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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. --True... But he started it.....and his name is on the bill.... he took credit for it then .... he gets the credit now. As for Clinton signing... the vote count indicates that any veto would have been overridden anyway. He probably should not have signed it even if his veto meant nothing.... but he did in 1999 or 2000... his last year.. This is consistent with the Enron mess... in which Gramm was involved (wife on board of directors) and resigned his seat when it hit the fan because of it. (actually he withdrew from his re-election bid since he only had a few weeks left). He then left the state in a hurry. The Move-on Org. comment is misleading ( GOP radio guys are good at that).... a lot of economic experts are claiming the same.
  2. The Credit card companies ----they are the banks being bailed out... Citi Bank for example.
  3. ---He bought this house during the Bush administration and the policies that were allowed to exist.. Obama has nothing to do with it. This idiot should just eat it, sell it or lose it and move. Don't expect any bail-out for him. Just because he mentions the Obama name and wants one doesn't mean he will get one. Didn't the Bush bail-out reward all these NY rich financial idiots on Wall Street..guess he thinks he deserves one too. --Read the latest Newsweek... the top two it blames for this mess are the Countrywide head and Phil Gramm (our former Senator) who sponsered legislation that removed many of the controls that had been in place since the depression. (1930's)... Phil gets a lot of the blame.... We had less govenment regulations oversight because of him and greed took over and made these idiot loans.. Make sure you know what the real facts are and not just play politics. PS: Phill Gramm's wife was on the board of directors of Enron....see a pattern ????
  4. --Great Salary and is hanging in there. I think playing 5 years also means a good retirement check..... forever. Some have found out that an overpriced contract means high expectation and an early exit. Patrick is having a solid career. ESPN leveled a lot of criticism at the combine stating it doesn't really measure football ability but just speed and other physical attributes..... some of which don't translate well to playing skills or even those same skills in uniform. The ability to do many things is keeping him in the NFL.. He reflects very well on North Texas. Thanks Patrick, and we wish you well. .
  5. -- I much prefer Texas State .... we have a long history of competion wtih them.
  6. -- He died on drugs and did play for Landry but all his problems I have heard of about him was after Landry was gone.. The same can be said of Nate Newton... Landry got rid of Lance Renzel in a week and many more were gone at season's end if not sooner. . --- Any one hear Dale Hanson's comment... "Now that he (Glenn) has been charged expect him to be activated on the Cowboys roster by next Tuesday." ....hahahaha
  7. --- Last season he was more like "zero-zero".... 4 TD's in 16 games. ... the same number of games that his team won. He had more than 60 yards ONE time. Whoopie.!!
  8. ---Most don't... Most athletes that get into trouble were raised in bad neighborhoods where those kinds of actions are fairly common. I am also convinced that is why some of dress like pimps and drug dealers...(big diamonds in ears for example). Their examples of the "rich" guys in the neighborhood dressed that way and not like the typical wealthy businessmen. They just don't get it. A lot of them despite how much money they have made are completely broke within five years. ---Some are very talented but in my opinion a team in the long run may be better off without them unless they straighten up quickly and become more mainstream. We don't need to have Ivy league types but we sure don't need stupid either. Some teams don't have many of these problems because they just don't draft or sign guys with bad historys. --Guys with serious problems when Landry was around disappeared quickly.
  9. --Rather meaningless... just a symbol of doing something. No big events for him.
  10. --George Bush should have hired more IRS people to review tax forms instead of cutting them back... Therefore it is his fault.....LOL ---Some of these are not exactly as the first appear. I believe the Treasury Secretary was paid internationally as a consultant and did not realize he was to pay social security or self-employment tax on that since it not earned in America. Daschle may be a problem but where does one that stop... I know a lot of oil people who are furnished a company car that use it like it is their own car and drive it all over town and even drive out of town with it. Should that be taxable income as transportation? ..do they owe income tax on that... and even worse does someone owes social security taxes in addition since it is income. Not sure the oil company wants to anti that up. My son has gotten free golf games from work and even expensive tickets to professional games in Dallas... is that taxable and should his company come up with more social security payments. No doubt there are problems with above politicians but a lot of these situations open up a lot of cans of worms for everyone. Preachers and some school administrators have furnished cars and some times they are used for things personal that are not in their line of work.... taxable??? not so easy of any issue to determine and how much.. ---Don't just think this is going on in one party....There are a lot of Senators and Representatives getting odd benefits. [trips to sports games and golf courses ..aka conferences] The deal is that the standards and investigation is much higher than in the past.... I do mean for both parties in the past. Both McCain and Obama campaigned on this issue and wanting to cut some of these questionable benefits out. As for Daschle... he received no cash ...just limo service which they have now ruled as income and taxable.. . ---If they had been Republicans or Democrats in the past, most of this would been ignored. Both candidates, McCain and Obama, were fed up with what has been going on and all of pork and earmarks (really bad the last 8 years). True the bridge to no-where wasn't built but the road to no-where which led to it (on the other side and can't be accessed by ground) was with Palin's blessing. --Be careful what you complain about... it might bite you.... if you have a job that you get some odd benefits that might be considered taxable in the future... or maybe should now apparently. ____________________________ How are those Bush cuts in FDA food inspectors working out ???? (see peanuts, tomatoes and others) He wanted less government employees... both the FDA (food) and CDC (disease control) were cut... http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dl...68/1013/48HOURS Between 2003 and 2006, FDA food safety inspections dropped 47 percent, according to a database analysis of federal records by the Associated Press. The analysis also shows that there are now 12 percent fewer FDA employees in field offices who concentrate on food issues and that safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year, according to the agency's own statistics
  11. ---Having idiots and outlaws and losing 11 is completely unacceptable. At least if we are that bad we should do it with intelligent people that reflect well on the university in other ways. Actually I think intelligent guys that are not great athletes can figure out a way to do better than we have done the past two years. 50 points per game.!!! Awful .... the worse ever ...by anyone.
