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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. Not 1,... not 2 ... not 3.... not 4 .... not 5 ... not 6 .... etc. ............... ..ok TWO.
  2. The problem with guns..... If you have one and point at someone... better be willing to use it... or they may use it on you or shoot you with theirs.
  3. There have been several change mascots or symbols besides ASU .. Stanford was Indians and Marquette was Warriors ... There are more.. The Seminoles actually like the FSU mascot being their tribe. I am not aware of any cartoonish figure associated with them. Even the Washington symbol is not insulting ..but the name is a bit questionable. Years ago several dropped the rebel Mascot also ... including UT Arlington.
  4. Pretty sure UNT alums own more Grammys than anyone..... Classical type music favors Julliard I would think. Name anyone from SMU known in the music profession... That is a joke.
  5. --- That was the one team name that I thought might be considered offensive.. the rest (tribe names) don't seem offensive to me.. if this goes too far .... we would have to rename about 1/2 of the states .. I think most state names are actually named after various "native American" groups or terms... --I wonder how well the terms "Whiteskins" or "Blackskins" would go over.??.. I'm guessing not too well.
  6. . --- We sent him over so we should bring him back ... even if he is in chains or put into a mental hospital (he may be nuts and couldn't handle combat) ... This is not the best deal we have ever made but we had those guys for 10 years in Gitmo. I'm guessing that once Obama took office he realized Gitmo really did serve as purpose but it is nothing like when he took office with 100's there and waterboarding taking place.... I'm also guessing he wasn't fully informed about him either ....First the media and White house was considering him a hero as well as his hometown which has since cancelled their welcome home activities..... Interesting that his section commander supports bring him home saying the military doesn't leave military people behind. ..Lock him up if he was a deserter and not nuts. Your suggestions... that or something similar may be happening... we just aren't told. I'm guessing we will know who they contact (their buddies may be dead) . The currently actives may steer way clear of them because of that.
  7. After being "dead" for over as month ..." political cage fighting" has unfortunately returned ....... maybe this is relevant now as well.....
  8. --- I am guessing it boils down to bad concrete.... So much of the concrete in North Dallas porches and many sidewalks looks strange to me... too gritty ... I am guessing they use way too much sand and not enough cement in the mix ...cheaper... . I'll guess that is also a factor in why so many home slabs have problems in the area... Never hear that anywhere else I have lived. ... plus bridge beams and highways build to State specs seem to hold up but not these things... . Lack of enough steel may be an issue as well.... May not be right but after looking at them and comparing seems reasonable, --Could be with the blessing of the "cutting corners" contractor or just the concrete company with no quality inspections as it is being poured.... It will cost millions to fix.
  9. --- We never went to the moon.... Proof: Have you seen anyone selling the moon cheese that they would brought back.
  10. . Not much of an issue ... there are Hispanics that have lived here for decades (legally) that can't speak English worth a damn. A lot of illegals are now coming in are not from Mexico either but from parts of Central America via Mexico. Political/drug situation there is very bad and dangerous. When in Costa Rica I learned a lot were going there also and working fields. they would follow rivers into the country... Costa Rica is stable. We have run across the problem that some Hispanic parents often don't want their kids to be more educated than they are... ( I know that sounds odd to most of us ). If a 7th grade education was good enough for them then is good enough for their kids.. and they go into construction often times .One thing that has changed a lot is Hispanic girls... rarely saw them in college classes 20-30 years ago... now there are a lot more of them..more than Hispanic guys.. ... most really struggle because they went through HS without learning/trying a lot. . I would argue there is little difference between legals and illegal ones ... some groups coming in value education... especially he Burmese (fleeing for their lives and poorly educated), the other Asians we are seeing are better. (but I suppose most not all of them are legal). Apparently a lot of illegal Asians get here by way of Mexico as well..The Asian ones try to learn English quickly....Hispanics.. not so much .. there is Spanish TV and lots of people to talk to.... all about incentive. One big criteria for legal immigration... they are fleeing for their lives because of political or ethic reasons.. forget the rest....That is true of Burmese, and has been Vietnamese, etc.
  11. Ok.... . I should have stated many Russians.. instead of Russians in general.... In any case everyone wants stability.... not the mess they have now ... whoever is responsible for it.. It has been nearly 25 yrs.. since Ukraine broke away from the USSR ..... I have a bit of trouble with the claim that Putin put that government in place.... and it is still in control. What ever government existed has been tossed .... let them sort it out ... if Russia stays out of the country. What ever happens may not be to our complete liking... but it is their country.
  12. . Absolutely .... Most Asian ones tend to value education, and drop the use of their native language in public. Not so much true of some other groups... As for us being 7th in immigrants... we in Texas also have some groups that have lived here for decades as citizens that can't speak English and/or don't value education very highly.. Oddly I had a college student (30-ish woman) last year whose mother was finally learning English after living here for decades and she now had grand-kids and they could not speak her language... they just spoke English. She was unable to talk to them.. Nearly all stats need a bit of explanation... There is often some oddity that affects them .. One I am expecting to see on the next census ... for decades Americans have been getting slightly taller... bet they don't next time... reason.. so many immigrants are coming from "short" populations.. so it may drop some as their kids become adults. . .
  13. It is more about WHO lives in those states and not the education system.... Note the top states and the make-up of their population....
