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  1. Hello, This post is basically going to be an email that I sent to the Athletic Director a few weeks ago. I initially got a reply asking for me to call him and discuss the idea, but I have not been able to get in touch with him after several messages and emails. Hoping maybe a few alumni/donors have connections to make this possible. I run a student organization with 100+ people that I could get to help with this. Long term this should be switched over to Talons... anyway.. ".... The neighborhood I live in during the summer (in Rockwall, TX) has a few people that come around door to door and offer to put American Flag's in people's yards for special holidays (Veteran's day, Memorial Day, 9/11, etc). It is a way for the people of the city to show their support without actually having to purchase a flag pole, flag, remember to put it out, etc. The people that do this show up early in the morning the day be fore the holiday, and take the flag out the day after the holiday. It is a great promotion and really gives the neighborhood/town a patriotic feel. I was in College Station a few weeks ago visiting my girlfriend and was there on game day. All business had Texas A&M flags out to show their support for the school. It gave College Station a very similar feel that my neighborhood gets around holidays. Everyone in the town is behind the same cause. At first I thought that businesses must just really like A&M, but I noticed all the flags were exactly the same, and knew that someone in College Station/A&M must be doing something a long the lines that my neighborhood is doing. I am writing to suggest that we do the same thing. I am even willing to volunteer for it. If I can get the University or Athletic department to provide the flags, I will go business to business asking if it's okay to put a "North Texas" or official UNT flag in front of their business on game day. I have come to the conclusion that game days in Denton are absolutely no different than any other day, which is a real shame. The flag project would be a very cheap and effective way to let the surrounding parts of campus (and the greater city of Denton) to know, "Today is Game Day. Get your butt to Apogee." ...." So, my offer still stands, but it will have to be fueled by Alumni/Donors rather than the AD. Maybe if someone runs into RV at the grocery store you can tell him I'm still trying to get a hold of him. If anyone is interested in helping with this idea, please post in the topic or send me a PM. Thanks
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