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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. . --- But you are denying it exists and that oceans are not raising any (or it looks that you are... NOTE .. you just mentioned the ice melting was going into the ocean which would raise it.).. I am not stating man is causing it but I am not saying we aren't either. It is like crossing the street ... maybe we should be careful ... maybe a car is coming, maybe not... we might be and it would be the pits later to learn we could have done something. You seem to be against that and purely on political basis .. I am not the radical claiming it is going up 20 feet and soon but even a few feet is a problem to towns and land near the coast. ............. besides cleaning up the air we breath isn't a bad thing anyway. As for the 45 physicist.... not all are right.....Some say the opposite.......... The Pope ( who was thought infallible) insisted the world was flat .... it wasn't. ..... Besides as pictures show ... ice has melted and it seems to be still happening..... it is not about temperatures in various towns...... but more about the ice, rising ocean water, and maybe increased rain/snow on land due to faster ocean evaporation due to increased water temperature. .... ( seen any of that this winter? ) What has liberal/conservative have to do with ice melting ... it is or it isn't.......... Apparently I am far more conservative than most that claim they are .... I hate that the debt went up (more than doubled) and all that is happening as a result.... [ it started when the last guy was there and with a Congress of the same party ].... DON'T spend money you don't have.... personally or government-wise.
  2. . Rick ... just keep it simple..... where did the ice in those pictures go ..... and why? ... if things aren't getting warmer.. ? I am not saying man caused it.
  3. . I don't remember radio guys yelling impeach all the time (or any) or a constant barrage of hate spewed on radio/TV then ... Now I do and that is dividing America and most of what is said just isn't true anyway. People should have pointed out how much the debt was increasing then though.... and that was true......... I know you will find some obscure guy that no one listens to to quote.... but no one like Rush L. etc. with millions of listeners listing to his arrogant rants... thinking they are hearing the truth.
  4. .. Our government not theirs .. you misread what I meant. ....
  5. ... I agree ... most of his music sounds like hell. I hate to admit it..... but I think I prefer Laurence Welk over his noise.... hahaha
  6. --- You better be glad we have government regulations controlling pollution... They would be dumping horrible stuff everywhere because it is is cheaper to do so and they would have to do that to compete (and still exist) with those others that were doing it... There are areas in west Texas that won't grow weeds (too much salt, oil, or chemicals in ground now). Water wells south of Midland are now undrinkable due to chemicals in ground and that also means for cattle which people raise for food.... even if the cows survive you will get to eat that stuff. This is all due to companies dumping stuff that should not have been dumped decades ago ..... You live in a dream world and want no government control of anything.. Trust me.... if we didn't have government food inspections... no telling what would be happening there too. --- I have this friend on Facebook who is extremely radical conservative but oddly has been complaining about Congress trying to cut her social security and medicare benefits... well it is the party that she supports that is trying to do it .... not the one that actually proposed and passed it to begin with .... she is clueless... The party that started this insane debt climb as of 2001 is the one that claims to be conservative ....[ I thought financial conservative meant don't spend more than you take in ... they think just collect less taxes ] and they still want to cut taxes more which would increase it more and really screw things up... Nothing comes free .... Get a real education and not just a degree. ( 7th grade isn't much of an education either ). ------ You can argue that cutting pollution is costing jobs... it is ... but it also creates jobs too ... THINK.... plus is creates a cleaner, safer world ... not a bad thing.
  7. . Always look both ways when crossing a street.... yes it usually will be a waste of time... no one will be coming but you still need to do it. No where have I or most here claimed man is absolutely cause the melting.... but it is happening.... but in case we are causing it, we should not be doing something stupid (like doing nothing). .. besides cleaning up the air is not a bad thing anyway... ask the people of L.A. (smog) or China. Your claim of people saying it will increase the oceans by 20 feet is a bit radical as well... Some yes but 20 feet.??? That is only by extremists in the other direction... Science learning did not stop when you were in the 7th grade and yes 40 years from now we likely will know even more... I know "conservative" means don't change anything, things are great now or before now... which seems to be your attitude to EVERYTHING. I regularly tell my students [ college classes ] that the world outside the window will not be the same when they become the age I am..... I have seen TV, cable, satellites, cell phones, PCs, the internet, cell phones, the interstate, jet travel, and so much more show up in my lifetime.... My grandfather as a kid got out of a wagon on the Texas prairie and was home on land that had never been owned by anyone before except by the State of Texas .. and he was home... no house, no town nearby, no railroad, nothing.... . times and knowledge change... even if you still want to be in the 7th grade again.... PS: the picture I use is my grandfather (above) was about 1899 just prior to getting married.... I admire what he did and realize the difficult times he lived in. ... things change.
