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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. A positive comment: I am positive that open up against Univ. Of Texas year and at that point they could be the defending national champions..... ie better than they were last year. Then again maybe that is not a positive statement.
  2. ---Un-named sourses are traditional [Deep Throat] and besides in this situation the content of these comments are expected and rather obvious to all.... There hasn't been a lot of change as the game goes. But I don't really think that is the big problem... I have no answers. It is a disappointing year since so many had high expectations with two oustandings RBs back.... It proves that 1-2-3 players do not make a team. RBs are never as good as they look nor are they as bad. They need blocking and time to find openings. Cobbs is getting yards, just not TDs. The D will "look" bad when they have to return too soon without rest and in bad field positon when the offense does little to keep the ball or move down the field. They may not being doing well but they aren't doing as poorly as it appears. They need offensive help.
  3. !. The Monarch butterflys are migrating south, they look nice. (positive) 2. Football related: USC, TT, and UT is not on the schedule. (positive) 3. Joke: Houston Texans football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head Coach Don Capers immediately suspended practice while police and federal investigators were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal line. Practice was resumed after special agents decided the team was highly unlikely to encounter the substance again -----(humorous, always positive) 4. The Good News: We have more wins than the Texans. The Bad News: They have scored more points. ----(neutral, maybe) 5. No REAL Hurricanes have hit Denton or Dallas......yet. [Tulsa does not count] --(a positive statement, sorta-of )
  4. ---Remember SMU...... they violated the zero salery rule to players....... a lot of schools whould figure out a way to get around it.... Build gold-plated dressing rooms and claim they held English class in there etc. Some of the athletes are pretty bad at English anyway, so there might be a little truth to it.. The Agg/biology department could test their grass experiments by having athletes practice on it. etc. etc. etc. ---Got to agree, coaching saleries someplaces are bit obcene. A few actually donate some of it back to the school including Bobby Knight at Tech (and not to the the athletic dept.) You may not like them but both basketball and football coaches at Tech are well educated and value that part of college life. Knight's players have always had high graduation rates. He believes that intelligent players are better players and recruits accordingly. When is the last time you have heard of one of his players making news because of poor or illegal conduct at any place he coached.
  5. ---WE definitely have a chance with those three players out. We should beat a team with only 8 defensive players........Oh!! ....... They are going to put replacements in??........ Well maybe not. ---I still can't believe we got eight (8) turnovers and only won by 3....... to a team in their first year of D-I.
  6. It is more fun than many of the other threads. Eagle-60 has a better answer.
  7. He didn't at Army. Todd Dodge of Southlake would be nice to have in some coaching position. He talent is often college level anyway.
  8. ---Let's see..... since we have scored 46 points TOTAL , that would be 47% of 46 or almost 22 points for 5 games or about 4 points a game that we lose. ---I wonder how many quarters TxTech have scored 22 or more points? I am thankful we don't play TxTech. They defeated FIU by 53, we lucked out by 3 after they lost 8 turnovers. They defeated KSU by 39, we lost by 47. Yes, we do have something to be thankful for. ---I have no answers, but I never expected us to having such a poor year on offense since we had two outstanding RBs and a couple of good receivers. Never underestimate how important the big guys up front are on either side of the ball. Size and quickness is needed. ---The Houston Texan game against Seattle reminded me a lot of NT games. The QB had little time and the RBs had no holes and only short passes (to the side oftentimes) were completed and then immediately tackled.
  9. Can we win if LSU commits 12 turnovers???? Last week on ESPN they showed a game that an NFL QB threw 8 interceptions. (an all-time record, in the 1950's I think). I am amazed they still had him in the game that long..... maybe as punishment.
  10. ---Perhaps talking about the squirrel is more pleasent that discussing football games. In two weeks it we play LSU. What will the score be if they commit eight turnovers..? ---Anyone see the Arkey-State Hail Mary play on ESPN...... what luck!!!
  11. True --- sarcasm is more difficult to tell in print, especially in a short comment.
  12. ---I remember someone interviewing Landry once that commented on his calmness in the heat of of "battle". His answer was something to the fact that after flying Bomb runs through the Ruhr Valley in WWII that this was not all that stressful. The only way to survive those runs was to remain as calm and alert as possible. He also also commented by remaining "relatively calm" a person can make better decisions. ---The Ruhr was the worst possible place to be a pilot in WWII, it was the heavy defended industrial heart of Germany. Landry was a bomber pilot also a UT electrical engineer major (who had a masters in EE) and most tend to be very logical and not so emotional. ---Just because someone does not get irate and yell and jump up and down does not mean they don't care. Most good managers take of problems in private, not in front of other (especially 1000's) of people. He was successful and his personal knew how he felt.
  13. Perhaps he is one of those who think rules don't really apply to them. Apparently Bill Clements thought that at SMU..... because they kept on doing the things they were doing until they received the death penalty. Penalities need to assessed to Coaches as well as Universities....or if that is not possible then transfer some penalities to the Universities that hire those who break all the rules... which in an odd way penalizes the coach and perhaps keeps him out of coaching for a while to think about his actions..
  14. Are albino squirrels as rare as out-of-conferece wins????. Most people at NT like seeing one. Proof: The squirrel has something to do with football, therefore they are relevent to the football topic.
  15. ---Agree.. they should stay and stand for the Alma Matre...... after that leaving may be best so to not hear the abuse some people might dish out. Most universities head for the house after the game, not stand around. --- It has always bothered me when a team (anywhere) is not respectful to their or the opposing school song or National Anthem. The Alma Matre is not all about sports or sports teams either.
