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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. --- The ignorance of the gun group amazed me.. The gun manufacturers and gun stores are claiming the current administration wants to ban guns. It is great for gun and ammo sales as everyone rushes to get one while they can.... Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I was in Toronto, Canada... Supposedly the people working in liquor stores where going on strike.. Guess what-- the day before the expected strike -- they broke all one day sales records.... and guess what happened then ...no strike. ---Rumors of gun bans are great for business and improves NRA membership... no one is about to ban guns... maybe some extreme assault weapons but not guns in general.. beside we have had some gun CONTOLS for years... sawed off shotguns are illegal and have been for a long time as well as many other controls. ---May the gullible ones waste more money on guns.. Besides when was the last time in American History did citizens need guns to defend themselves against a totalitarian government...??? Never??. [ PS: the Indians in West Texas are not a threat anymore either , they closed Ft. Davis over 100 years ago] We may need some for personal self protection and even to kill rattlesnakes etc. but not an assault gun in a war type situation. ---For what it is worth...I am not anti gun ...I am a West-Texan and own about a half dozen or so of various sizes...... but I am anti-stupid....and just can't believe how gullible some people are. _______________ ---I also have heard some right-wing churches are against birth control and want them banned ..... better stock up on birth control pills and condoms while they are still legal...LOL
  2. --I find it difficult to believe that NO NFL team doesn't believe that he is better than at least one of their backup QB's. Crazy... He has done well and he very intelligent... Good Luck to him.
  3. WOW... --You must live in Highland Park... You (and I) work for an government organization.... Firefighter (education for me) so health care insurance is not a huge problem for us....BUT there are a lot of people who work at minimum wages who have no spare money especially if they have several kids. Many people are self employed or work in a small business and have big problems getting health coverage especially if they already have health problems. Surely in your job you see these people... if not... look around more. --Now having said all of that... I still am not sure the insurance or health care plan is what we need. I know one thing health care is extremely expensive compared to what it once was..... and I mean compared to what the average person earnings is/was.
  4. --- Are you talking about a 5000 drop in the Dow...?? and a wreaked economy ...because US gov. sucked up to the Wall street and the banking financial tyrants ---and we removed controls and government oversight that was put into place after the Great depression of the 30's. ...? --Wow.. that article doesn't sound like Obama is "sucking up" to him... sounds the reverse... Chavez wants him to change... so what.. Just because Obama listens to him more than Bush did doesn't mean much.... I listened to my kids and then still said NO when I needed to do so.. Might have nice if Bush had listened to European opinions more before we invaded Iraq... Most claimed there was no way they were manufacturing nuclear weapons... and they were right apparently.. Listening to other opinions is usually good... but you never have to follow their desires or advice just because you listened. .
  5. --- Some people in America are incredible and what they will swallow and WANT to believe----- They said he was an Islamic.... then his crazy CHRISTIAN minister appeared. They said he went to a Madrasa.... it was shown to be wrong. They said he used the Koran to take office... he didn't ...he used a Bible and has actually led the Senate in (Christian) prayer. They said he would not say he say the Pledge of Allegiance --- he has led the Senate in that too ( U-tube video exists) ___________________________ There are lots more of false claims as well. These types of people have lost all credibility to most of us. (explains partly why people do not trust Fox which has people that said all of the above and more) To me and to most if someone lies a few times then I trust nothing they say as true-- ---I can't believe there are those trying to claim he is a non American.. True his father was from Kenya... he mother (a white American citizen whose father was on Normandy beach in WWII) met him while attending the Univ. of Hawaii (it is in America). They were not married very long. Her second husband was from Indonesia and Obama only lived with them a few years... He lived most of his childhood life ( about 9 years, 9-18 ) with his WHITE grandparents in Hawaii and never even lived in a black neighborhood until at least after college and maybe not then. You likely do not know this since you never listen to those commie media people. Do you honestly think this has not