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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. --Personally I doubt the weight from the battery would help protect one much.. In fact I would think the opposite.. Weight from larger steel supports and frame in larger cars do. It really isn't the weight but what that weight is and does.
  2. ---I would not called what happened to him much punishment. He died in luxury at Snowmass, Colo. (not prison) while his case was on appeal after being convicted. His death sheltered a lot of his assets from being taken from his family. . Without much more detail... read the Wikipedia article (or something else if you don't trust it) on him. His investors, employees, and many others suffered a lot more. In October 2006: A federal Judge vacated his conviction.. I think that helped his family as well and made many assets untouchable.. A lot of politicians were sweating blood for a while because of the benefits they that had received from him including an Enron plane used for campaigns. A few of the more honorable ones returned the cash benefits they had received. . As for elctric cars... I am not convinced yet... A friend has a hybrid and likes it but I wonder about them in the long term. The energy used to run them is not free and has to be generated somehow and I have concerns about junking out large numbers of them, gasoline ones are pretty much just metal with some plastic, and tires which hybrid/electric ones have anyway. .
  3. ---I wasn't the one that first mentioned Enron and the fact the CEO was wasn't punished.... neither were several others who should have known what was going on.. A lot of retired oil/gas people in West Texas lost their pensions and their company paid health insurance because of them. Some who had never worked a day at Enron but for companies Enron acquired. Also mentioned rolling blackouts Enron may have caused (I don't know). But I do know one of my son's company has a presense in Japan and rolling blackout is driving them nuts because in manufactoring (not just homes) because ovens baking semiconductors need a comstant sourse of power. Rolling backouts cause severe problems..however Japan just can't do better with those nuke generators gone. ---Without a good or reliable sourse of electric power, these cars become a problem. Easier to put gas in a tank than wait for hours to recharge. Long trips would be near impossible... Someone mentioned the batteries will last 100,000 miles..... ok .. then what do you do with them and how could so many be disposed off safely.?? ... Plus replacing them is no cheap deal either and I doubt recharging a car would be either. It take oil/gas/nukes to generate the electricity to recharge them or at least most of it. Every change of energy form results in some loss (basic physics) I don't see how you come out ahead.
  4. ---Westboro Baptist also stated they would show at a funeral at Andrew (West Texas). They didn't show up or else decided to sneak away... There was a big crowd waiting for them. ---Wisconsin has a bad budget problem but protesting the Governor at Special Olympics is very distasteful... They hurt their cause not helped it.... Idiots.... Appears to be a police union.
  5. --On the board of directors and on Enron audit committee was Wendy Gramm. Phil Gramm (husband) then pulled out of his re-election race and they left the state. ---As for the Volt or electric cars.... they may work ok if a person only drives short distances and lives in a large city...terrible if you need to drive long distances...or live in sparse area... can't recharge quickly.... also remember there are environmental electric generation concerns as well..... My last concern... they have batteries.. how long do they last and what happens to them when they get old. Looks like that is trading one problem for a bunch more.
  6. SMU fans should be irate.... they may have done less .... for less time.... and for less things... remember Clarette and his problems ... and the tutors writing term papers scandals earlier... and now all of this.. This ?college? has a long history of infractions and bad behavior. ... very little happened to them. .
  7. Ohio State has got to be the dirtiest program around.... Remember Clarette earlier and all that went with it, plus I seem to remember a scandal involving tutors writing term papers for athletes.... and now this is addition all that was being mentioned now... Their philosophy seemed to be---"Just win and we will ignore the rest". ---SMU fans are the ones should really be mad if OSU doesn't get the death penalty.... they did..... and may have not done worse or as long or as many things wrong. .
  8. I thought this was only Fouts games that we saw ... not just any UNT game. --One I remember very well was the game against FIU.. that went into several overtimes.... Other that than some games in 1965.. again Tulsa and Louisville.. lots of exciting plays and players then... just before the Joe Green era. They were interesting largely because they were passing games and very NFL style when the SWC [except Baylor with Trull-Elkins] tended to run so much. I did enjoy the final game at Fouts against Kansas State, it was a loss but a well played exciting game. Worst game--- about any Dickey's final year or Dodge era when the scores were ridiculous... especialy the Tulsa one I saw.. Best anywhere that I saw: Against Texas Tech [tortilla game about 1989] went with wife and kids and we made a big comeback and won... wife is from TxTech.
