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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. .. ---- I disagree... and have no respect for them .. no religion has the right to believe they have the right to kill those that just disagree with them ... which is what they did. The same was happening during the Inquisition, It could be argued the same with Jewish people many times with many groups even WWII (even people at Oberammergrau, Germany now admit indicate their passion plays emphasized Jewish hatred (because of the "Give us Barabbas" comment by the Jewish people) in the 20's and 30's (been there), and that belief is the problem with Islamic terrorist now .. they think they are justified in killing people who believe differently. -- Agree Pilgrims and Puritans were not exactly the same .... but not that different either and as pointed pretty much merged. They did not extend the freedom of religion to others that believed differently. To claim they came here "for real freedom of religion is false" ... they came just to do as they wanted. . .
  2. Last person burned in England in 1612 ... by the Puritans. 8 years prior to Plymouth ( late 1620) and even more years before these nuts made it to America. These nuts did not celebrate Christmas or Easter either because it were not mentioned in the Bible... They opposed religious music even... They were absolutely a nutty cult. . I would compare their treatment to what we think of the Davidians or the Warren Jeff group at El Dorado. http://www.patrickcomerford.com/2012/04/remembering-last-heretic-burned-at.html King James Bible ... completed in 1611 ... so the common people in England could read it in English.
  3. .. ---Do you understand anything or remember any history...... ? Not all of our forefathers were Puritans.... and in fact the earliest settlers here were at Jamestown and Virginia area did not come for religious reasons... they came for economic reasons. Those who claim America was settled for freedom of religion are just stating a myth. And several groups they did come for religious reasons were usually not extending that freedom to others. Read history... England had already broken with the Catholic Church and except for that group they were not that oppressive to most Protestant groups as was true in many other counties...( Spain especially.. inquisition ) .. . .
  4. "Do unto others as you have have them do unto you" .... Since he raised hell at others funerals ... I am sure he would want people to do the same to him.
  5. Every religious group has their fanatic nuts ... toss in our Puritan forefathers that hung people as witches.... ( so much for the freedom of religion claim by them .. the Puritans came here to believe as they wanted ... not to allow others the freedom to believe as they wanted ) Hopefully Westboro will fall apart now and disappear...
  6. I can name a few incidents that kids that have accused teachers of things they never did ... including rape... They later admitted they made it up to get revenge or to cover up what they actually did... Accused absolutely does not mean guilty.
  7. . Of course it is ... but did you ask "is gas it a fossil fuel" or to just "name fossil fuels".if you did they likely will name oil and coal first and likely stop.... you likely will get a big difference in responses..... They know it is a fossil fuel but don't think to answer that way.. A lot in random sampling questions is how you ask..... and unfortunately people who often report results don't report results as the question was asked... and the results reported is flawed. I teach stat. .. A lot if not most fossil fuel discussions is about pollution and usually they are talking about oil and coal.. Going to electricity eliminates a lot but where that come come.. in much of the USA... gas fired generators mostly at least in this area ( not Nukes, wind, solar or water power so much) and we have decreased oil and coal usage which messed up the atmosphere more..... That is also why a lot of people dislike the Keystone pipeline... that would be very dirty oil coming in from Canada (highly polluting oil) Oil from inside of USA is much cleaner burning and/or processing.... Don't hear West Texans* or American oil areas yelling "build that pipeline". Better for Texas economy if it is not built. Besides another big objection is the route proposed... it is awful and very political as well .. It would provide temporary jobs (and brags) for some Congressmen's districts..that explains the stupid route mostly.. over developed areas instead of further west over sparser areas and cheaper to build.. . *People who don't live here or Texans that don't understand it often do. .
  8. . If you believe what you say .... then you will not collect more than you paid in to S.S. and medicare... ...protest it.... .by doing that....... So you support the India system ... let the disabled lay on the street and beg... yes there are problems and they bother me but the alternative is likely worse. It bothers the hell out of me to see someone buy groceries with "food stamps" then buy a carton of cigarettes or case of beer with their money... You have an answer for that. ??? Wish there was one. Odd you never criticize the GOP... they controlled Congress and the White House for years and did nothing but run up the debt as much as all 42 administrations combined ... and invade a country on false info. . . .