been confirmed by the Supreme court..?? I have never seen George Bush's birth certificate either (maybe he was born in Canada on a family trip while his parents stayed at Kennebunkport Maine) or McCain's (maybe the hospital was not in the Panama Canal Zone but a few miles away in a Panamanian Hospital..... In fact I don't ever remember any Presidential candidate publishing his birth certificate in a Newspaper or magazine. Clinton, Reagan or no other one else has printed one in the media.... even then they extreme crazies would claim it is fake...... read this... ______________________ Oct, 2008 (mainstream media, not Fox) -You might think these rumors would have died off after Obama produced proof in June that he was, in fact, born in Hawaii to an American citizen, his mother, Ann, or after Hawaii state officials confirmed in October that he was born there. You might think the rumors would have died off after he was elected by a comfortable margin. Instead, they've intensified. There have been paid advertisements in the Chicago Tribune questioning the president-elect's birth certificate and eligibility, and one group is raising money to run a similar ad on television. The right-wing Web site WorldNetDaily has been reporting on the issue almost nonstop. Numerous plaintiffs have filed lawsuits in various states. And Friday, the Supreme Court's nine justices will decide whether they want to hear one of those suits, which also contends that John McCain, born in the former Panama Canal Zone, does not meet the Constitution's requirements to hold the presidency. ____ Note the Supreme Court reference.... both candidates satisfied their opinions should have removed any doubts in their minds. .. You are just being a sore loser and will not accept reality.... Obama may be a good President or may be the worse ever... but in either case he is our lawful President... get over it. ...... and quit just making stuff up. ... Just get over it... He got elected largely because the economy tanked in 2008 (5000 point Dow drop, the financial bailouts in Sept. prior to election) ...when Bush was in power.... plus most don't think the War in Iraq was necessasy (no WMD, as promised)
  6. --- And Cheney approved of torture... even of people who knew nothing. --- Recommentd you see the movie Rendition and think about the attitude of a person that had gone through that.... He would be dangerous after all of that... or least I would be. --- I don't approve this science guy's comments either...(for what it is worth) --- You did read the bit on GMG about the Fox news guy.... Adolph would approve of him. (no I did not post it)
  7. --Try using the freeze frame button on your TV.. you will get some realy strange results. ---The entire video shows him turning around to help the lady behind him. The still frame shows him a an odd point in the turn... It isn't what it looks like as a still picture. ---Even if it was true then it is not as bad as the guys from the other party hitting on the young male pages, or trying to make a "contact" in a men's restroom, or even disappearing to Argentina for a week for some "fun and recreation"and even without letting ANYONE where he was.. So much for the party of family values, and morality.. Yeah I know both parties has their bad boys but one doesn't claim to be morally superior and Holier than Thou. ... Amen
  8. That is what I thought after the 2007 season...... then we got worse in 2008... ---The defense was terrible but the special teams was worse ---and we gave up a lot cheap TDs. If that area improves we should be better. Every good coach spends a lot of times on special teams because almost one-third of the game involves some type of special team.. punt, punt return, kickoff, kick-off return, goal-line/short yard situation and field goal/extra point teams on both offense and defense... ie. a lot of plays are special team situations. ---Let us hope we do a lot better on both defense and special teams. The offense should be ok if the other two groups hold up ---the offense would be inspired to play well because the opponent's score is not out of control. Dodge's offense isn't the big problem... the other two areas are.
  9. She is quitting the Gov. job to become a stripper????????
  10. Quote From the above article which was a quote from Clarence Darrow--- I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." — Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) ---That pretty much decribes my feeling about McNamara.. He more than anyone is responsible for our war in Nam which took so many lives and messed up many others. For years his own son (who was Nam age) would not even speak to him. He was one of the "Ivy League Whiz Kids" which seem to be good at starting wars but personally avoiding them. --He deserved a 21-gun salute long ago..... all aimed at him... No comments??: Not much you can say good about him... (my opinion) ... Plus the younger ones here have no clue who he was. Article is a good one.
  11. -- The truth ---but what some refuse to recognize becasue it is not what they want to claim is true.
