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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. No --unless the Big East splits... way to large now (16 teams) . Besides... Memphis is thriving in basketball as it is now... Did Lousville come out ahead by moving?? --- Football.. they would be better off to schedule great non-confernece games (if possible) and do well in CUSA. They have the name recognition because of basketball. --- I do expect any big shake-up that may occur to start with the Big East splitting into a football group and a non-football group.. Who knows when it might occur.... soon or many years from now.
  2. ---The Texas testing program is all Texas... and not a Federal deal. I supported the original TABS test [Texas Assessment of Basic Skills, passed about 1976 ] which did just that.. tested basic skills so no one could be graduating illiterates. Since then our politicians (either party) keep making it more difficult and even more crazy and testing odd topics that have little to do with most people's post high school life. They do it just to claim they are improving education.. which in fact is hurting it. Plus it is expensive and diverts money from real education. --- I am no longer in public schools and have not been for 12 years and have no kids in school either... so I have nothing at stake... The State Testing program is awful and harmful to true education. --- As for Perry, he has continually cut state funding which has caused local property taxes to rise... plus college tuition has really skyrocketed under him because of his decline in funding. [ He claimed they allowed colleges to set their own tuition to make them competitive... Bull-crap ... they did it to make up for what he cut from the state college budget in order to for them to survive ] He even vetoed insurance of community college instructors.... and we are very cheap to the state.... since local taxes provide most of the support... He is awful, no governor has been worse for education... college or public schools. ---No child left behind was a Bush deal... not good either... but we in Texas had this testing before he was Governor or President. He was bad for education too but not near as bad as Perry.. He just made the problem in Texas a national problem. --Some want to think it should be used to evaluate teachers... BS. Not every teacher has the same kids with the same ability or background. If OU beats Idaho State this year 31-20, should the Idaho State Coach be fired... his numbers were not as good...... Of course he has a program that was 2-11 last in in a lower division (non-BCS) and would have played a top BCS team. The same applies to education. I want to teach in Plano and not some South Dallas district if the testing is to be a judge of how I am doing. This testing and evaluation is nuts.
  3. --Anyone but Perry. He may the worst ever for education (my profession).
  4. --even better she is a she...sorta normal .... not like most of the GOP ones lately..
  5. --I don't (I hope you're trying to funny) ..... Well maybe I do the ones who just sit on their butt and expect the world to support them and work the system. Some poor folks just don't have a lot "upstairs" to work with and do about the best they can.. I also see a few that life just has given a lot of bad luck or terrible "place" to work from (drunken parents, abusive homes, terrible employment situations, etc.) ...and they can't figure out how to overcome their problems, those really deserve our help.
  6. --Wow... I don't have time to find all of them on U-tube but that were said... You have a terrible memory or are now just ignoring the truth. Granted Fox has pulled most of those old reports off the web (understandable, it makes them look like donkeys) ______________________________ Your comment: I don't watch any news on television except for local news. I prefer to read or listen to radio. Well that explains why you don't know what they are putting out. How could you possibly defend something you don't even watch.????????????
  7. --Private messages aren't posted publicly. Just saw an opportunity to clarify beliefs and tell folks how it once was.. Some here think Liberal is an awful word. On some issues.. maybe so... but not in general. Some here think Fox slaming civil rights constantly is great... we are who we are because of changes (once called liberal ideas) .
  8. ---Go ahead Fox lovers and trash me on the above statement... but remember who is largely responsible for the internet to be put into the public domain that you are trashing me on. The next time you hear liberall remember in 1900 when women could not vote, had few other rights, blacks were forbidden to go many places, 21 was considered an adult and you could be drafted to die for your country but not vote. Oddly I do not consider myself a liberal... at least not in today's definition. I support the old definition of marraige and a lot other conservative things.... including don't tax less and spend more for another.
