I'm sure you know much more about twirlers than me, but all through my high school career, our marching band had 4. I don't know how good they were, but they always looked great to me. I especially liked it when they twirled firey batons. As far as A & M, I saw their halftime show last Thursday. Not a rifle in sight. The honor guard contained 2 rifles for the posting of the colors, but not a firearm in the band. Why doesn't the band twirl trombones, or golf clubs, or a bicycle ? Why does it have to be a rifle, when there is no other reference to militarism ? As far as the flags, I'm glad that the flag corp now use flags that actually are green or white. For years we used red or gold or purple. I think I'll print a bumper sticker-Twirl flags, not guns. GO MEAN GREEN