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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. Pitt Bull outrage ..?? .... 27 of the 42 dog caused deaths were pit-bulls.... which is: .. . 64%... What percent of dogs are pit-bulls.... Not even close to 64% .. and this does not include people who are seriously "chewed-up" and live over it.... Another subject ... but firearm deaths almost equal auto-accident deaths... and a lot of them are accidents by people who have no business with one... Wonder how many lives were saved by someone other than police having one... I'm not anti-gun... just seen too many extremely careless with them.
  2. --- No one should co-sign a student loan [ and maybe any other one ] because they can be held responsible for the debt.... The gutless wonder mentioned first that defaulted may have screwed his parents.... It is possible for some loans to be paid out of THEIR social security payments later and possibly some other payments. I know of one that won in Lotto Texas and it was confiscated...
  3. ---Re above: Too many go to college and have a lot of fun and major in subjects that do not pay well or have any real future. There is an insane number of jobs available in tech, engineering, and math/science fields, plus a few more.... it comes back to the old commercial "Pay me Now or Pay me Later" .... work hard during college years and get paid well later.. Those who don't ....pay for it later by having low paying jobs or unemployment.. some of which they could be doing with no college history.. maybe so bad they can't even pay off their loans .... if they have any ... I didn't or my kids either.... had high paying summer co-op jobs (engineering).. plus I chipped in.
  4. --- I think I am agreeing with Rick (for once) if he is saying what I think he is... I oppose universally free college....[ maybe cheaper (tuition tripled under Perry, salaries didn't ) so that working student can actually pay as they go as my wife did (100%) and myself (about 50%, parents 50%) ] The community college where I teach had no tuition for a while for new HS county grads and it did not work well at all. [ after the first semester a certain GPA was required ] Since it was FREE we had so many students signing up for courses that they never finished... once they discovered it was not HS 2.0 and they were going to have to work hard to pass ... they just quit.... The drop or quit rate was very high..... Students need to have some money at stake if they are to be a serious student. --- We had a lot of students enroll that had no business there.. Even now so many student in math classes fail because of what they did not learn in jr. high and HS.... Their background is awful. It is a lot like running a race a lap behind to start with ... little chance of doing well. Our solution to the free tuition was to change things ...... Still new high school grads CAN get a nearly free tuition (not books etc.) by previously doing 40? hours of community service before beginning and having a respectable HS GPA. --- These "bums" that had a HS diploma and no other qualification and going for free (except books.. which a lot did not buy) were taking up space and disruptive to class progress. It may sound like a good idea .... but it isn't.
  5. --- Remember God told Jerry Falwell (Liberty founder) that 9-11 happened as punishment for our sinful ways... [ he claimed that ] I guess you could conclude from that that God now favors the Islamics if you believe his comments ... --- I hope we never have anything to do with that place [Liberty Un. ] and its crazy view of life in general. They are very intolerant of anyone that disagrees with them .... and intolerance is the big problem with the people in the Middle East now...and why they execute people of different religious groups that disagree with them even within Islam.. . they are just much more extreme. Yes I am Christian .... but not a follower of Falwell-ism etc. That also was a huge issue in "Christian" Germany too ... they tried to wipe out the Jewish religion and race...
  6. . This whole situation is ridiculous ..... As long as the speaker isn't there to push some extreme agenda ... leave him alone and shut up...... and listen. Gorbachev came to Midland College and I went .. it doesn't mean I agree with everything he said ...... plus I have gone to see Ben Stine and others at MC.... . didn't agree with everything he said either. .. . Don't be so narrow minded.... I remember some on a right wing radio protesting that "Commie" being in town.. Crazy... I am sure that in the past some would have protested Sandra Day O'Conner speaking because she was a woman on the Supreme Court and "women have no right to be there"... Grow up. ... heard her at MC too ..... She was first in law class and no law firm would hire her when she graduated .... wrong gender .. things change. This week Jay Leno is here at MC. .... so if I watch Letterman instead ... I should protest..?? I have tickets and will go.
  7. Geez these posts are so far from topic it is ridiculous... ---- Protesting Abbot is crazy .... A graduation speech is no place for protesting or politics unless the speaker makes it that way by some crazy action or what he says... .. I am sick of NO respect for politicians unless they have done something illegal or ridiculous to deserve it... I am no rightwing or left-wing radical.. The problem with Congress now is the two groups can not get along or compromise as they have done in the past.. These idiots on radio have created a lot of it by making claims which are not even true or in some cases not the whole truth.. Example the guys who regularly lie or misrepresent the truth such as claim the president was born in Kenya, went to a Medrasa, is Islamic, or that a certain party is totally anti-gun, anti-Christian, etc... (maybe some members of both are, most aren't, etc.) The problem is so many "lame-brains" think it is true because they want it to be true... . I hope no one is crazy enough to embarrass UNT at graduation.
  8. . Not my "opinion" .... policy of most banks... I am sure you think you are smarter than they are.