  12. and Bush said he was a conservative....before he doubled the national debt (which mean overspending the previous 42 Presidents COMBINED) and never balanced one of his eight budgets. This is nothing compare to that statement.... well that... and knowing where those WMD were and that we were in danger from an attack from Iraq. The Bush administration has the economy screwed up much worse that thought... his 5000 DOW drop was just the beginning but at least that has stabilized somewhat. ...those of us who lost a lot because of him are somewhat bitter. You just can't tax less and spend more and expect good things to happen. Hope the super wealthy enjoyed those tax cuts... most have lost a lot more in the Dow drop that they earned with his reduced taxes. . Wake up to reality and face what has really happened. ....it is not pretty. --Unfortunately there is a high probability of a large inflation period because of this mess...
  13. ---50,000....... I wish we could get them to enter the stadium on game days....
  14. The last statement is exactly that I lifted from your text is my entire point.... One party does not have the market cornered on family values or the lack of them or morality or patriotism, or even Christian values though they love to claim they do.......As I heard Micheal Reagan (Presidential son) once say, if you are Patroitic and a Christian. you vote Republican... I don't think so.... nothing could be furthur from the truth... Thanks. Both groups have their share of disgusting slimeballs.
  15. --- Not my favorite person as a politician but she isn't that bad... !! At least she didn't take off to Argentina as one of her fellow governors did. .. (I won't mention the party but he represented family values and the party of superior morality )
  16. ---Sometimes people ( or colleges) just can't afford what they want. I don't think LaTech can afford to stay where they are. A lot of folks in Florida and California wanted really big condos and now they are reposessed and they have nothing. Wake up.
  17. ---Because of hurricane problems.?? It is a private school and may have a lot more financial problems.
  18. And just who was Pres when the DOW dropped 5000 points and the banks were bailed out and the economy tanked. Not him, the other guy. --- FUI can't come up with $25,000 for a cheerleader program... WOW. No band ( not even home games?? ) and no cheerleaders makes them look awfully small college. LaTech may be reconsidering their situation especially after this next year if the economy doesn't improve greatly. They are spending a fortune in travel expense. I support Texas State if LaTech is stubborn.. FUI needs to quickly get their act together or get out of Division I. ---Florida is really suffering because of all those crazy loans that were allowed after so many banking controls were removed (sometimes government oversight really is needed). Florida, California, and Vegas have a terrible repo problem and other financial problems.. Tax less and spend more doesn't really work well either ... ---Colleges in many states may be hurting some... Texas is a better off because we have something no one has... University Lands and with oil located on them... which supports the UT/A&M system colleges. Those schools require little tax money.
  19. ---No, but being a member of the Big-XII assures them of huge crowds (and lots of revenue) when they play another Big XII team especially nearby UT, A&M, TxTech, and OU.. They don't have to work hard to get that money or to fill their stands---(we do)-- they don't even have to field teams that win much.. Part of the reason that SWC split was that those large state schools were tired of filling SMU, Rice, etc. stadiums for them. As you can tell, SMU as a non UT conference member generally has awful attendance. If we played UT and the Big-XII teams at home, our stadium (and basketball coliseum) would regularly be filled as well without any more effort from us. ---The dumb luck part in Baylor's case was that when the SWC broke up, they were slightly better than TCU... and did not having the cheating backgroud of SMU. It did not hurt any that the Governor at the time ( Ann Richards ) was a Baylor Grad (also dumb luck).
