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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. ---Tough to evaluate best especially on a team sport where a players success often depends on others. [ see Wes Welker prior to N.E.] Rules change which benefits or hurts some [ once no 3-point shot and dunks illegal ] The style of play changes which some fit into well and not into other styles... Lots of great ones in past... Bill Russell, Wilt, Jordan, Bird etc..... Even at which position [ Shaq, great rebounds, shooting percent but could not shoot free throws and forget his working as a point guard..].. All around, Bird has played every position, could even shoot 3's, but not the best at some facets. No one will argue Rodman was the best but he has a lot of rings and at several places and great at rebounds.
  2. .. -- Agree with your comment .... but so not with the political part.... not everything is political or racial as some try to make it ....( except to the extremists on both sides that see things that really aren't a political or racial issue ) . Both guys did very foolish things.. Murder it wasn't ... but he set up the conditions for it to happen and therefore is not completely innocent as what seems to have been ruled by the jury.. I'm also amazed that Florida only uses 6 jurors on a felony case. Lots of strange things go on down there..
  3. You have got to be kidding ... the only thing that should be taught to first graders (age 6) is leave guns (and matches) alone. The only exception might be some rural kids because of snakes etc. and then it should be done in a family setting , not to every kid in school. . ----Geez Rick .. liberals again... you blame them for everything... you do know conservatives (Torys) did not want to fight for freedom from Britain, or to end slavery, or to give women the right to vote, or an integrated military (wasn't in WWII), or any of the changes to civil rights in the 60's and 70's which gave women, young people, and racial groups more rights, including attending any college, and even allowed us who were military draft bait (I was) under 21 to vote or conduct business before being drafted to fight and perhaps die....
  4. .. Is everything political to you ..?? Both people made very bad decisions ... one followed when he shouldn't have and with a gun he should not had and the other apparently turned and attacked him .... and the results was a tragedy. There was no good answer to this.
  5. My opinion: murder ..NO ..... manslaughter (or whatever Florida calls it ... YES.. He should not walk out completely free.... He was told to not carry a gun and by police to not follow him .... he was an idiot and asking for trouble.
  6. or worse . Doctor should have his license revoked.
  7. That should never be done to an 8 year old...... what if he get older and decides he is male after all ... really stupid. --I do agree with Rick on one thing..... too much medication etc. is given to kids.... I had students with AD and it was obvious they just could not sit sstill or concentrate ....BUT ... I have had some taking the meds that had no business taking it.. Profitable I guess for Dr. Even heard of a kid tested that didn't have it.??? Too many just go home an sit, play video games, watch TV etc. instead of burning off excess energy. (also see classes 50 years ago .. kids were thinner...our fat kids look rather normal now ) I support neighborhood schools for several reasons... When I was a kid... kids walked/rode bikes to school (exercise) and played outside a lot more... Mega sized schools are cheaper to run but are worse for the kids and education. ( I would even argue more bullying ) Extreme conservatives go for cheap... not quality.
  8. . Agree .. won't change anything but not why I remember it ... I saw it and thought that was really stupid .. ( oldest son has a law degree ) - never used twitter .
  9. . True... but we still remember it ... and so will they..... the lawyer looked like an idiot... I would not want my lawyer coming across like a fool.... not good ..
  10. --- It may have been self defense "somewhat" ..... BUT he was told not to follow him (and he did) and he was not supposed to be carrying a gun...( told not to have one ) He will be convicted of something ... and not receive a maximum sentence... ( my opinion ) The guy he was following was no angel but Martin knew nothing about him or had any definite reason to follow him... and following him in the dark was stupid and creepy.. Zimmerman should have expected him to be nervous and be confronted by the guy about being followed. Knock knock ..really ... the attorney came across as an idiot.
  11. --- I live in Midland which is no Frisco ...BUT the WSJ lists us having the 2ed highest per capita income in America ( some Conn. town is #1, Wall Street people there mostly I think. ) Unlike Frisco... we have all types of people here including some who have been on the Fortune 400 (I know quite a few) and also people who don't seem to have a lot. I have found here that people with extreme wealth are not as uppity as you are trying to describe... in fact looking at many of them it is hard to tell.... I laughed at a student who told me many that come into the bank she works at dressed like they just came from Neiman-Marcus are there to cover their bad checks while the person in worn jeans and regular dress may have millions on deposit. She said she quickly learned don't judge by their looks around here. A lot of people here now have high-paying but tough jobs in the oil fields. We consistently are listed in the top 2-3 places with lowest unemployment rate... We have people of all educational/and social levels. At present this is a very crazy place to live... Incoming people can not find a place to live that they can afford. Construction is going nuts as well. At the beginning of this year.. I started checking off state license plates in town... I have seen 41 of the 50 states since January... mostly tiny states left to see. Some of those folks need to learn how to drive... Wreaks and fatalities have jumped in past two years. Don't pullout in front a 18 wheel oil service truck for example.... you always lose.
  12. . --- Absolutely true ... but what you are often looking at in Mexican immigrants are people who family has been poorly educated, and do not value education and don't pressure their kids to learn .... where I have taught we have even thought at times some don't want their kids to be more educated than they (the parents) are... What was good enough for them is good enough for their kids... That seems to change a generation later .... this is not being racist and I don't anyone is claiming that. It is about their socio-economic background and also their awareness of what is possible. As pointed out above by someone... many times other immigrants are fleeing here to get away from bad "political" conditions... They often are/have been well educated families and get it about learning the language and achieving success. --- This is just my opinion ... but having so much Spanish TV is a bad thing... the need to earn English is decreased .... oddly I had a college student last year whose mother could not speak English but after the grandkids showed up speaking only English.. she could not talk to them so she began to learn English. The student had tried to get the parent to learn but had made no real attempt at English until then. I also had a rather large number of Hispanic girls last semester (very few males) who were trying succeed... Most had worked a while and realized education was the key to getting ahead.. I pretty sure a lot of them learned a lot from me besides the obvious math I was teaching... Some said so... ( business math-college ) .. I was cutting them no slack in expectations. We twist it to cover a lot of personal business topics as well. . .