  14. . --- I think most here have now decided they are very unsure about what to think about it all. The Ukraine government is so bad and ineffective plus corrupt even the locals are uncertain of who to support. .. Remember where this mess all started... in Kiev ..not Crimea.. or even eastern Ukraine ...It started in their nation's capitol. About all that is reasonably clear...the Russians in Ukraine think rejoining Russia is a good option and those non-Russians want a stable Ukrainian but non-Russian government.... We and others (includes Russia) need to keep out of it and let them solve their own problem. -- an exception would be one group just killing the other one such as happened in Rhodesia, Serbia/Bosnia, Nazi-Germany, or Cambodia in the past...
  15. . Partially explains why Mack Brown is now history... Wonder how many years since they have had no picks in first 6 rds. Sometimes not being picked is better than a late pick... that way THEY get to chose which team to sign with and where they feel they have the best place of having success. You can bet someone is very aware of Brelan....... l
  16. -- To me it seems appropriate for the commish issue a fine then ban him from games and other activities until the league owners meet and let them decide what to do with one of their own. If they force him to sell or whatever... fine... THEY should be the one to make the final decision about an owner... not the commish. It is about who decides, not what what was decided. --- It would be interesting to know WHY this (private) conversation even took place.
  17. .. They already have Russian land access to the Black Sea... remember Sochi .... they don't have land access to Crimea. It is disjoint.
  18. -- I agree.. Sterling is very disgusting... but this comment was in a private conversation and we don't know the full details of why it took place..... The penalty is very severe and it may cause problems with other owners and maybe players... ....and his (commish) relationship with them. . Remember the owners have the power to fire the commish.... Sterling's relationship with players is now probably gone.... but the commish went way too far in my opinion... Banning him from attending games seems reasonable but what I understand to be true is extreme... He likely would have to sell anyway without being forced to.... What is next ..... banning players for life ( of any race) that make racial remarks on or off the court.... even with family or girlfriends. ??
  19. I amazed anyone would openly admit knowing him if they didn't have to ... much less start as thread about him... (disgusting person) I sure would not want to claim him as one of our own... does us no good to have this here.
  20. .. ---I don't need to read anything.. I lived it and heard those same claims and was draft bait for EIGHT years which meant in a few weeks I could have be getting shot at or shooting people.. You (1990 I assume) never spent one day thinking that. .... but you are willing (or wanting) to put others in that position... War is war.. Nam or where-ever..
  21. .. You just repeated what we heard prior and early on in our Viet Nam years... I lived through it and heard that a lot. I suppose this makes you a fan of the LBJ administration and the then liberal thinking sec of defense Robt. McNamara
  22. -- ---The quote of mine was from the "last" post ....meaning the my post immediately prior to your comment.. I am clueless how you think I thought WWII was unjustified from any post of mine..... I didn't think the Iraq invasion was justified as did most European countries then.... explains why very few assisted us in the actual invasion ..... I just hope sensible people make good decisions in this situation..... So far I don't see any very good reason to risk American lives.... the person here who apparently never spent one day in military is all for it. The "what would Reagan do comment"... I don't remember him invading any country other than Granada....and taking Noriega out of Panama...( both in North America ) He did not even invade Libya but sent bombers to bomb Qaddafi as a message after Lockerbee and sent no troops ( it worked) .... He would likely do about the same that is happening now .. He didn't invade Iran or Afghanistan then either.... How about Lebanon when they blew up our barracks killing 200 marines... no invasion or war... Besides what made him all-knowing anyway. The Iron Curtain fell apart when Bush Sr. was in office ( and the justified Desert Storm) and I am not sure why the Reagan worshipers think he was responsible... what did he do other than say "Tear down this wall"..?. I was in Europe the summer before the Wall fell ... and I heard several times (especially from a German guy) that the situation in USSR was very unstable .. I did not believe them... but they were right... and in fact it was much more unstable than they were predicting.... the whole country came apart not just those on the western side getting free.
  23. .. Maybe you should have read my last post first... I said nothing close to that... " Those who know how terrible it is usually are the ones that don't want war until it is absolutely necessary... and I agree sometimes it is... WWII was one of them.".
  24. .. ---I think you missing my point....what you are saying is not my point... those who have never served don't need to be urging us into a war.. Those who know how terrible it is usually are the ones that don't want war until it is absolutely necessary... and I agree sometimes it is... WWII was one of them.. The situation in Ukraine is not to that level yet but UNT90 thinks it is.. He is also making hair-brained conclusions that I would have not wanted us to go into WWII.. He won't mention about his service or that he has lost friends or family as the result of war... he just sits on the side and complains and urges war with nothing personal at stake.... I honestly think we would not have invaded Iraq if W. Bush had actually been in a war-zone during Nam (there were no nukes and most Europeans said that was true and refused to assist him in Iraq..it wasn't about be afraid as some were portrayed )... W. spent the Nam war in Texas and Alabama (supposedly) . I lost very good friends because of Nam.. Not much record if any of W. even attending any meetings that were supposedly required during Nam... Ever hear of any of his military buddies coming forward to make any comments pro or con about him.?? As for his father, yes he knew what it was like and had served in a war-zone... I respect his decision to run Saddam out of Kuwait... plus no one in Kuwait wanted Saddam there and their government was stable... That is not the same as exists now... All of us are liberals compared to UNT90... because he is so extreme and knows everything.
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