  20. --- That is the huge problem.... No one likes property taxes but in an odd way they can help a couple of ways... obviously they create government revenue.... but also someone that purchased property cheap even if it is unoccupied can hold on to it for very little cost for years. Can't really do that in Texas... it costs to own property in Texas so people don't just sit on it and wait for a ridiculous offer. The fact they they are sitting on it causes other property prices to go up rapidly because of less property available. That partially explains why property prices are crazy high in California. Texas only freezes property tax for seniors and then only their homestead and even then only for school taxes which tend to the largest anyway. Some people in California are paying about nothing in taxes on their property because they have owned it so long. I suppose it is true on commercial property too, I just don't know. ---Odd that some GOP keep claiming California is so liberal... they elected the governor and control it. But then again what was conservative about the last administration taxing less and spending more and doubling the debt...(and screwing up the economy) Conservative is what they claim and not what they are. Even their ultimate hero was a labor union president and composed of Hollywood actors, the "Screen Actors Guild", and he was a former governor from the most liberal state in the union and he nearly tripled the national debt when he was President during the 1980's. . Explain that one. The truth and what they claim to be true isn't exactly the same. How in the world can they complain about liberal Hollywood actors when their hero President was one. ---Of course if they went to the Texas property tax system, they would yell tax-increase and abandon the governor just as the supposedly unlta-conservatives abandoned the older Bush when they turned on him and voted Perot..... and we got Clinton instead. The ultra-conservatives should get credit for his election, not the Democrats.
  21. -- Most what you say is exactly correct. (likely I am older and have seen more and know how it once was) 1.-- As I said politicians pass bills to claim they are helping education and often the opposite is true. they just want to get re-elected. 2.-- Administrators are often years out of the classroom and don't get it. Oddly people used to criticize coaches being administrators but in truth they often were not the smartest guys in the building but they had leadership qualities and often did pretty well. My gripe was those administrators and counselors that had never taught basic classes... They just did not understand those kids and where they were coming from.. 3.-- So many single parent families now and not good home supervison in many of those situations or two parent families either. Parent often do not want to take responsibilty and just blame teachers when they kids are out of control. 4. AMEN --The Taks test is awful and takes away from true education especially in regular classes, not so in advanced ones, those kids will pass it anyway. the original TABS (basic skills test) served a good purpose... then the politicians screwed it up.. 5.-- Bad teachers.. yes there are some.. but then again when my sons made more their first day of work in industry than I was making when I retired.... Why would they teach? Schools get what they pay for. When I quit the number of male math/science teachers had really dropped in number. Most were now women who taught so they could be with their kids in summer. Many were very good, but some were not really qualified to teach upper level classes but were assigned to them. Some middle and high school classes are being taught by people who should not be there (elementary certified) but no qualified ones exist. Schools get what they pay for. 6.-- Additional... there are so many kids that come from non-or poor English speaking families now... Often there is no parental pressure by them to achieve. Also.. I notice a big difference as time passed because TV went to dozens of channels when earlier there were very few as distractions. Toss in video games and the fact that some kids just play them constantly and pay no attention to school work.... and their learning suffers. The best students are as good or better than ever... the average student is far worse. ... I get to teach them at the college level. -- I find it hard to believe anyone in education can defend Perry... especially if they pay any attention to what has been happening at the state level.... also No-Child-Behind was a Bush program who had earlier been the Governor in Texas and took some of our Texas political ideas with him. It is all about claiming to do something...not really doing it. Having said that.. Bush was great compared to Perry et. al.
  22. --EagleD (above) is exactly right... It went into the General Fund... which funds education. It may have been additional money early on but as time passed they just reduced other taxes so education wound back up exactly where it was.... It just did nothing to help education. Also the state spends a lot more on prisons that it once did as well. ..... which cuts into the amount available in the general fund for education.
  23. --- Baylor gets to be the bottom team in the Big Twelve (football) and TCU which did not make it to the Big-XII has had pretty good success. Sometime in the bigger one is not the best one for a team. A team needs to be competitive. --- Agree with one comment above... we need to improve greatly... A bigger or better known conference is not the answer to ALL of our problems.
  24. ---No one wants new or more taxes but the last administrations policies of fewer taxes and more spending** sure did not work well. It increased the debt and the economy was left in a mess. I am sure the super wealthy saved on taxes and had less financial controls but most lost more than they made with the 5000 Bush DOW drop before he left office. In the long run...did they come out ahead...?? I doubt it. ** and still claimed to be conservative..!!!!
  25. --But could you imagine a talk program with Bush as host. ??? It would be funny without intending to be. I will admit that the way he left the economy is not funny though.
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