  13. --- I too was moved by these personal comments... It made these gravesites really feel like people lost and a lot more than another soldier. Both cemeteries are very impressive but different.. I have been a lot places ( somewhat due to my wife being a foreign language teacher) but never to Pearl Harbor (yet). International travel really changes your view on things if you go as more than a tourist. I have had tour guides point out a big difference in tourists and travelers... and there is.. one goes to only see and the other mixes with the locals and learns about them, their views and their lifestyles. . .
  14. . --- There is a British Cemetery near the American Normandy one too... I found it very interesting as well... on their "stones" there were personal comments by their family members carved in them .. it is large but smaller than the American cemetery. There is also an area of the German dead in that cemetery ... since they were being pushed back, it became the responsibility of the Allies to bury them. --- there are still pill boxes at Point Hoc... amazing place to think men came up those cliffs. .
  15. . -- Things can go wrong...but marry for the right reasons.... not because she/he is "hot" or because of money or social standing... (and be sure they aren't either). Chose someone that you can get along with 24-7 and has similar beliefs and goals. That makes it nice to have someone to come home to. --- A son of mine in law school had a fellow student that was commenting he had a teenage-son that was dumb as a rock... He had married a "hot chick" in college, had a kid, and that lasted a few of years but she was also dumb as a rock and he got to the point he could not stand to be around her. He married again later and those kids are some to be very proud of. ie. marry for the right reasons... ( the two biggest decision you make in life is who you marry and what profession you go into... both can kill you or your enjoyment of life). . .
  16. Good post ....I am not sold on Obama-care yet... but it could turn out to be very good for many of us .. (all about cost). Like it or not we are NOW paying higher hospital/medical bills now than we should... because of all the free care given to indigents... It least your post has real facts not political crap... Some of those who oppose it don't have a clue it will be good for them.. -- I have never posted for or against this.. just don't know.... not the expert on it that some think they are. .. all about the cost.
  17. . For once we agree .....I am retired (sorta) but teach 2-3 college classes ... I have them all on two days, MW, .... so have very long weekends... but do the related work whenever I want to do it. Can't imagine sitting home and watching TV all the time.. Stay busy somehow .. just don't kill yourself with work... enjoy what do .... you will live longer. Always maximum match any employers contributions to a fund.. and if health is good don't take Social Security until full retirement age... if you happen to work some after that .. it will be adjusted up. . STAY out of debt ...especially credit card debt and don't try to impress everyone with a new car every couple years.. they don't care. I know some broke friends who did that... No one is impressed now by their financial condition. If you are young and with an extremely low mortgage rate.. I would not make an effort to pay it off ... Just rathole the money in some safe account (money market?) Rates will eventually rise and it will look like cheap money... There was a time I had CDs rates making more that my home interest rate. Debt... home mortgage interest is tax deductible ... so if you are itemizing it is costing you only about 3/4 of what it appears to be. Good luck.. Credit card debt can kill you. ..and is not deductible... .
  18. UNT90 --- if graduated in 4 years and were 22 then .. you were 12 when Reagan was elected... and only 20 when he left. ie. 12-20.... not much of an adult .
  19. . --It wasn't used that way then either... I remember some very innocent senior citizen group in California discovering they were being monitored. Not sure but may have been retired teachers. Made absolutely no sense. .
  20. .. This exposure is very good unless we get some to suffer blowouts and people get to see it. ..
  21. . Not in the Metroplex that much but it seems worse every time I am there ... The only thing consistent is more change.
  22. . Agree.... It seems that the only ones here that know it are "rather old"... .
  23. .. --Not exactly political ... this had been going on ever since the Patriot Act was passed....and not by the party now in White House. This is not a good thing and wasn't then either. [ Liberal..?? again when was that act passed.? I keep saying that the party that claims to be conservative is really more the liberal one ... the debt wasn't what it became after they walked in plus we were not thinking we needed to invade everyone in the world before then to control their lives... and I don't think telling everyone what to believe and do is all that conservative either.... including religion beliefs ( as written in Constitution)... paying your debts and minding your own business seems conservative to me... ] .. and I think this "monitoring" is not justified and wasn't when passed either... monitoring with a court order on certain people likely is ... but not the way this thing has been operated by either administration..... Reagan conservative .?? ... well he said he was. He was former President of a labor union, twice, the Screen Actors Guild (I thought conservatives think Hollywood people are very liberal ) and the national debt nearly tripled under him .. so much for paying your bills. "90" .. you were not an adult during those years ... and likely not paying much attention to what was happening. Most of those conservative claims are a myth... don't forget he was supplying Saddam** weapons and the Iran-contra-scandal occurred as well (US planes supposedly even ran drugs unbelievably in that deal ) ... Bush Sr. was rather conservative and tried to get the debt under control and the GOP wouldn't support him and many voted Perot so he was not re-elected. **we still aren't out of Middle East and putting our nose in and it has caused a lot of Islamic hatred of us by not minding our own business as much as we could have. It's amazing what people will submit to as long as it's their "team" in power. -- Exactly ... that explains your blind support of the Bush era .
  24. Good grief... ok... I could picked a better pair... CEO .. whatever.
  25. You don't... he took over (as president, not captain) for the other guy.... and you or many blame the second guy who had nothing to do with the creation of the problem. [ not that hard.. think ]
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