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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. I can't imagine how much it would cost to bring the student bodies... I can't see that happening.
  2. ---There are a lot of places that are nice places to visit... but you don't want to live there. Your travel is very limited and you don't want to go to the beach every day. --- I Agree, there are some universities that are really going to feel the increase in travel costs... especially Hawaii, LaTech, and even TCU. I expect non-cof. games to become big money games or rather close. Some of the smaller revenue conferences may change some which includes the Belt and CUSA. Travel costs can be even worse with basketball, baseball, and especially other sports that don't start to pay for themselves.
  3. ---People tend to forget that plastic is oil...as is carpets, asphalt highways, most roofing, most lubrication in machines, and a whole lot of other things. Windmills and solar energy do nothing for those things, we will continue to need oil. . As China and Asia modernizes their use of oil will greatly increase and I don't just mean automobiles and gasoline. . That river floating with garbage is in China.... They really have a problem and need to learn to keep their environment clean and learn how to dispose of waste. I understand safe water is becoming a problem over there. ---My personal opinion is that overpopulation will become the big problem 100 years from now , maybe less. In 1900 life expectancy in the US was 47, now modern medicine keeps us around until about 80 and the probability of reaching child bearing age is very high unlike in 1900. The same is happening worldwide. We could get into a population (birth) control discussion but that would make some groups very mad. Oil and energy is only part of the world problems that will need to be solved. We have always been able to solve the population problem with improved technology... but there may be a limit to that and what science can do as well as our best agriculture land is disappearing under cities. Good luck world....
  4. Absolutely agree--- DNA testing is a great thing (if done properly) .... that usually make the issue black/white. He did or he didn't and years of appeal don't seem very necessary any more and the likelyhood of an innocent person being convicted becomes rather small in most cases.
  5. --HUH...!!... I just don't see everything as black/white. For some people capital punishment is a deterrent, for some it isn't. Not every person or situation is the same. to put it into football terms... sometimes you run and sometimes you pass.... --Liberal... I just think it is funny that some start yelling liberal when someone disagrees with them... It has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative on any issue. Most people are really neither.... conservative on some things and somewhat liberal on others. . Check out the folks at El Dorado... very liberal on marriage issues (by most of our standards, multiple wives) but definitely conservative on the way females dress. The good old Puritans (who did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, those were too liberal, date not mentioned in Bible) first yelled witch... then hung them.....LOL...
  6. Oh no-- here is the word liberal again... just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are a (gasp) liberal. . That really bothers me.. the name calling. Besides our founding fathers were pretty liberal... they wanted to change things... the conservatives just want keep things as they were (Tories). The witch hanging Puritans at Salem were definitely conservative, "believe as I do or I will hang you". I don't consider myself either.. but definitely conservative on financial matters. --- I have taught in public school and once had ONE class in which 5 students (through the years) have been charged with murder and two more were murder victims . (I have actually heard a sixth one was charged but have not seen it in print) No other class of mine has been even close to that one. Three were convicted and I am convinced the other two were guilty but it could not be proven. None were executed. I can promise you that there are some that the death penalty or any punishment is not a deterrent.... and there are some that whatever punishment is out there a big deterrent. There are a very few that seem to have zero conscience and no sense of right or wrong and just don't care what punishment might exist. This guy might be one of them but maybe not since he threatens those that might testify again him. He must care some but just thinks he will always get out of trouble. (he pretty much has so far) ---Having said all this, the 1880's weren't all bad... in that era this guy would no longer exist.
  7. No, I meant $8 or at least $8.xx. Check this site: the 1973-2007 graph. http://www.wtrg.com/prices.htm Quote: "Following what became known as the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait crude oil prices entered a period of steady decline until in 1994 inflation adjusted prices attained their lowest level since 1973." It doesn't state the price but the graph shows it below $10. found this -- 1994 monthly average. January $13.29 February $13.28 March $13.13 There were some days it was below $9 (briefly, my memory, friends in oil business, I live in Midland) . Housing was cheap then and finding jobs here was a problem. Cross Timbers ( a production company from Ft. Worth but also in Midland) could be bought for 81 cents a share in 1994 (split adjusted) . It was over $70 last month.
  8. Amen..... just for grins once in a while I will slow down to 55 for a mile or two and it feels like I am riding a mule....so slooow. I never could tell any real difference in MPG in anything I drove. Can't remember when it started but it ended in 1994 after oil dropped to new lows under Clinton.. (85 cents a gallon, $8-9 per barrel ) Those of us in West Texas where miles and miles of fast roads exist were overjoyed (with the new limit, not oil prices). It takes me about 5.5 hours to get to Dallas now and then it was about 8 hours (if I drove somewhat legally, it also meant more Rest Room etc. stops because of the time).
