is going on at North Texas, and what still needs to go on. First of all, we finally have the coach (and assistant coaches) here that have made a significant change in the CULTURE in the football program. For the first time in I don't know how long, we have a team leader saying (and I fully believe that the rest of the team believes it too) that they EXPECTED to win against a ranked opponent. When was the last time that anyone on this board heard such a thing? No doubt about it.....it's an attitude/culture change. NOW, where do the rest of us fit into this? Just as importantly, WHERE DOES THE ADMINISTRATION FIT INTO THIS? Coach Mac has done his job! He has recruited, trained, and prepared his team to play with the big boys. And they are doing just that! BUT! it is NOT HIS JOB to change the culture outside of his area of responsibility. It's EVERYONE'S JOB! But most notably it's the job of the people who are paid to attend to such things. And I don't see the same energy, intensity, creativity, or urgency coming from those people as I do the coaching staff of the football team. This cannot continue! I think that Coach Mac has already noticed and he is not amused. A culture change means that we not only have a full stadium during the good times (and I still haven't seen that), but it stays full during the down times. For those who say "all that will change when we start winning" I point to the most recent goings on at SMU and the U of Miami. Times aren't so good for them these days and guess what happens?......THEIR FAIR -WEATHER-WE-SHOW-UP-IN-DROVES-WHEN-YOU-ARE-WINNING-FANS are nowhere to be found....and I mean NOWHERE! As a major component of our culture change (and everyone, including the paid staff, had better get started on it) we have to have fans that show up NO MATTER WHAT! THAT is what I'm talking about when I talk about culture change. Now flame away!
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