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Everything posted by bleedingreen

  1. I am an Eagle Angel and I have never felt so disrespected as I did as this past weekend's game. There were alumni sitting in our designated section, and that is against NCAA rules. That however was not the biggest problem, the problem however arose when an Eagle Angel officer asked our recruit and their parents if they wanted to relocate to another part in our section. The people that were sitting next to the recruit took offense to this request. They began throwing tortillas directly at us, deliberately shaking their pom poms at our heads and then began antagonizing us with rude comments. At first we did not take offense to this, these people had obviously been drinking and we decided to ignore them and let it pass, but they would not stop. After about a full quarter of this, it was too much to bear and they were getting on our nerves and on the parent's nerves. We got a security guard to ask them to stop, and when security arrived these people began yelling at us and calling us obscene names. One person that was sitting next to our recruit began to yell and cuss him out directly to his face. This was uncalled for and embarassing. Several of these people confronted me and I spoke in a very calm manner explaining that is against NCAA regulations for us to allow alumni sit with recruits. It is a grey area and the Eagle Angels, the football program and the athletic program could get in trouble for it. This was not a good enough reason for them and continued to yell at us from there designated seats (which were only a few rows up from our section) for the remainder of the game. Then they tried to say that we didn't want them to support the team or yell, and that is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard. As an organization we are a spirited group and we promote our fans and even our recruits to get into the game. We never "try to get fans to be quiet" or "stare, jeer, or tell anybody to shut-up" Anyone that has watched our girls knows that we yell for our team and we respect the fans and alumni of this University. During my time in Eagle Angels this was our first incident of such a degree. It was embarassing for myself, our organization and our recruits. Who in their right mind would yell and cuss out a recruit? That sure doesn't scream "We want you to come play football at our school" now does it? I do not want this to become a problem nor I am trying to entice the situation, but I wanted bring it to the attention of the people on this board.
  2. Saturday night was a great night to be at the Ballpark. I was there with some friends, we saw a few people there sporting a mean green hat....that was probably one of you guys! We sat right above the crowd chanting "Pedro" (where any of ya'll in that crowd with your shirt off? ) thought that was pretty funny...especially when they pulled him off the mound...lol...great to have the Rangers "back in the swing of things" I have always been a Rangers fan and a fan of winning...It's great to have the two back together again!
  3. <_< lol, good one. still no though
  4. If any UNT girls are interested, or you know of any UNT girls that would be, there is an interest meeting for Eagle Angels on Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Athletic Office. The dress is business casual and it is a meet and greet (with snacks) and an interview with the officers. Sorry guys, but girls only!
  5. I saw this movie opening night and I must say that Mel Gibson did the most absolute and wonderful job. This entire movie is just great. From the casting to directing and just the way the movie was presented, with flashbacks and all is just perfect. It is so real and yes very violent, but that is the way it was....he didn't glam it up or make it "all Hollywood." You feel so very sorry for Jesus and Mary. It will pull you in and take you back, you will relive Christ's last moments. I was exhausted after the movie...I cried the entire time...but it just gets you that involved. Definitely take some tissue with you!
  6. JJ threw off his coat quicker than anything I had ever seen. He had every reason to be ticked, that call was crap and everyone knew it, even the UNO players. I would really like to see that pic with the look in coach's eye!
  7. I agree whole-heartedly with all of you. My friends and I always joke about there only being 3 cheerleaders at the game, they don't even yell that loud. I heard Andy Blount yelling from where he was at (down by the goal with the other players) and I was sitting in the mid-part of the student section. That's just ridiculous. They should support the Mean Green teams not matter what.
  8. What made you want to come to UNT since you were a soph in high school?
  9. Hello to all GMG members! My name is Abby and I am a sophomore, majoring in Advertising with a double minor in Marketing and English. I am from Hereford, TX (panhandle area, for those of you who have no clue where that is). I have wanted to come to UNT since I was a sophomore in high school and couldn't be more happy to be here especially at such a great time. I am a HUGE supporter and love the Mean Green!
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