On Friday, February 7th from 4:15 to 6:30 we will be at House of Tricks in Tempe AZ (www.houseoftricks.com) to welcome Angela Chan-Stopa, who is traveling with the Wizard of Oz musical. Angela is the writer of two musicals, Summer School the Musical and Legacy of the Tiger Mother. She has been based out of Las Vegas for a while now and in addition to her own works has been a part of the orchestra for shows such as The Lion King and Cirque du Soleil.
Also if you want to check out the Wizard of Oz musical at Gammage Theater, tickets are still on sale for all shows through the Gammage ticket office (http://theatretempe.com/Events.php?search_text=Wizard+of+Oz+Tempe&gclid=CL_Y0Mew_rsCFaE9Qgod0D0ANA) or o StubHub, Ticketmaster, etc. We're going to the Friday night show right after the reception, but of course it's hard to get many seats together right now and I'm sure it's great every time
Let me know if any of you will be in town for the reception so I can get a decent approximation for the reservation a couple days ahead of time!