  8. .. Actually they are.... weather satellites that exist now didn't exist then.... and if you remember you did not have many TV channels either ... similar reason... few satellites.... Now they can see world from a distance and even the changes and events... the world has changed. We did not even have PC's until the 80's and no calculators even in 1970... doubt you even saw the internet prior to 95...( Gore didn't invent it but he write the bill that put it in the public domain.. ie. created it for public use... He never said invent...). Yes we can know more now. Your 7th grade science knowlege is outdated..... how many times did the 7th grade teacher take away your cell phone..... hahaha .. didn't have that either did you. hahahahahaha
  9. To me seeing picture after picture of places worldwide with less ice tells me something... plus the huge state of Alaska having 100's of locations of melting glaciers is meaningful... Ignoring facts seems crazy ... So if you see your bank account has no money in it ... you still think you can write checks and they will be cashed. ??? hahaha...
  10. . My problem with the ones that YELL conservative is that they are not really a financial conservative... (which I am... don't run up debt ) .... look at the National debt after 2001 when the GOP took over the White House and all of Congress... the debt doubled or ie. equaled all previous 210 years in just 8 years., Look at Gov.Perry administration... a $25 Billion problem that we never had before under any other Governor including Bush with a Democratic Legislature.. Who paid for that mess (when Perry was claiming we had the best economy in America ) ...people in education with 1000's jobs lost and students with more crowded classrooms... Those are conservative and the guys you want ???? Dan Patrick... Christian yes... but he want schools to push HIS views on Christianity... and each group is very different... Do you want Catholics, Mormons, Baptist, Jewish, 7th Day Adventist, Davidians, or the type that thinks the world started in 5000 BC in charge of schools...???? WHICH ONE ??? Our national forefathers stated they did not want a state religion after what they had seen in Europe ( Inquistion was the worst. 1000's killed for religious reasons ) and even early America (Witch trials, hangings etc.) ...... read the Constitution and what it really says... The Puritans were not even close to coming here for Freedom of Religion... they were very intolerant of others... They just want to do as they wanted and force others to believe the same ... Most areas... Virginia, S.C and N.C. N.Y. and Georgia were established for economic reasons... not religious ones. You probably think I am dishonest... ok ... read the US Treasury site below and you will learn the truth... it is not what Fox, or Rush, or Dan tells you.... note gov at end... It a government site and not a political one. Yes it is still increasing and the Senate ( with Cruz) will compromise on nothing to fix it. They want even more tax cuts.. crazy. Even on personal level it is tough to fix a debt problem once it is created. http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt_histo5.htm
  11. Thank goodness we live in America.... not in some place like that... It still bothers me that some here are constantly trashing our government ( facebook. here, radio, etc. ) and making claims that are not even true... That is not good for our country .. we were much more civil and unified until those folks showed up and often earning a fortune spewing hatred... ... ... It was elected by popular vote whether you like them or not.
  12. . Really ... You insert politics into everything... Most credible people will admit they aren't sure what is causing it .... but cleaning up the environment (and air*) isn't a bad thing anyway .... Check out what oil companies did to early oil fields in west Texas.... lots of salt and other things getting into our water supply now and lot of "ruined" land that won't even grow weeds. . { it would bad to discover later we could have done something ) *Chinese cities and rivers are getting bad with health problems now occuring... not much of a problem when they weren't so industrialized but it is now.... should have done something earlier to keep it cleaner....A lot of industry here would do the same if the gov. would let them... (cheaper to just dump stuff) .
  13. -- I'm sure those that crossed the Pope (religion) and said the world wasn't flat... often paid a huge price ( burned, tortured, killed etc.) ... Galileo was excommunicated for saying the world revolved round the sun. The good news he was reinstated as a Catholic in good standing later .. much later... about 10 years ago. I am Christian but some folks really have some strange ideas based on some obscure passage ( which was translated from another language even and might be exactly accurate anyway }. Declaring the world flat based on a " four corners of the earth" reference in the Bible was one of them .... the minister that died recently handling snakes was another one... I am not sure what passage he used to justify that but it killed him . Denying reality is rarely a good thing... As for Gore... he overdid it.. he is no scientist either. Never have I said man is responsible for what has happened... Ice ages have come and gone and man didn't create them ( not to the 5000 year world guys, they never existed ) As for the melting reference and seas rising... it looks like a lot but is only a small percent of total ice is gone.. so far. .NY port authority claims water is about 1 foot higher than about 100 years ago. Maybe it will get worse.. or maybe not. There is a lot of land (and in cities) than would be under-sea level or very close if it went up 3-4 more feet... If you hear a tornado or hurricane is coming don't ignore the weather scientists either.. that might get you killed ( might not..but be prepared in case it does get there )... ----------- --- You are reading this on the internet... built by science and engineers ... electricity by some was considered unholy or Satanic.... can you really see it..?... It is the work of the devil ... hahaha. The Amish still don't use it (much). Lots of odd religious ideas.. Mormons think coffee or cokes is sinful (a drug, caffeine ) but some of them think having several wives and all that goes with that is ok. ..... weird.. I see no conflict in religion and science but some do.... One is faith and the other is observable facts. Just because some religious extremist wants to believe something doesn't make it true. The world just isn't flat and electricity isn't the work of the devil. ( and yes.. some science opinions do turn out to be incorrect once more is learned ) But there is no doubt a lot of ice melting has taken place.... will it continue and what is causing it ...who knows... either way be prepared.
