I was surprised to see Howerton again last night. He lay under the basket for a long time. When he finally did sit up, he had that "where in the world am I" look on his face. He went right off the floor to the dressing room. We can't handle a full court press. The TAMUI guards were all over our guys. If this doesn't improve, we're going to give up some major points or turnovers getting the ball in. The reason the crowd (under 1,000) cheered when Ben Knox (I hope he becomes the Fort) finally slammed the ball was that he kept getting the ball, in the hands, and turned it over 3 times before finally scoring. He got that very polite thing going that tall freshmen have. "No no you go first. No really. I'll wait and go behind you. I beg your pardon." I say the same thing with Justin Howerton. Johnny Jones without a tie. I never thought I'd see the day. His shirt didn't even have a top button. One of the best Scrappy guys in a couple of years. And new for '08, kid's tricycle races. Two 3 year olds racing about 2/3 of the court and back. The crowd enjoyed it. Ken Bahnsen was there last night (Ken Bahnsen Gym AKA Snake Pit) watching form the tunnel. I hope he's introduced Friday night. He made the first touchdown at Fouts Field. Do season ticket holders have a reserved section for the game at the Snake Pit? I understand about the general admissioin, but if 3,500 students showed up ( I wish) there wuldn't be room for those that purchased season tickets. See everyone Friday night. GO MEAN GREEN