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Everything posted by greenjoe

  1. Thanks Green P. Well, I was wrong about the arms/wings and legs folded. But I was correct about the look in his eyes.
  2. Does anyone remember the old Scrappy ? I've seen it on a decal, ball cap, and sweatshirt, but not in a long time. This was the Scrappy wearing a North Texas shirt (I think I'm right) with arms (wings ?) and legs crossed with a "I'm gonna get you sucka" look on his face. I'd appreciate anyone posting old Scrappy here. GO MEAN GREEN
  3. Just put "GREEN MACHINE" on everyone's back (Longest Yard reference).
  4. 8-2 team I was impressed by the attendance figure in the box score. 3,100 plus. A lot of fans still hanging aroung La La over the break. GO MEAN GREEN
  5. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). I'm always forgetting what the initials stand for. There is a professional building in Denton (corner of Scripture @ Bonnie Brae) that has replaced some of their paving with this grass/pavement system. I noticed it earlier this month and it didn't look like grass nor did it look like concrete. I would think more maintance than pavement and less than grass (gravement ?) I'm not sure the LEED thing is done to save money so much aa it's to save the earth. (ie; those curley light bulbs and Sloan waterless urinals) And has there been any duscussion/decision as to a grass or artificial playing surface ? GO MEAN GREEN
  6. The Pit Crew was small, but vocal last night. And I've never seen the band so involved in the game. Great job. I was glad that Colt Mangrum got in last night. But I would have rather seen him come in with a 25 or 30 point lead. I guess the game was in hand as he came in with 59.? seconds left, but I was worried that Houston Baptist would find a way to make this a buzzer beater. Whew. Also, why does someone with the talent of Gordon Scott (#21) end up at HBU ? Not to bag on HBU, but Scott was the real deal. I'm surprised he ended up at HBU. Is he from Houston ? On to La-La Thursday night. GO MEAN GREEN
  7. Hey CbL, Tell me more about Ibrihima Thomas. when did he leave OSU ? Did he play with them against us ? Is he from the metroplex area ?
  8. More Seinfeld references. This is the best thread ever. Greatness.
  9. I come in near gate D. Was this the Mean Green Gear site near gate D ? Lifer is right. Wear whatever you wish on your own time. while working for NT and especially NT Athletics, wear green. Rick or some assistant AD should be made aware of this. I like the idea of an attendee wearing a third party shirt (neither school is playing) being asked to put on a Mean Green Shirt, and the fans and band making a big deal about it. GO MEAN GREEN
  10. Those of you with season basketball tickets, look at your New Mexico State ticket. Is that person giving the "Hook 'em Horns" sign ? Perhaps it's just some goofy sign that the kids show about rock 'n' roll. I don't know much about that anymore. But shouldn't somebody be monitoring the photos submitted for placement on tickets ? What if they had made an obscene gesture ? Can you imagine this happening at College Station ? GO MEAN GREEN
  11. BAck in the Southand Conference days, when we were to be on television playing the then Northeast Indians for the Conference title and the right to go on to the first round of the play-offs, I tried to hire a airplane and banner. I called the airport in Monroe and they put me in touch with a local that agreed to pull a banner over the stadium on game day. We agreed on the price and he asked how I wanted the banner to read. I said, "GO MEAN GREEN BEAT NORTHEAST" He paused and said, "You're a North Texas supporter ? I graduated from Northeast. I can't pull a banner that's against my school." We were unable to come to an agreement, but I've always had a lot of respect for this guy, whom I've never met, that would put his school pride over making a buck. We need more of 'em. GO MEAN GREEN
  12. I say fire the entire bass coaching staff.
  13. Shouldn't this be on the bass thread ? GO MEAN GREEN
  14. I finally got an answer. The NT-AS football ticket is good for any BB game in December.
  15. He fixed it. Looking back on it, we should have let him stew in his own juices. Hack.
  16. Did I understand that correctly ? The used NT-Ark St. ticket from Saturday is good for general admission to any game in December ? I looked at MeangreenSports.com. Nothing. I called the ticket office. No idea. The December 31 game against Middle Tennessee tips off at 4:00.
  17. Why, with some, not much, but some time left on the clock, did we not try to get down the field and try to score something late in the first half ? As I recall, we had 8 seconds left when the ball was caught and the receiver stepped out of bounds. A long pass ? A long field goal attempt with the wind at our backs ? Almost anything other than taking the snap and downing the ball. In the late seconds of the 4th quarter, this is always done. Why not as the first half winds down ?
  18. I think I actually said the same thing. "Now THAT'S going to get the crowd pumped up." I've also got a problem with "Hey Baby." A great song, but one that shouldn't be played unless and until the game is firmly in hand. We shouldn't have heard it at all this year.
  19. The Denton Broncos went 0-fer this season.
  20. OK OK My wife didn't go. I asked the ticket lady to scan my other ticket to inflate the attendance numbers. Geeze.
  21. What are the OOC dates ?
  22. Too late. It's back in the recycling bin.
  23. I remember getting that letter after reading Drex's post. It was so UN-interesting, I tore it up after a quick glance. So I had to go home, dig in the recycle bin and piece it back together. After reading it a second time, I recall why I tore it up in the first place. The stadium topic was the second item metioned. And the donation levels mentioned-- $25-$50-$100 ? Small time. No wonder we can't get anything done--we assume nobody's going to give so we're embarassed to ask for some real money. I'm surprised there wasn't a box to check off if one just wanted to say, "I'm not going to give any money, but I certainly wish you well." GO MEAN GREEN
  24. I don't have any idea who you people are speaking of. Is this person a frequent poster ? A frequent attendee ? Who is this guy ? GO MEAN GREEN
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