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Everything posted by greenjoe

  1. “Asked if either had the option to return, Pittman said “no.”
  2. “If you could just leave that NIL money on the check out desk with your keys to the locker room, please.”
  3. Blue is closest to the stadium of those choices.
  4. Makes me wonder if they’re trying to convince us or themselves.
  5. Again, I’m calling for complete avoidance of Ponyfans.com and Cougarfans.com. Maybe they will stay in they’re own fan sites.
  6. Mac won a New Year’s Day Bowl game. The last bowl game we've won. Yes, his time here ended badly.
  7. Now, cut off the t-shirt hanging out from under the jersey and it looks like a winner.
  8. From DATCUUUUUUUUUUU Stadium, I’m Jerry Orer.
  9. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice…
  10. That would be a very sophisticated contract.
  11. Back to the Homecoming Parade. Last year I spoke with the organizer of the Robson Ranch July 4 Parade. Those RR folks know how to come out for a parade. I asked if he (his parade committee) would be interested in a HC parade at Robson. They liked the idea. I spoke with the Green Brigade director who was very nice but I never heard back from her. It’s not a North Texas HC parade without the Green Brigade. We likely will never have a HC parade again.
  12. It’s a good clean look. Beat Memphis
  13. EXCELLENT. !!!
  14. 11 am is about the time the Homecoming Parade was starting to roll. I miss the HC parade. The notion that it no longer was important to the students seemed short sighted to me. Alums and townsfolk stood for hours to watch.
  15. There;s no place like home.
  16. I don’t know if he’s been fired or not. But having been fired less that 2 years ago from a job that guaranteed him nearly $2 mil per year will take most of the sting out. note: Seth wears a tie on his first day and last day of a job.
  17. Just keep it close and then hope for a fumble recovery or interception late in the game. Maybe the winning field goal as time expires.
  18. He is listed as a “football Junior.” Did he get a degree at TCU ?
  19. Kinda fun seeing soiled white jerseys again.
  20. How hard could it be to beat Alabama. I mean, Vanderbilt, VANDERBILT did it last week.
  21. To reduce staffing requirements, North Texas !
  22. It’s likely best for him to go somewhere out of the obvious market range of the Denton Record-Chronicle.
  23. I like the uniform combination. The too long white undershirt makes it look sloppy.
  24. “…breathing out their neck…” ???? Yikes !!!
  25. I’d like to play at the Cotton Bowl or at Amon Carter or AT&T (as if) but otherwise, I’d like to go somewhere a bit more exotic. And, I want to play and beat a “name brand” team.
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