  9. ---I am for civil rights... but not some of the extreme ideas now that come from it. My grandmother was never allowed to vote. She died in 1920 in the world wide flu pandemic. She would have been able to vote later that year. My Mother was not allowed to serve on a jury until the 1970's... they were all male until about then. Unbelievable during the early 60's she tried to check on the family bank balance after making a deposit (she was working) and the bank would not let her (her name was on the account, but she was female) . They wanted to call my father to get his approval. She went ballistic. Blacks could not eat in most restaurants and some of the kids in my high school class could not attend any Southwest Conference schools or even the Baptist College in my home town. Yes I am for civil rights... of course all of the above changes were considered liberal ideas at the time. --- If you did not live through that, then you likely just don't understand how it once was. .... unfortunately some don't get it and make fun of it and yell "Liberal"....when the term ""civil rights" is used.... They don't realize how things have changed....and why. Of course my age group was sent to Nam without being old enough to vote... (not 21) and we could not do business including it was difficult to buy a car without a parental signature even if we were out of high school and on our own. . --- I am not for the all the affirmative action now. Hire the best person and ignore race or gender. Those days are gone... Stand on your own now, enough time has passed. --- Financially I am a conservative.. that is why I detest Bush doubling the debt and removing financial controls that caused this mess. But on peoples rights, people deserve to be treated fairly. --- I also support being honest....Fox said Obama was Islamic (he had a crazy Christian minister). Fox said he took the oath of office on the Koran (he used a Bible), Fox said he attended a Medrasa.. (not true) , Fox said he would not say the Pledge of Allegiance (he does, and had even led it in the Senate), They have said Gore claimed to invent the Internet (he didn't but he did support and sponcer the bill that put the internet into the public domian instead of only being a government communication system)...... Fox even pictured Bush as a financial conservative (are you kidding me?, note his budgets and the national debt) Now you understand why I can not stand Fox.. no credibiity....... Feel free to check all that info.... Fox won't like you just as they detest the mainstream media or college profs because we tend to check facts and contradict their crazy comments. I teach in a college (math, not a socialistic subject) . I am not very gullible and don't believe everything that I hear....and I don't care who said it.
  10. Lesson... Be sober when you are to make a public announcem-m-mmment or appear on TV/radio. At least that sounds like that is the case. Bourbon Street must be a lot closer to Fouts than I thought. ..LOL..
  11. --- The decade of growth you refered to hasd to do with the development of the internet, the increased use of computers in homes, schools and business, and even the massive increase of cell-phone use... all of which boomed the tech industry and telecommunication area. It increased so much that most areas codes had to split into several additional ones...mine split three ways. The internet did exist in a primitive form during that Reagan era but was a "government only" communications network. It went public in 1994 due to the work of a Senator that I am sure you know about because of an odd comment he made that has been altered by the radio idiots. He stated created [by legislation] not invented. Reagan had nothing to do with the boom... in fact until last year (under Bush) the largest one day drop in the stock madket (even percent-wise) occured duing his term. I am sure you know that since you have a good degree from North Texas but if you just missed it, Look it up. It is true. .
  12. hmmmm.. If there are about 20,000,000 people in Texas (non-kids anyway) , 10,000,000 more or less of either gender and 365 birthdates. then this means about 27,400 fit. Classified by ten year spans of age (means guessing within 5 years. now we are down to about 4500 people fit that description.. Once you toss in the name and there are 1000's of possibilites you don't have a lot of doubt unless the name is an extremely common one (Bill Smith). Using the about listed charactistics, size, ethic group then I would think you are close enough to perhaps arrest or at least hold for detention until a possitive ID is made. Why in the world would she ever tell them her birthday??? name maybe, but birthday?? Me... I am one of a kind... no more is USA... less than 50 with my last name. .. I would be dead meat.
  13. They didn't. It was a national article... link is long gone.. they don't save them long.
  14. ---No Democrat has been anywhere CLOSE to the Bush spending. He totalled the debt of all 42 previous Presidents combined which includes all Democrats, Republican, Whigs etc. ---The debt and Obama.. I have no idea... but it is not going to be pretty.... Bush left America an awful mess to straighten up. His philosophy was "tax less" (especially the extremely wealthy, not so much the middle class which most of us are members) then "spend more" and "run up the debt". Face reality... he was no conservative... his budget over-runs were something we had never seen before by anyone of either party.. and we will get to pay.
  15. --I got the 22% number from an article the front page of the Midland Reporter Telegram* aka Midland Republican Telegram. (newspaper). It appeared about two weeks ago. *remember -- both Craddick and Bush claim to be from here... (very slanted to GOP).
