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Everything posted by greenjoe

  1. I absolutely believe that they read GMG. But they say they don't. "Too busy" and " the information is not accurat" have been comments I have heard from the mouths of AD officials. Again, I feel sure they read GMG, but the AD guys say otherwise. Joe

  2. I've heard for years that Athletic Dept members don't read GMG. I'm not sure I believe it. GMG fans are the most loyal if not the biggest crackpots. I hope for Coach Mac to post here like Rick does from time to time (Glad to be Green). Good things going on in the land of Green.
  3. My bad. Sorry. Did I get the grad assistant part right ?
  4. I'm surprised Coach Mac would hire a "grad assistant" for our D line. With all the concern he expressed for our defense, and with all the connections I've heard he has all over the US, I was hoping for an assistant at each position with more experience. I may be mistaken, but I think the coach that held this position was an immediate grad assistant. And having said this, Coach Mac has forgotten more about the subject than I'll even know.
  5. I was surprised to hear that the cost of the remodeling would be almost twice the cost of our entire new stadium.
  6. I hope, even with the 1,000 degree heat of late August, the Grteen Brigade can show up with matching uniforms to open the new stadium. Wheather that means matching shorts and polo shirts (green I hope) or the full metal jacket marching uniforms, I hope they match.
  7. I've lived in Denton all my life. I have never heard of the old gym, Men's Gym, now The Ken Bahnsen Gym, ever flooding. The name "Snake Pit" came from an opposing coach back in the Missouri Valley Conference days. He was commenting as to how hard it was to play there since the fans were so close to the court. He suggested that playing at Men's Gym like playing in a "snake pit." The Coliseum was built bigger and nicer, and took on the nick name, Super Pit.
  8. Did anyone ever think that Francione would end up at Texas State ?
  9. I saw a story this morning about Dallas basketball great Nancy Lieberman coaching a NBA development league team in the DFW area. I understand she interviewed here for the job that Coach Stephens got. Did we really have a shot at Leiberman ? Was coach Stephens the better choice ?
  10. This is the best news possible
  11. I want to hear him say he and his family (if any) are anxious to move to DENTON and that we'll (meaning everybody) will see them shopping, at theaters, and going to Church. In other words, being a real part of the community. And I'd like to hear him say it while wearing a green shirt.
  12. The Coliseum was built as a multi-use building. If it were strictly an Athletic Department building, only private monies could be used. With the exception of the Robotics competition mentioned earlier, the Coliseum or Super Pit works out well for NT Basketball. It's also the venue for countless high school graduations in May. It's seating capacity is just under 10,000. 9,885 I think. Replace it ? Not in my lifetime. And I'm going to live a long time.
  13. Help me with the names of North Texas Head Coaches with prior college HC experience. Hayden Fry Bob Tyler Anyone else ?
  14. I'm not sure the removal of North Texas photos shows a real shift away from support of North Texas. I'll try to remember as many photos as I can. A poster from Necessary Roughness, a couple of shots of Dunham and Miller, Jim Lehrer, some guy that played with Chuck Norris on Texas Ranger, Joe Bob sumtin from Walking Tall, the guy that played Robocop, Miss Americas Phyllis George and Shirley Cothern, Pat Boone, Roy Orbison, Don Henley, and Krista Villareal. That's all I recall. The photos were all very old and faded. The green on the Necessary Roughness had turned to grey, the red to purple. I bet they replace them someday, but they have looked bad for some time.
  15. I'd like to see the break in the fight song replaced with: NORTH TEXAS MEAN GREEN NORTH TEXAS MEAN GREEN FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT As said previously, there's lot's of Eagles. Only one Mean Green
  16. If true, SMU will want to move to MWC, which will leave an opening in the Conference USA DFW market. Even without SMU, good news for North Texas. Rice, Houston, UT El Paso, Tulsa, Tulane. All driveable (maybe not UTEP) and all in the Central TIme Zone. What would KRAM say ?
  17. I'm glad to hear he will be OK. I hope he's back next season with whoever the new coach is. Riley is a champion. I wish him success in whatever he does.
  18. Please name the current Sun Belt teams that have ever, in the history of the world, made the top 25.
  19. I understand that Benjamin Franklin wanted the national symbol to be the turkey. Had that happened, would we be the Mean Green Turkeys ? I'm thankful for my friends on GOMEANGREN.COM. I'm grateful for what appears to be the turning of the corner with North Texas Athletics. and I'm grateful for my family and for good health GO MEAN GREEN Beat Kansas State
  20. I wonder if our new head football coach will be there Saturday ?
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