  12. www.cbs.com
  13. Quarter.....Quarter ...... QUARTER...?? I think we have a confession that we have not been attending any college basketball games...
  14. . Really... Isn't Warren Buffit a Democrat..?? Thought so. GOP people tend to be people what think they are rich and actually believe that they have gotten all of these tax cuts...and usually haven't. ---also the so-called ??RICH?? on Wall Street are going broke and now want (horrors) GOVERNMENT HELP..!!! .... while complaining about other welfare such as food stamps for the poor.
  15. ---The problem is the financial community..... They made loans that should not have been made and expect the USA to bail them out after they went bad. Meanwhile the directors are getting bonuses and are feeling no real pain. (personal greed) ---The only responsibility the Bush government had was to keep regulations in place to keep this from happening. They didn't... They kept yelling less government regulation... and they got it ... and this is what WE get... the tax payers get to bail them out.......because of less government regulations and less government oversight. ---If we are going to have less government regulations then don't expect any government help either if things go bad. ... just let them fail which means no big bonuses for people who were too incompetent to stay solvent. --They just should not be able to have it both ways... no regulation but get government help. We should only help if we had good controls in place. True capitalism means minimal government and no help when you fail... ie. too bad.
  16. ---Wow... The Constitution argument... ...No we are not required to give the Iraq detainees Constitutional rights... BUT ... if we re trying to create a Democratic government there then we should at least get close to some of what it claims to stand for. If not... they absolutely will not "buy into" it. ---The real problem now is we have held so many of them so long (even some those already released) that they will be serious risks we we now turn them loose. On the flip side it is terrible to detain them as well if they haven't done anything and some of them hadn't/hasn't. The big problem and mistake has already happened**... We kept them too long without any investigation or proof that they were a problem.. NOW THEY ARE...( a big one) We now have a catch-22 problem... no good answer exists. **Don't blame the new administration. PS: no one from Iraq was involved in 9-11.... 16 of the 19 were from Saudi Arabia (our Mideast buddies?).
  17. --- I ordered "The Real Thing" at a concession stand of a basketball game a couple weeks ago... and got several blank stares. One of them then spoke up and said." I know what that is, it is a Coke". She was a bit older than the rest. LOL
  18. --In short ..expect the unexpected. I vote Warner ( Cards) The guy just wins playoff games. _____________________ Interesting article below... (read second page) K.Warner is 8-2 in playoff games and been in three Super Bowls. --- wins games he is expected to lose P. Manning is 7-8 and in one Super Bowl with a great team. --- loses games he is expected to win.. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/foot...nfl/01/21/chff/
  19. ---Exactly.... that is also what Saddam did ..... but the difference is he just killed them anyway often just for who they knew. ... Detaining them by us is not a problem, our police and system does it all the time... but it should not take six years to investigate and discover that he likely is not guilty of anything......That is why he was eventually released.... That is the ENTIRE point..... the time taken... not that they were "captured". ---The problem now the remaining ones could be even worse if turned loose.... and no doubt some are very awful people and should be kept. Some may have not been bad guys but after six years of prison.. they want revenge and are terrible now. We (Bush administration) may have created these terrorists... besides their family who are not locked up may now be terrorists because of what has happened to a family member. There is no good answer to these guys now.....
  20. --You are absolutely right..... and one could say that the Bush administration might have created this terrorist by keeping him in prison for years perhaps for doing nothing. ---If we are going to export democracy to the rest of the world then our principles should go with it ... six years is not a speedy trial. How hard was it to discover that he actually had a carpet store in Saudi Arabia?? We may have created this monster.
  21. ---That is my concern too. However the past administration may have created this monster. If someone had gotten me and taken me to some isolated island and kept me for six years (especially if I had done nothing to deserve it) I might come out with a desire for revenge and be a terrorist against an army that was in my country. ---Two ways to spin this one. . Besides it was not Obama that released him ... He was released in 2007 by the "other group". Hope we haven't jumped the gun a bit early on this deal at Gitmo.
  22. --- Most states birth records are online.. Hawaii isn't and hasn't been. (at least not on the site below) Texas: click on Texas...vitals .. etc. if you want to see yours (if Texas born) http://ftp.rootsweb.ancestry.com/pub/usgenweb/ Determining where a person is born is easy to prove... public records. Get over it... he is an American by birth. McCain won't appear... born on US military base in Canal Zone. _____________________________________ *****Opps, the older records on my county must have been removed lately... mine was also showing parents name*** Guess they realized that could be a problem....some counties are still all there. My kids are still there with no parents listed.
  23. ---This was not a first. Apparently it has been redone about three other times by other Presidents. All of the others had a similar mess up while saying the oath. ---I thought it funny that the Bush appointee (Chief-Justice) messed up what he meant to say....considering Bush was always fouling up or mispronouncing what he was trying to say. His legacy continues.
  24. -- I fully agree with you.. Wish more thought the same way. I don't even like online classes in most subjects. They just aren't the same as being in a classroom and hearing questions and interactions from students etc. So much besides the straight text material is covered and related to similiar items.
  25. ---I think Vizza did the best he could do and I wish him well. ... It is also pretty difficult to stay inspired when you see the other side of the scoreboard is averaging 50 points a week. He had very little responsibility in that part. (maybe some fumbles or interceptions ran back)... ---The best thing I see about the 2008 season is... it is over.
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