  14. . That is how you judge people.???? You keep posting Christian comments which I don't object to except schools are not churches and which group do you want to run them ( that is the big problem ) .. ..... Nugent's history sure isn't about good family values or Christian principles. Be consistent. . .
  15. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/headlines/20140217-greg-abbott-under-fire-for-allying-with-rocker-ted-nugent.ece Read the entire thing.. disgusting... probably should have been locked up in the past.. ______________________ From article: In a 1998 documentary on VH1 Behind the Music, Nugent admitted having affairs with several underage girls. “I was addicted to girls. It was hopeless. It was beautiful,” he said. Also: it was inappropriate for Abbott to appear with someone who has described feminists and female politicians as “varmints,” “fat pigs” and “dirty whores.” He’s also earned critics for his no-holds-barred statements, including calling Hillary Rodham Clinton a “worthless bitch” and President Barack Obama a “communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel.” __________ Real class guy (sarcasm) .. at some point should have been tossed in jail as a child molester if he was having affairs with underage girls... He even admitted doing it as late as 1998 after statute of limitations ran out.. Hard to believe our ATTORNEY general is friends with him. Some of his comments have been racist and he seems to view women as only good for one thing. ..
  16. Did you actually look at the pictures...??. good luck with that one . Guess you are someone that wants to believe what someone just says and not what can be seen... A lot of people believed the Pope too ... when he claimed the world was flat ... based on the Bible phrase.... "spread the word to the four corners of the earth". Greeks and Babylonians had already calculated the size 100's of years before ... but those "academics" were ignored. ...Who was right?? Just maybe the truth isn't what you want it to be or what :"someone" is trying to convince you is true. Posting pictures again... http://greekgeek.hubpages.com/hub/Pictures-of-Retreating-Glaciers-A-Century-of-Melting .
  17. Just look at these.... before and after pictures... When I was in Alaska, they claimed every glacier there was getting smaller except FOUR (of 100's) .. all at sea level and getting larger because of ice/snow melting upstream.. I went to Hubbard Glacier which is growing (also Misty Ford ) and they fear Hubbord is about to block another stream which could cause flooding of some small town upstream.. I am not about to argue whether the Earth is warming or not or why if it is.. ( I think it is somewhat.. but no idea if man caused) Warming is not so much about temps in towns but about warmer oceans (3/4 the surface with more evaporation and results in more rain and snow in many places... the second part is about ice/snow melting at poles and at high elevations which if excessive could raise the ocean level... It is not about what as lot of people think or claim it is... "much warmer temps overall on land."... some places will be cooler and, some more wet, and some more dry. You get to decide after seeing the pictures what is going one . http://greekgeek.hubpages.com/hub/Pictures-of-Retreating-Glaciers-A-Century-of-Melting ____________________ That might do but it would not post the site what I really wanted Search Google for : " glaciers melting before and after " and look around at photos.. Sometimes the truth just isn't what you want it to be. .... but it is still the truth anyway.. It amazes me that anyone would deny the obvious and I don't get why they make it political at all ... it is all about science. ..
  18. Wonder if they are still glad they are in the Big -12 now .. they are 0-12 in conf. play in basketball, and were 2-7 in conf in football... If it better to be a big fish in a smaller pond or a minnow in large one.???? Careful what you ask for.... ! May be better for us. ... they likely get less media attention now.
  19. Two man or four man team in Russia..?? Don't want to miss him..
  20. UNT is mentioned quite a bit by West Texas TV news when bodies are sent off to determine cause of death or to identify..