  9. --- A good post with reasonable thought. --- I agree that there almost had to be some officials in Pakistan that knew or had an extremely good idea of where Bin-Laden was... the location is very suspicious besides.... near a military school and near many retired army personnel. How many houses that are unusually large (and noticeable) that are within a couple of miles of you do you not know or wonder about who lives there?? --- As for Gitmo... When any person takes over an administrative position they often learn that earlier opinions do change.... They learn about things they didn't know and even conditions changes as well.. [even in football coaches change game plans as the game changes] Gitmo is nothing like it was being operated prior to 2009.... a lot less people there and apparently not the same activities going on... we just don't know... but the worst of the worst are still there... and good deal. --- on other issues, just remember when the debt went out of control and who had in charge of Congress for years before then .. [ they influence the budget more than the White House anyway.. they pass the legislation ] Some people simply vote on ONE issue {I don't want to get that started ] and not who is the most capable of running the government and doing what is right. ---If the guys in Austin had done what was right in earlier sessions Texas would not have one of the worst 3-4 budget problems... after all Texas may have the best economy in the USA now. Those who are in education [ students and employees] will get to "pay" for their failures. --- I don't care politically who got him and hope no one tries to make it very political ... the important thing is ... we got him... and we are all better for it. The way we did it suits me fine... the situation seemed to indicate there were people in Pakistan that really shouldn't be trusted.... and we really don't know which ones. . .
  10. --OK ---- Yay...we finally got the Bastard.... I'll bet Trump will want a death certificate or copies of the pictures.... LOL Good grief.... I never knew he was considered a member of any particular party ... He is just an very odd person that hogs attention.. I doubt either party wants to claim him. Get over it ... it wasn't political. !! .
  11. --- Fox news got so excited after the Presidential Speech that they announced we had finally killed President Obama... that is true. They quickly corrected it... LOL Guess they got confused because of all the criticism they level toward him... hahaha
  12. Read articles about this... none of the information obtained that led to this event was obtained by waterboarding but instead by traditional means.. The Spanish inquision and even Salem Witch trials got people to say all sorts of things including confessing to being witches, devils etc. It just isn't reliable. About waterboarding... even McCain opposed it... Quit trying to make this a political event .... America got him..... Bush and Obama both contributed as did the CIA and military...
  13. . --Everyone was wanting to get Bin Laden.... AMERICA got this idiot...... just as America won WWII. . Some opposed Iraq but never to getting Bin Laden.. Most Americans have allegiance to AMERICA... not a political party.
  14. . --Great comment.... AMERICA got this guy.... not any political party. We all wanted him dead. .
  15. I grew up in Brownwood in the 60's and these two yells sometime were yelled by the student-body/band... not the cheerleaders.. Looking back they were a bit mean but we were 18 and were winning states titles in football. Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon rind-- Look on the scoreboard and see who is behind--. YOU..!!! __________ We ain't cruel , we ain't mean-- We will give a yell for the other team-- HELP.!! In those years cheerleaders were more cheerleaders than gymnastic performers.. A lot of cheers had something to do with what was going on on the field such as: First and ten...do it again!! (repeated) Credit the band with a lot of opponent's penalities... when the other team had the ball in front of the band.. they played LOUD.. There were several times the team jumped offsides because they just couldn't hear well. It was no accident... the band/cheerleaders/student body knew what it was doing.
  16. . Best ( funniest) comment I have seen in a long time.. .
  17. ---Really??? so -- I criticize Obama all the time..???.. I just did. I am not a big Obama fan and might have voted for McCain until he showed such bad judgement and selected Palin (mindless and had never been out of North America ...he had met her only once and think was shocked after the convention at how little she knew) .. I just get annoyed that many just can't realize WHEN the national debt just went crazy... 2% increase per year the 8 years prior to 2001 and then doubled after that.. The truth just isn't what some people want it to be. They are so politically biased that don't see facts. I even voted for Bush Sr. but the radical conservatives abandoned him when he tried to get the budget under control and was. He deserved to be re-elected. Even McCain did not like the fact the debt got out of control after 2001... which is a contributing factor in our economic mess now. It will difficult for ANYONE, ANY PARTY to undo the damage done. [also tough for a family to get out severe debt as well... have to meet current expenses while paying off old ones] Options... severe cuts and/or higher taxes. Neither are popular..... but something will have to be done. People who are going broke have the same options.... earn more money or cut spending.. --- As for Texas -- just explain why we have one of the best economies but have the worst budget problem.... worse than Calf. now. Really bad leadership in Austin..?? . Even C.K.Rylander said several years ago it would occur when she was comptroller (treasurer.) She was right but under-estimated how bad it would be... Few listened and for voted for the guy that said "less taxes and I am conservative etc. (to hell with what needed to be done for the betterment of out state... it was all about getting re-elected). He was offering candy when people really needed something else. Good politicians (and parents) do what is right and not what makes them liked.
  18. Who beats him..??. Palin, Gingrich (worse morally than Clinton), or Donald Trump?? .... So far the worst collection of party candidates ever...any party. Romney maybe but a lot of folks in GOP don't like him... and Huckabee would have trouble in a general election (so many don't like a minister in there because of separation of church and state and he is a birther ( aka wacko )besides) ... Maybe someone will show up but it sure isn't obvious. Besides this economic recession started in Bush years and has improved some but not as much as hoped. The same with the rapidly growing debt... but that hasn't not slowed down due to less taxes being collected due to recession and the tax cuts that took place about 2003...