  9. --- Banks don't want gun-fights in their bank ... Let them go and catch them later. -- so my students that have been working in local banks tell me --- We have had a few and none succeed long-term .. they were caught---- (not the recent one ... yet)
  10. . Extremely good advice. I've seen a lot violation of 2 and 4. They turn (swing) around and forget they have a gun pointing at someone or something that they shouldn't. And the 4th ... they get way too excited and shoot at something not realizing a cow, person, house, or vehicle is in the line of fire beyond the "target" ( plus what they think they see, is not what is there... calf instead of deer?). ...those guys did not get a second trip with me. 5) Keep the safety on at all times except when shooting and better yet keep the chamber empty except when the possibility of shooting is likely. 6.) Stay completely sober and insist others with you are. . .
  11. . What is wrong with you ... I can't post anything without you posting something to try to make fun of me.... Grow up... The image you try to create about me and what I am is nothing alike.
  12. .. Don't buy 20 gauge..... 12 or 16 gauge. .... 20 is mostly used by women and young guys (maybe people who know little about guns) .... I have both a Winchester 16 (single shot) and Winchester 12 gauge pump.. I inherited an inexpensive 20 gauge from a city-type uncle ... I have never fired it. I mostly use the 16 since I rarely hunt.... just use kill varmints, snakes, or whatever (also extremely safe as guns go, breaks over) . Shocked people ...?.. I am far from anti-gun**... just don't see the use of carrying one on my person everywhere and definitely don't want some hot-head, drunk, or drugged- out student on campus with one.... . Know a lot of people who had accidents with one. some fatal... Other than some police friends I know..... no one I know that ever needed to have one for protection. {no problem with one in a car or home -- My friends don't hang out at "red-neck bars" late at night or deal with drug guys...{ most fatal shootings are drug gang related, sleazy bars, or domestic issues, .plus by dumb accidents by those who have no business with one... ] Guns are not toys... Under today's school laws I could have been kicked out of school about every day I was in high-school .. Had one in my pickup. We owned and fed cattle and never knew when one was needed ** few Democrats oppose guns... despite what "some" try to claim.....mostly just big city people ....
  13. .. It is my understand that only a part is ..... but just a certain base as is the deal with all "profs". Above that is money that is not tax money but some other sources... athletic donations, radio/TV programs, ticket money, etc. .
  14. . Maybe it is a problem with your radio or your Sirius receiver..... My two sound as good or better than any radio station. ... and is very good. I like the stations and being able to select the "subject or music type" and being in West Texas and traveling long distances (to Dallas even) at times it is very helpful to not "lose" stations as is the case with AM/FM ones. While traveling in the Big Bend area ... they were the only ones I could get in some places.
  15. . ----I do agree with you ... they all are very deserving..... my "complaint" was that with so many available (and deserving) few can get the 75% vote to get in.... because the vote is split up too much ....there should be a min. number inducted...(3??) .. When the HOF was created decades ago only 16 MLB teams existed thus a lot fewer players to vote on and getting 75% was easier... it is tough now to get a 75% vote and a lot of deserving players are not inducted... I think you read into my statement something different than I intended.... All four deserve to be in .... and several more that have not been included due to the current rule but still get a majority vote for years. .... --- It just seems a bit ridiculous that only one or zero gets inducted which has happened several times... I was in Canton (NFL one) this year talking casually to an official there and he had the same opinion.
  16. ---Glad to see several ..... Their odd election standards sometimes creates only one because of so many split votes ... ( I think zero once) . There should be a minimum of three each each year.. The NFL does have a minimum number I think..... The last time 4 were inducted was 1955.... or 60 years ago. Likely this occurred this time because of the negative opinion of so many players such as Sosa, Bonds, etc. that concentrated votes on fewer players.
  17. Ranking music schools at a certain position is a bit strange.. Which type of music is an issue. Sort of like comparing Alabama with Duke in athletics. ...which sport?
  18. . Yes.. I think that is correct... about UT and OU signing huge numbers... I don't think teams were all that large then ... one reason is schools had Freshman teams .....and second freshman were not even allowed to play on varsity teams ..... It also explains why some individual career stats then were not so large.... they only played three years ... not four.
  19. . --Look at the bright side.... we didn't do as poorly as TxTech is doing .... they have given up 61 points (so far) and it is still in the 3rd quarter..
  20. Guess I got lucky ... I was in Cleveland that Monday and just a few yards from the Frontier 1143 gate and at an American gate going to Dallas when she was there... My flight had been delayed and I walked up to that Frontier gate (A-7) and asked about transferring to that flight and they said no. Likely I was few yards from her.
  21. I'm sure he does regret his addiction now .... since he will be sent to prison for perhaps years.
  22. . -- Hmmmmm .. Maybe I should go buy a bottle of Hersey's liquid chocolate and use it ...things might look up more.
  23. --- If we don't believe in ourselves ... don't expect others to do so. If you saw New England and Brady a couple of weeks ago ... you might have thought they were near the bottom of the league... The next week proved otherwise... Keep your chin up and keep plugging... Things change ... be optimistic... we have been worse and in worse conferences. CUSA isn't the SEC but it isn't awful either .... Don't trash yourself or your "friends". You might convince others you are trash.
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