  9. . Talk to your mailman.... ours claims they are way understaffed now (at least here) .... I just went through customs in Houston yesterday.... they now have a lot of check-in machines to to do what people was doing a short time ago ... less employees. again. You are buying into a lot of bunk Fox et. al. put out.... Yes there is waste and useless programs... The worse of which is some defense plants building weapons [ multibillion dollar projects ] the the army/navy/airforce. doesn't even want ... to help some congressman keep his job in that district. Who was considered the "king of earmarks" ..?.. Santorium ... and then he claimed to be extremely conservative but now understood .... really. ???
  10. . The larger a company gets the less efficient, and less well run it gets (usually).... (except small ones that appear and then quickly disappear ) No company is as large as a national government. Not so sure about your "less government the better" entirely ...... you want no food, drug, safety, and environment inspections..?? . they were created for a reason ... most companies will cut corners for a profit. Countries with lousy weak governments tend to be lousy countries... [ Somalia for example ] ..but yes we don't need EXCESSIVE control and some areas they should leave to local or state control .. again smaller and usually better run .. If we depended on locals or no government to build interstates for example .. we would not have any... want to dissolve that too.??? .
  11. ..Most people when they hear the term fossil fuel think solid and liquid... coal and oil. ...
  12. .. Agree... and only an idiot would shoot when they really can't see and know what they are shooting at.. also too many who own land including me will not lease out hunting rights because too many people not only don't do that but don't look in the distance what is behind the "target" and wind up shooting a cow, house, pickup, farm equipment, someone, etc.. others just shoot up some "old building" or whatever and destroy what might be stored in them. ..... Guns are not toys. .
  13. --- Voted against McCain because of Palin who might accidentally become President.. She is/was dumb and clueless as a brick ( plus had never even been to Washington prior to nomination so you want her in charge of Senate? ). I like and respect McCain. I did vote Bush I (twice) .. he did well and deserved a second term... the "T-party types" abandoned him and voted for Perot. I once lived a 1/2 mile from Bush II and he often jogged by in front of my house about 1980.. ... enough said, I've heard way too much about him locally..( not good things... you might notice when he ran for US Representative from here.. he lost, also left ) ... He did not get my vote... plus by then the GOP had changed into a "I am holier than thou" party which turns me off. ... they aren't. He did ok as gov. though.... but Perry after him has harmed education ( my profession ) in Texas greatly..
  14. The people of Crimea are wanting to switch (READ) ... and Texas..... I am pretty sure a lot of 1836/1845 Texans were actually from the USA. Garbage in classroom .?? .. I teach college mathematics including calculus... not history or government .. so don't worry. Also ...where will I be next week ?? ... Europe (again)... It is possible I do understand the situation somewhat.
  15. . Fortunately some of you are not in power and think we are "king of the world"....They get to make their own decisions. As for History ... Texas decided to split from Mexico and then become part of USA .. ... bad decision?? and did Europe or anyone interfere ??
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/big-power-talks-ukraine-crisis-little-progress-003521587--business.html Interesting .... and as for New Mexico .... the Hispanics there are not wanting to join Mexico and it has been a lot longer than 20-25 years or (in their lifetime) that things changed.. I don't think the Crimeans ever chose to be a part of Ukraine .... but was PUT there by the USSR when it really didn't matter which "province" they were in (they had been Russian). Let THEM sort it all out... It is THEIR lives and THEIR country. They are not shooting it out and sounds like the locals (most of them) want a change. Besides the Ukrainian government is a total mess ... The people in Kiev are the ones that started all of this... and Kiev is not even close to Crimea .. The Crimeans want some stability as well as out of the Ukraine. ...
  17. . We have a lot of people protesting and yelling impeach here ... despite that fact the majority elected ours... It was more justified on the last guy (not that agree with that either) because we went to war for false reasons (what nuke and WMD plants) and 1000's of American soldiers were killed or permanently injured as a result. ( he had no problem sending them but he managed to avoid Nam himself, while Kerry and Gore went.... that is what bothered me the most). ..
  18. The real problems will occur if they try to expand control to the rest of Ukraine... We may not like their grabbing control of Crimea but they at least have a somewhat legit. claim on it (historically and makeup of the people there). It is almost an island as well thus sort of remote from the rest of Ukraine. Notice a lot of locals are waving Russian flags... instead of resisting. Complicating it all is Ukraine owns an insane amount of nukes which once was owned by the USSR. Just my opinion .. but Russia did not start this situation in Kiev... the locals did ... They are just taking advantage of the situation... I doubt Poland and Baltic states have anything to worry about... local support to rejoin Russia doesn't exist there.