  21. . ---Best pit game I saw was one against Cincinnati (1965).... We won.... and they had been the two-time National Champ two years prior to that.. The cops threw the guy behind me out for throwing what was left of a bag of popcorn at the Cincinnati. coach and actually hit him from a very long distance..... the trouble was ... he didn't do it... the guy in front of me had. It was a wonder they hadn't gotten me instead. Wildest basketball game I have ever attended... Often when the crowd disagreed with as call the floor was peppered with paper wads (every game) .... clean up time... Another... when I was there the cheerleaders sometimes would yell after a lousy call -- "Give the ref a big hand!" -- and the crowd would yell "hail" and give the ref a German salute.... It really is hard to explain unless you were there at those MVC games... absolutely nuts..... had to go early if you wanted a seat. I remember the crowd really getting on Wes Unseld of Lousiville and future NBA hall of fame player because of some pre-game comments he had made. The Snake-Pit games were really insane and fun times.
  22. .. Her son was in the car...... he should have known the risks considering how much brent had been drinking.. .... not the same as a drunk running over someone in another car or on the side of the road that is completely innocent.. . No one made him get into that car. Agree the sentence is very light but this is nothing like a case involving someone who was not in the car....
  23. . --- Good post ... I'm not so sure TCU made the right choice by joining the Big-12... They were successful where they were and considering the size of the school, they are are rather small, and once they are not winning very much, their attendance is likely to drop drastically (or already has). One of the BIG issues when the SWC came apart was the lack of attendance by SMU, Rice, TCU, and even Baylor fans somewhat at the time..... Often awful when they played each other... SMU had done fair when they were cheating and winning but that came to an end. .. The large state schools were filling the stands and basically underwriting those programs with THEIR fans attendance money. Winning those games also did little to help their rankings either. Some comments at the time by some also indicated they were tired of all the cheating by some [ hello SMU and some others ] that was taking place... and they wanted to get away from those schools..... it was known nationally.... As the Kenny Rodgers song says ..."Some times you need to walk way and sometimes you need to run". Baylor, the largest of the privates was the doormat of the Big-12 for years but recently has started doing well. I doubt TCU ever will.... Baylor has the advantage of a very large religious group that identifies with them and supports them pretty well, so they have as good sized fan base in addition to being larger than those other ones. . ---Long term, I think the BIG-12 would have been better off with Houston or even us over TCU. Their alumni and fan base is rather small. Ours and Houston's isn't. Short term we would have been a bad choice but a few years would have changed that quickly as name opponents would have been on our schedule and we are in an extremely large market.. ---Those of us who have been around a long time see the past differently than some of the young people here... I think we played only one SWC opponent in football in the 1960's. Arkansas, a couple of times. We and UTEP (Texas Western) were the outsiders... We were the only really large Texas schools not in the SWC. [ West Texas, Lamar, and Arlington existed but have disappeared or declined in sports ].. There was a lot of speculation about why we didn't play SWC teams more.... 1. They did want to give us credibility, 2. We had black athletes..they didn't. 3. Football then only played 10 games and not a lot of room to schedule. In basketball I only remember us playing Baylor a time or two during the 60's.. again reason 1 and 2 applies. --- I think Fry made some mistakes which hurt us long term.... but he was really trying to do what was best, join the SWC... So many conferences had gone to 10 teams and the SWC had 9. SMU, convinced the other north Texas privates that admitting us would be bad for them.. Had only SMU and TCU opposed us, we still would have gotten in with 7 of 9 approving us (the required number)...once Baylor agreed with them... we were doomed. ---Once the SWC disappeared ...[ a very good thing for us ] we were no longer THE outsider. A lot of them were no longer in THE conference either.. Slowly things are getting better. Oddly in the 60's we were in what then was the best basketball conference in America and got more national attention than attention in Texas. My senior year at Christmas 5 of the top ranked 10 basketball teams were MVC teams. UCLA was often the best team in America but their conference was no big power and the ACC, SEC, and SWC were still all-white and MVC was integrated and mostly on the edge of the South. It was an unbelievably good conference and had a lot of future NBA. players. MVC in the 60's = Louisville, UNT, Cincinnati, Wichita, Drake, Tulsa, Memphis, Bradley, St. Louis, ... .. Many of which are still basketball powers..
  24. --- I graduated in '66 but I have to vote '67 or '68... I believe they had nine future NFL players ... including Joe Green, the the future Bronco QB Ramsey, Cedric Hardeman (49ers), and Ron Shanklin (Steelers). Part of the reason for so much talent appeared in Denton was the SWC had barely began to integrate when those guys were signed and lots of talent went to NTSU and WTSU [Mercury Morris and Dwane Thomas] and to Houston which was not yet SWC . They lost barely to Arkansas which I think only lost one game, UT.
  25. Terrible.... that makes field goals 1/2 as valuable of touchdowns unless they call a TD 7-points.... plus it would take away the 2-point option some teams use to catch up or win... If it ain't broke, don't fix it.... maybe the worst NFL idea ever.
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