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Found 11 results

  1. We've created a tailgating collaboration map in Google Maps. Everyone should be able to pin their tailgating spot on it. Give it a try! Here is the link. Tailgating Map To add your tailgating spot on the map: 1. Click the "Add marker" icon under the search bar near the top of the map 2. Click on your tailgate spot 3. Enter your gomeangreen.com alias for the Title 4. Add some information about your tailgate scene in the Description (and click the camera icon if you want to add a picture of your spot) 5. Click on Save Have fun and GO MEAN GREEN!!! See you at the games.
  2. I'll just copy-paste from their Facebook page:
  3. John Williams is the man. http://ntdaily.com/local-bar-owner-offers-football-fans-ticket-package/
  4. http://ntdaily.com/eastside-denton-celebrates-first-birthday/
  5. University of North Texas leaders say they've long toyed with the idea of adding beer vendors to Apogee Stadium and other campus venues. Like many college sports venues across the country, no alcohol is allowed in the Mean Green's football stadium. But Athletic Director Rick Villarreal said it's been an ongoing discussion. He said he has watched closely as other venues tackle the topic. "It's a trend that we've watched across country," he said. "We've seen that increasingly happen in stadium settings." Villarreal said there are some real benefits to beer sales, such as new profits. But he also said beer sales could actually have a positive effect on safety. Read more: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/UNT-Says-Beer-Sales-at-Football-Games-Are-Ongoing-Discussion-225582072.html
  6. What's the verdict on this? SMU, Houston and UT are in. Why not North Texas?
  7. Come check out the Taste of North Texas event this Thursday at the Super Pit. Over 40 different restaurants will be out along with East Side Social Club, Oak St. Drafthouse, Ben E. Keith and Miller of Denton with lots of good craft beer. $15 to get in and that gets you a sample from all 40 vendors and 2 beers. $10 for Military/student/Senior and kids 6 and under get in free. All proceeds go to UNT Athletics and Denton's Kiwanis Club. Come see me at the East Side and Oak St. Drafthouse booth and I might give you a t shirt!
  8. University of North Texas leaders say they've long toyed with the idea of adding beer vendors to Apogee Stadium and other campus venues. Like many college sports venues across the country, no alcohol is allowed in the Mean Green's football stadium. But Athletic Director Rick Villarreal said it's been an ongoing discussion. He said he has watched closely as other venues tackle the topic. "It's a trend that we've watched across country," he said. "We've seen that increasingly happen in stadium settings." Villarreal said there are some real benefits to beer sales, such as new profits. But he also said beer sales could actually have a positive effect on safety. Right now, tailgating and drinking is allowed in several parking lots around the stadium. While the activities are monitored by safety officials, the lack of alcohol inside can lead people to over-indulge before games, Villarreal said. UNT specifically has a no-reentry policy at Apogee to keep people from coming and going to consume alcohol during games. Read more: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/UNT-Says-Beer-Sales-at-Football-Games-Are-Ongoing-Discussion-225582072.html
  9. So I have no ties to the NTX Craft Beer Week other than the fact that I love craft beer, but I figured those in DFW/visiting DFW would appreciate it Support Local Craft Brewers Also, there are some events at everyone's favorite Denton watering hole (even though I've never been) East Side Social Club
  10. Fans traveling to ULM games in Monroe this season will be able to buy beer in Malone Stadium. New ULM Athletic Director Brian Wickstrom says he wants to enhance concessions by adding a $4 beer beverage option. Wickstrom says all signs point to this being a good idea. "Obviously we hope it will generate a little bit of revenue for the program. We're not going to make a million dollars a year on beer sales, but it will bring in some more for us," said Wickstrom. Read more: http://louisianaradionetwork.com/blogs/ULM-to-start-selling-beer-at-football-games
  11. Anyone know what food and beer they will have at the Kickoff? Did I mention beer?
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