  19. no .... .. You are so wrong on everything... Desert Storm under Bush I (GOP) made perfect sense even at the time .. Invading Iraq with Bush II (who somehow avoided Nam unlike Kerry and Gore but was willing to send others into a stupid war) that was a terrible mistake (thought so then). WWII was no choice but I wasn't alive in 1941. Nam started ok but most actions after Bay of Tompkin was a mistake (LBJ). should not have expanded it... [ it a was a war like a bad poker hand... we would expand it (up the ante) and then they would too ... and that kept going on..] Reagan was right when he bombed Kadafi and did not invade..... I could care less which party was in power .. a good decision is a good decision. --- All you want to do is argue... with everyone... on everything. However now I do not want the party in power now that started this stupid debt climb while claiming to be conservative (lying) especially with their T-party types wanting more crazy tax cuts and not willing to cut out their meaningless programs . [ look at all the crazy earmarks they funded .. Santorium was the king of that ]
  20. . How could you ever dare compare Pearl Harbor in which 100's Americans soldiers died with this situation... no Americans are involved... but if we get involved .. they will ... and you apparently want that... disgusting. My wife lost her father as as result of WWII and I had a cousin (age 18) in Battle of the Bulge under Patton in a unit that less than 20% survived... You went way too far... War is no game. My two best HS buddies died as the result of Nam. Which military branch were you in... and in which war zone??? ..
  21. Not defending Russia ... but this is a problem and the mess is on their border.... and from what I have heard most of the people in the Crimea region were actually born in Russia and not Ukraine.. When the USSR came apart citizenship was a strange thing.... I know of some whose parents are considered Ukrainian and the child is Russian... all came from same town but it was about where they were when the USSR fell apart.... We need to mind our own business.. this is not a typical invasion. We don't need to lose American lives for something that few Americans really understand what is happening.. ... I am sort of surprised that the Crimea isn't Russian territory anyway based on what I have read.. They already have naval bases there. ---------- Rather unrelated... heard a comment dealing with US military budget that claims we spent on military that Russian, Britain, China, France India, Japan and some others combined.... We do not want to be as unprepared as we were in 1940 and any huge war could be over quickly now ... but we may be overdoing it some. It is not our responsibility to "police" the world with our money and lives. [ hello UNT90 .. is that a conservative or liberal view ? ... apparently you think I have no clue .. seems conservative to me.. spends less money and minding our own business instead of telling them what to do. ]
  22. TV Network this morning stated that the Crimea and some other regions of Ukraine have a majority of people that consider themselves Russian and not Ukrainian... This might make things even more interesting.. This is far from simple.... I had a Russian (officially) student in my class at the college (now married to an American in oil business) that said even though her citizenship was Russian, that she was born in the Ukraine and her parents still lived there.. When the USSR came apart she was living in what is now Russia so is considered Russian but actually considers herself a Ukrainian. Stay tuned this may get very complicated... We need to keep our nose out of it other than to complain if citizens are just being killed for no real reason... . If all hell was breaking loose near our border... I suspect we might be doing something similar as Putin is now doing. . We need to think a lot before getting involved at all. This is one thing that Americans in general are not good at doing --- "Think what they would be doing if they were them (and not us).".. Crazier, I also had a supposedly Russian girl student whose maiden name was obviously German and a blue eyed blond married to an local oil man with a Spanish name and don't even want to guess how many languages she could speak. ..all of those plus English and more I think. She was from the Urals and met her husband while being a translator for an oil company. . She was in a class with a Hong Kong girl who spoke Chinese and some Philippine language plus Spanish and English and sat near a basketball player who came from some French speaking country in Africa and also spoke English..... I refereed to it as my U.N. class. Oh yeah ... my wife is a Latin/Spanish teacher and I will be in Italy and Greece plus one day in Britain in a couple of weeks.... My name is Dutch but we came from Prussia about 150 years ago and settled on the Texas frontier when Indians were still around.. . .. Comprende todas ?? Back to the Ukraine issue ... It really isn't that clear who should own what... their citizens are so mixed up ethic wise because of all being once being in USSR that it is big mess. Ukrainians live in Russia and Russians live in Ukraine .... if not legally but by birth. Not everyone here in Texas was born here or consider themselves Texans either. Same deal if we became independent suddenly. We should mind our own business unless they are just lining up people and shooting them
  23. I've heard of stealing second or third or even home ... but stealing the whole league... WOW.
  24. I guess the construction quality wasn't what it was cracked up to be.
  25. It is cold today ... I guess global warming is over... another ice age is approaching...
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