  19. I disagree with the Obama's comment about this being a long time GOP state... the legislature went GOP in 2000 after being dominated by the Democrats since 1870's ( largely because reconstruction and the depression) and all Speakers of the House until 2001 in Texas had been Democrats ... Perry was the first Lt. Governor that was GOP which happened in 1999.. The first GOP Govenor was elected in 1978 (Clements of SMU shame) and almost all other officials were Democrats then. It is true that the state has been considered rather conservative even when Democrats were in power. Having the Bushes from Texas and in national spotlight pushed Texas in the GOP corner. How is the budget in Texas now??? [ ask anyone in education ] ...even with a great Texas economy (Perry's words) It is worse than EVER in the past.... go figure. . I would not say a 10% margin in Texas by McCain was a landside... a 5+% change would change the election result... that is only one person in 20 changing their vote... .
  20. -- He found out otherwise... students were not carrying handguns on campus but it wasn't long until they were shooting at him with high-powered rifles they had in cars. Wasn't a great idea since those bullets did land somewhere. -- I am not anti-gun (own them) but I fear having students with concealed guns on campus... I have seen too many drunk, hung-over, drugged, hotheads, and CARELESS students (and other people). It will cause far more deaths than it saves. I had a friend drop one and it fired and killed her.... In 38 years of being on a college campus, I have never known of a gun being fired on a campus I was on.... off campus, yes. I have no objection to students having one in their cars though. [ I even had one in my pickup while in high school and parked it on campus.. legal then... I fed family cattle and needed it for snakes, varmints, etc. ] I have had several students in the classes I teach have guns at times (law officials, and not concealed) and that doesn't bother me at all. -- Somewhat rural people looks at guns very differently than "city' people do. City people usually think in terms of shooting people... rural people don't much. ..
  21. It is Tunisia (next "door" and the West of LIBYA) not Tanzania (not even an Arabic country).... This all started there first...and many credit an odd incident there with getting the locals all upset and wanting to change things. No one but you and those few who still want to credit Bush for everything good, thinks Iraq had much to do with the current mid-east revolutions. That is about as crazy as crediting all of this to Obama who has a middle eastern name which gave them hope they could be a democratic nation. Iraq was not a revolution by the locals against SADDAM but was an invasion by a foreign country.. unfortunately it was us and not really justified... no WMD and no terrorism against us by Iraq and the local citizens were not being killed at the time (slaughtered) like is happening in Libya.. Pretty much all of Western Europe and NATO is involved in this "no-fly" situation (wasn't true in Iraq) plus ground troops are not being sent in.... it is up to the locals to control their destiny... not a foreign country that just invaded it. The no fly zone just helps the many from being killed by the few that want to control them.
  22. "They" meant the citizens of Egypt and Libya... not Momar obviously...as you implied I meant... Libya happened because Egypt (near door) turned out a success for the rebels. Some credit an event in Tunisia as starting it all. I doubt your conclusion.... Iraq had very little to do with Libya or Egypt situation.... after all the change in Iraq was not by the locals overthrowing the government as is now happening... besides that took place several years ago.... Why not sooner if that was the key?? Iran in the late 70's fits better (people overthrowing government) but that was also too long ago as well. That result wasn't so good for us... Hope this all turns out better... Revolutions can go bad... see Iran and Russia in 1918. The ability to communicate and organize quickly by cell and internet (Includes Facebook) is the "largest" factor now of "why now".. Because that and great international communications, they realize how bad they were being treated compared what exists elsewhere [Western Europe Japan, USA, and even China has changed. ..
  23. Did we have permission of congress when we invaded Granada, Panama, or bombed Libya under Reagan.... Nope. We have not only declared war (by congress) only 5 times in US history... we have had over 200 "warlike" incidents, most done by the White House only... includes a lot--including a lot of Viet Nam escallations, the Gulf War, and Korea. There was no declaration fo war in the Gulf War or Iraq invasion (which was not provoked at all... and no mass killing of local citizens was taking place as has been taking place in Libya. You are just trying to find fault and not looking at history. Guess you aren't listening to those networks... several on there have criticized him and even these actions, just as they did the previous person.... Some Democrats even oppose this ---as did Bob Dole who opposed Bush Sr. when he began the Gulf War in 1990 (he later agreed that he had been wrong to do so). I thought the Iraq INVASION was bad mistake then but I approve of this which is not an invasion either (not that anywone cares about my oppinion) ....as long as we keep ground troops home. Let the locals fight it out and decide the situation.. A no-fly zone keep evens the situation a bit and doesn't allow a few to conquer the many. ..
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