  9. --- Guess you did not see the SMU game with Meager at QB, which set the all-time passing record for one game... He did not lose the game... The defense gave up wa-a-ay too many points.
  10. That statement was made as partly true ( SWC situation) and partly as a joke. The old grey Pony is not what she used to be. I have no clue if they had any influence on the CUSA decision but they publicly said they wanted any univeristy East of Dallas after TCU left CUSA ( ie. LaTech and a slap at NT) . The choice was UTEP, which was not what they had indicated they wanted.
  11. Which brings us back to fan/media support and alum pride. If we had good support, name conferences would be fighting to get us as a member. The problem is the chicken/egg argument again. Good conference means good support.......good support means good conference. The only thing we can control at the moment is improving support and the other should follow (unless SMU has a say/veto in the matter).
  12. ---Quoting the old philospher "POGO"...."We have met the enemy and they are us" Our alums are not as loyal as alums are most places**.... and that bothers me. I feel that my education is ever bit as good those other places produce. Because of the above... our athletic attendence is not that good, our media coverage is not that good, and even our visibiblity is not that good (bumper stickers, clothing, etc.) Showing pride in ourselves in paramount. It helps recruiting and in getting attention from the public and the media. Having said that, I worked at Habitat for Humanity this weekend wearing a North Texas cap out here in the middle of West Texas.... I got responses from 2-3 people about it. More of us need to do things like that (I don't just mean the people on this board). ** playing more regional opponents (especially Texas) would help, (my opinion) plus we have a lot of alums that only attend NT two years...instead of four. That means something needs to be done on campus to develop loyality quickly. The more loyality we get, the more donations we will get as well....the academic staff need to realize that and supports athletics better.
  13. --Exactly, they rarely were Saddam supporters....... they weren't there prior to our invasion... Saddam was no friend of them and was killing them if they appeared.... The Islamic radicals ( who were trying to overthrow him and had taken over Iran ) were most of the guys he was killing. Saddam was a mean person but he was doing nothing to us, and actually opposed the Iran government as are we. We were even was suppling him weapons (because of Iran) until he made the dumb decision to invade Kuwaitt (obviously he thought we would do nothing since we seem to support him against Iran). Saddam was doing what we now have to do. ... Are the average people any better off?? doubt it... Most of the schools and utilities we have rebuilt were actually working prior to our invasion and has cost us Billions in tax money and killed and injured 1000's of Americans.. I don't see how wanting to save money and lives is not being conservative. He was not going to do anything to us.... Iran, which contains Islamic crazies, might... and Saddam opposed them. . Ever heard the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".??..... Invading Iraq was very stupid. the USSR was not our buddy either prior to 1940 but we did not invade them and both of us fought against Nazi Germany.
  14. --Most of that list sent humaniterian support after the invasion... not combat support.
  15. --- That last comment is totally uncalled for and there is no similiarity....in fact there are some that would considered that as racist by lumping two people of the same race together. It isn't funny nor would it be if McCain's name was used either. I don't always agree with either guy but as long as they are trying to do what is best for Americans in general they don't deserve to be trashed. Having said that I lost faith in the current group when we invaded Iraq, I don't think there was enough evidence to do that (no other President has invaded a major country without being obviously provoked) and much of what they claimed just wasn't true ( which is why we had so little European support) and this seemed to be about helping his special interest groups (or his personal ego of being a war-President which are usually looked on with favor) . Meanwhile more that twice as many American soldiers have died in Iraq that died in 9-11 which was not connected to Iraq in any way. --- The one reason I really dislike all of these radio political commentators is that they divide America and picture the opposition in very unfavorable light when it really isn't deserved and often not even close to the truth.
  16. Brown isn't an option?? LULAC needs to contacted. LOL Also why is only the White squirrell being picked in.... Something just isn't right.... This should be mentioned to the Dallas County Comissioners............ LOL
  17. Dallas police find cocaine in car used by officers Published: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:45 PM CDT DALLAS - Police didn't have to go far to find $400,000 worth of cocaine _ it was in an undercover car they'd been driving for two months. An officer cleaning the car at a patrol station Wednesday discovered the nearly 50 pounds of cocaine carefully hidden in hydraulically controlled compartments. "These compartments have recently been more and more popular with drug operations," said Deputy Chief Julian Bernal, commander of the narcotics division. Dallas police put the two-door 2004 black Infiniti into police service on May 7 after seizing it at a drug house. It had been found at a drug house earlier this year along with a 1999 Honda. Bernal said the narcotics division searched both the vehicles and found nothing unusual after the seizure. The Honda was sold at auction. Bernal said police plan to contact the person who bought the Honda to find out if drugs are hidden in that car, too. And, they are also trying to find out who owned the cocaine they have been secretly driving around with.
  18. I hope they throw the book at him. Great comment....... and so true.... LOL
  19. What this poll really indicates is that 3% of the people that responded are total idiots and don't have a clue what the term means. .