  16. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.... if my state were to establish a "state religion"... the phrase would be denied. I agree with a lot of what you say but you stretch it too far. I have no objections to the 10 Commandments being posted.. but not in a manner to force people to react to them or too be unusally obvious. Would you object to a Buddist judge to have a Buddist quote on the wall? ...Probably not ..but you would if he made you read it aloud or whatever. ............It is called Freedom of Religion.
  17. ---Letterman's comments were classless. But the big reason that GOP people became such a big target is the claims by the GOP that they are the Christian, moral and family oriented group while the opposition is not. That really ticks people off....especially since the actions of that group shows continiously getting caught in some immoral scandel. Granted, Palin's situation is a bit different... but if you are going to claim something... you better back it up with your actions.... they as group aren't. They brought all this on themselves. Despite all that, Letterman should have known better, very bad taste. ---They also claim to be conservative.. but the last President doubled the national debt... which means he equaled the budget overruns equal to the ENTIRE 42 previous Presidents COMBINED.. ---They just aren't what they claim to be. People are catching on.
  18. Yep .... down to 22% and falling.. That is all that will admit to being a GOP supporter now. Guess that reflects on how bad a job the previous President did.
  19. ---Consider the quality of last year's team --- that is close enough.... Don't need a closer look at them.
  20. --It all started when we elected Reagan..... a former actor and twice elected President of a liberal labor Union. -- ( The Screen Actors's Guild ) He more than doubled the national debt despite claiming to be conservative the entire time.... you judge, was he??
  21. ---The guy in Washington yesterday apparently thought about the same.. that the sky is falling and only a few are privy to it.. The rest of us just don't understand.
  22. --Rather typical reporting--Some religious guy claims it is an attack against Religion.. It was not.. It was a situation of illegal or questionable parking.. Whether it was a Bible study or a poker game... same deal.... it was all about the cars not religious persecution. . .. ---Pretty much same is true most of the time with the crazy comments about schools and religion. They are usually misrepresented.
  23. ---Nothing... but if you do like that idiot judge in ALABAMA?? that has them posted on the wall in six inch letters with blinking lights around them and forced people to read them before beginning a trial ...YES..... A lot of folks don't bother to tell you that part. ---Also one guy (maybe same one) had a one ton (or larger) granite rock inscribed with them and placed them near the doorway of the courthouse or his courtroom so that people had to walk around it to get to his courtroom.... that too is wrong. Bet he would have gotten all excited if a statue of Budda or even a Madonna statue had been placed there. ---So many that complain about no religion in schools/government buildings don't really tell what people are objecting to. I have been in public schools and public colleges and having Bible in class has never been a problem... unless they are suddenly deciding to be a evangelists or just sitting there reading and not doing what is expected of them. I have also heard some devotionals that were very slanted to a certain religous belief (usually not main-stream).. Those are a problem. Not every Christian church has the same exact beliefs and some would have been offended by what they heard.... not to mention the Jewish kids or other kids of various beliefs. --As long as 10-commandments or topics are done in a rather quiet or non-controversial manner**.... no problem. .. but that isn't what these fanatic religious nuts are complaining about. They cause the Christian religion more problem than the atheists or other religious groups. Those rarely complain unless it become TOO obvious or offensive. [blinking lights etc.] **can be go to Hell for using alcohol, tobacco, birth control ever, biology or geology topics,, or other obvious subjects which I leave to your imagination..
  24. --- Maybe it is because the Old Testament is very violent... and most of the men there had multiple wives... David and Solomon had 100's. Very few preachers ever mention that, if fact they seem blind to a lot of what is in the Old Testament and the actions of many people. . Even the New Testament is often distorted by some of them. I have heard preachers refer to Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. Not one verse mentions that or any other writings that date from the first few Christian centuries. Some Pope dreamed it up centuries later to put women down as a method to help keep them out of positions of power in the Catholic Church. I see a lot of difference in being Christian (I am) and being a church fanatic. ---It is odd that more wars have been caused by religion and more people have been killed in war for religious beliefs than for any other reason. Even WWII had a religious overtone... they tried to eliminate followers of the Jewish religion....although not stressed and very few in number, Islamics and others were eliminated from their lands as they were caught as well.
  25. Adoph (Dolph) Briscoe. and Adoph Coors...... German radicals ...... give me a break. Are all the Joseph "Communists".... (Stalin) or (Dr. Mengle ) Julius is not that great of a name either... Obama was born long before anyone heard of Saddam..
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