Okay, I'm probably going to get negged to hell for this, but here goes. I'm going to post below all six videos from the brilliantly eloquent and politically involved rapper Killer Mike (née Michael Render)'s interview of Bernie Sanders in the former's Atlanta barbershop. Why? Because I think these six videos give a thorough insight into progressive politics today. I know there will be many on here who will blanket dismiss this content, but I urge anyone to watch them just to simply understand where it is your opposing side may be coming from, so that you can better form your arguments against. Like it's said early on, we're a lot better off when the electorate is just smarter. Of particular note is the last video, in which Mike and Bernie diverge a bit on gun control. Mike's a card-carrying member of the NRA and whatnot. I just want to see our political discussions get smarter, more policy nuts-and-bolts focused, rather than just straight towers of ideology toppling over one another. Cheers.