  20. You are probably right.... sarcasm in print does not always come across accurately. For some people I know, it is not sarcasm. I know of people who do not read or listen to TV much because they consider the media is too LIBERAL and un-patriotic. They just don't want to be confused by the truth I guess.
  21. If you don't like what you hear (even if it is true) just yell LIBERAL.!!! I find it strange that some consider almost every news source, LIBERAL. Does that really make any sense.????????? If AMERICANs did not hire illegals that would not be here. Put penalties on those that knowingly hire illegals. Most of the illegals had a poor quality of life where they were so they risk a lot to help themselves and their family. I don't like what is happening but I do understand why it is happening. As many of the articles stated, most are paying taxes. Employers that fail to report with-holdings would be in severe trouble with the IRS, so those taxes are being collected. The articles state that. My pet peeve is what happens near the border when woman come across and have child born in America.. thus the child becomes an American citizen under American law. No other non-third world country is so "liberal" with granting citizenship. Most require that one parent be a citizen or legal resident in order for the child to be a citizen.. Once one member of the family is a citizen then the entire family gets some "American" rights. Our guys in Washington (both parties have have their turn) have done nothing to stop this. This present policy came about in an unusual manner.. it had to do with a slavery amendment with gave citizenship to those born in America (American slaves) and has extended into what is happening today, the border jumpers. As quoted by Jack Nickolson in a movie: Some " just can't handle the truth".
  22. Have you seen the T.Boone Pickens ad on TV ..... who has a couple Billion in the oil business.... He says, "We can't drill our way out of this mess". Perhaps K.Bailey is incorrect.... and maybe the other guys are.
  23. Seems like a "very liberal" of a interpetation of stats to me (I teach stats) by a supposedly conservative. Annual average unemployment rate, civilian labor force 16 years and over (percent) Year Ann Avg -------------- Truman 1948 3.8 1949 5.9 1950 5.3 1951 3.3 1952 3.0 -------------- Eisenhower 1953 2.9 1954 5.5 1955 4.4 1956 4.1 1957 4.3 1958 6.8 1959 5.5 1960 5.5 ------------- Kennedy 1961 6.7 1962 5.5 1963 5.7 1964 5.2 1965 4.5 --------------- Johnson 1966 3.8 1967 3.8 1968 3.6 ----------------Nixon 1969 3.5 1970 4.9 1971 5.9 1972 5.6 1973 4.9 ---------------Ford 1974 5.6 1975 8.5 1976 7.7 ------------ Carter 1977 7.1 1978 6.1 1979 5.8 1980 7.1 ------------- Reagan 1981 7.6 1982 9.7 1983 9.6 1984 7.5 1985 7.2 1986 7.0 1987 6.2 1988 5.5 ___________ Bush Sr. 1989 5.3 1990 5.6 1991 6.8 1992 7.5 ------------- Clinton 1993 6.9 1994 6.1 1995 5.6 1996 5.4 1997 4.9 1998 4.5 1999 4.2 2000 4.0 ---------------- Bush jr. 2001 4.7 2002 5.8 2003 6.0 2004 5.5 2005 5.1 2006 4.6 2007 4.6 2008 6.4 percent during June.. Last Modified Date: June 20, 2008 It Appears the Reagan years were the absolute worst, and the Bush Sr. and Clinton years dropped it greatly....then it has climbed slightly since then. At present we are over 6% again..under Bush By the way the low FDR numbers existed because of WWII....so many were "employed" by the military and the rest were making weapons etc. Another crazy stat again.
  24. Mathematics is Liberal...???? --- I don't know about that one.. I am very conservative in what I consider the correct answer. In fact in that respect we may be the most conservative guys on campus.... we see everything as black or white... right or wrong.... etc. ...LOL ---I do know some folks that wish I and the rest of the math department would just go away..... maybe to Canada. Viva les mathematiques de le monde !!! or whatever...
  25. - --Odd observation..... We are now using a huge amount of oil and we have those wanting us to drill more so we will have even more. Maybe figuring out how to consume less is the real answer... Oil is not in an unlimited supply. I stand on what I said... the price of oil is skyrocketing largely because of what is happening the China and the rest of Asia, not speculation of futures. I doubt any American politician can do much to bring down the price of oil.. --As for speculalion comments .. it may be a factor but that that much. Futures are sometime bought by companies such as airlines to lock down prices so they can plan and budget. I find it interesting that when oil was about $70 last year a Wall street "expert" came to Midland (I attended the meeting) and stated oil would be under $50 by Christmas. T.Boone Pickens came a month later and spoke at Midland College (April?) and said oil would be over $90 by end of the end. He was right. I don't trust Wall Street comments at all. They often say what they say (includes stock downgrades sometime) to hopefully drive prices down, then buy and make a profit.
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