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About NTSkull

  • Birthday 10/28/1970

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  1. Hello all, I have two club level tickets for sale in Section 11 row 1 for the WKU game on November 19th. Let me know by PM if you are interested. Ted
  2. does anyone know how to catch the ball on this team?
  3. Milwaukee...Jacksonville....Seriously we have two closer sites in New Orleans and OKC......and they are thinking Milwaukee and Jacksonville....am i the only one that thinks that this is jacked up.
  4. OK i was standing in the check out line and low and behold there was a DVD of Red Dawn...I had to get it...those of us that grew up in the 80's remember this one...WOLVERINES!!!!!! I watched it this weekend after I heard about the death of President Regan. Brought back alot of memories about the 80's. By far not a perfect move...but reminded me alot of the Cold War. Ted
  5. I purchased a North Texas Yell book from 1924 on Ebay...maybe we should bring back some oldie but goodies (they are pretty funny) Ted
  6. There are a few of us around. And as far a Basketball is concerned... Roniger went to my high school in Metairie (Archbishop Rummel Raiders). How is that for a connection. I love the brittany in saints helmet it cracks me up Late Ted
  7. This is nothing new for us saints fans... they have been doing this to us fans for years. I was wathing the game with my family (they came in from New Orleans) and you have never heard so much yelling and cheering...then Nothing....but as i said we are use to it...Classic Saints. Ted
  8. Does anyone know how the tournament turned out this weekend? Hey Coach can you give us an update? Ted
  9. 919 Maple The Phi Kappa Sigma House from 96 to 98 ...life was one great party back then!!! I now live on Maple Dr. in Aubrey Coincidence...I think not!!!! Ted
  10. Whats it about?
  11. Not out front... but they did have some of our gear in the bar. I spoke with the bar tenders there and they definetally remembered us as the Mean Green. It's nice to be remembered!!!!!!
  12. So he withdrew from school....what about finishing his education???....I guess he was just ther to play B-ball....if he does not make the NBA then he wasted his education. Ted
  13. HHHHMMMMMMM!!!! Cara bear....The Country bears....coincidence....I think not. By the way ...whats with you and bears?
  14. I have all of ya'll beat....The worst of all time i a little known Cult film in the 80's called "The Black Devil Doll From Hell". The "devil doll" was a 1 foot tall millie vinillie (sp?) look alike with a casio keyboard as the background music. Look it up it was the worst ever... also has one of the worst movie line... After the doll breathes on a victim he says "Now that you have smelled the foulness of my breath....you can now taste the sweetness of my tongue"...he then kisses the chick....IT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ted
  15. I'll be there!!!! Ted
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