  16. ----This is a very common opinion....... Mack was keeping his word to start him his Jr year... Without that promise to Papa Simms, Chris Simms (perhaps fortunately) would have gone elsewhere. By looks Simms was the better choice, taller and physically more impressive.... Applewhite was a lot shorter but smarter and more determined and the better leader it seems.
  17. ---When Neuheisel left Colorado for Washington he left the Colorado program on probation for numerous NCAA violations.... I don't consider him an honest man.... The Washington gambling thing is no big deal really but it just shows some bad judgemment. Unfortunately coaches can leave a school on probation and no penalities are assesed to him and his staff,---that is the way the NCAA operates now.. Unforfunately penalities are assesed to the instituion and the players coming in are usually totally innocent but they pay for the problems of a former coaching staff. The coach and staff just walks and are free to continue their actions. ---Dave Bliss (basketball) was at SMU when they got the death penalty in football and nothing happened to him or the basketball program even most thought the basketball program was probably as corrupt. He later surfaced at Baylor and we know how that tuned out......He did not change. ---Price's situation was a personal and image problem if he wasn't using university money to finance his "activitiies". He wasn't cheating to win as happened at Colorado and SMU. Apparently much of what Price was accused of wasn't exactly true and not illegal in the courts or by the NCAA. It was just disgusting to many at the university. ---If a change is made , then there are good people out there that will run a clean program that doesn't have th outlaw image problem. Anyone want to hire Bliss for the basketball program??? He usually wins.......somehow....
  18. ---Worldbeaters???? Maybe not... but we should be able to recruit better and can get a lot of teams to come to Denton that will not come now.. It should bring more recognition to North Texas..... and that helps in all areas of the university . --- There are some who equate football level with academic level as well. Trinity(San Antonio) is supposedly a pretty good university in Texas but few people know anything about it. UT-Dallas has higher freshman SATs than any state university/college in Texas (including UT) but is a relative unknown outside of Dallas. They have no high profile athletic programs. ---That explains why we need to be more visible and gain respect. It makes our degrees worth more and employers are more likely to hire people from universities that they know something about. ---Academics and athletics are connected, whether some some want to admit it or not.
  19. UT (Royal) and Arkansas (Broyle) were two of those that supported us. (don't know the third one) ... SMU led the fight against us and convinced Baylor and TCU to oppose us.. I think the rest were for us..... ie. 6-3... I think we needed 7 votes.
  20. ---Unfortunately one school absolutely opposed us [ SMU ] and convinced TCU and Baylor to vote against our admission to the SWC. UT and Arkansas were two members that really supported us, and don't who the other one was. ---That completely explains my signature at the bottom
  21. ---I was very impressed with Fry's statements and even the announcers were complimentary. Fry stated how much better the situation is now that it was 25 years ago when he was here. He pointed out that we are the the only state university in the Dallas/Ft.Worth region and that there is a huge population nearby and that we should be in a major conference. That guy could sell sand to an Arab. I am still a fan of that West-Texas (Odessa) native. ---I get the same reaction out in in West Texas (as one of you posted) when I mention the size of North Texas. I always follow it with we are several thousand larger than TxTech plus we about the same size as Baylor, SMU and TCU, combined. Most had no idea, and are very surprized... Doesn't hurt to mention the best known grad at the moment is probably Dr. Phil who has a couple of NT degrees...
  22. ----I am so old (62) none of us had Visa/Mastercards cards in college (didn't exist). I never assume anything but a chain store takes cards and very few places will take checks unless they know you. As the Boy Scouts say... "Be Prepared!" ----- in this case take enough cash to meet your needs. Considering the price of tickets and a couple of drinks it is not like you are a "robbery target" with that kind of cash.... If you can't find that much cash ahead of time you can't afford to go. ---The older I get the more that motto means...... FEMA and the people in New Orleans should have learned that motto as well and things would have still been terrible but maybe not as tragic.. --You have nothing to gripe about......
  23. ----I did not have near the problem with the plays called this time as I did in the Tulsa or SoMiss Game. This time the offense just did not get it done.... the poor defense was on the field way too much and too soon since the offense could not maintain any drives. They were exhausted and kept the Troy score low.
  24. ---There were several bad throws and even worse, several dropped balls that were very catchable........ Can't blame coaches very much for those. ---No doubt there are probably better coaches but there are many more terrible coaches and we have had a few of those. DD has done better than anyone else since Fry in my opinion. Most of the outstanding coaches are at colleges that have paychecks many times what we pay, and if we had one of them they would be short term because someone would offer them much more to leave. I have absolutely no problem with the way this one was called.... didn't think much of the Tulsa or So.Miss game. This time the players (on offense especially) didn't get the job done. ---Coaches can absolutely effect stupid penalties by players.. Players make mistakes but usually unsportsmanike, lining up offsides, and few others aren't forgivable and should never happen.
  25. ---I have seen some threads take strange directions but this is the record one. Some comments here came out of left field and have absolutely nothing to do with anything. This not a gripe place. Go to whoever is in charge if you have a problem. If you don't go then you lack the courage to speak face-to-face or there is no big problem. I have no idea if ANY of it makes any sense There are always problems everywhere.. The big one is we face is the lack of BIG money to do a lot of things.. ---Michigan State colors?.... Who cares, we are not MSU.......Why is that a problem?... That statement tells volumes about your complaints if that is an issue.....and last----- Are you sober today?
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