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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. You have two now .... probably Republicans that were easily confused and thought when you used the word "ass" you were talking about liking Democrats since their symbol is a jack-ass..... hahaha..
  2. Denton is almost part of Dallas now ..... When i graduated in 1966 I-35W didn't exist (had to use 377) and there was trees and undeveloped land between Denton and Dallas.. As for growing faster than Ft. Worth, Plano, and Dallas ... tough to increase population much for them since they are "penned in" by other cities and can't get larger in area... Plano was an A or AA HS when I was in college in the 60's... Frisco ... never heard about it then. Even the road between Denton and McKinney was all agriculture land. Soon it will be part of the continuous Dallas-metro.. (Sorry Dentonites.... your small town is disappearing. ).. There was even undeveloped land between LBJ (aka 635) and Dallas in the early 70's. Had car trouble on LBJ once in 1971 and there wasn't a building for miles (somewhere near the Galleria now.).....
  3. Dr. Ed. was an option where i was but nearly everyone did .... now Austin has changed up graduation requirements so much so there is not time to work it in**. Bus accidents also contribute to traffic fatalities. I am pretty sure even motorcycles are counted also ... The traffic death count we get here in the paper monthly always does. Your suggestion doesn't really reduce the count much if any... those people are still dead just the accounting is different. Maybe not in Dallas or large cities so much because of slower traffic in town but on the highways (I-20 for example ) quite a few fatal bus accidents happens.... more speed, tired drivers and trucks hitting them. One near Pecos last year killed a lot of people. I remember one in east Texas but can't remember where (head-on?). ** most trade courses are gone as well.. usually expensive ... tough to schedule them any with graduation credits increased.... most of additions do not help much .. but politicians in Austin want to claim they do. Kids coming out of HS now are not near as good as 20 years ago. .... not the ones I see. I blame passing kids that really should not passed on.... so thate kids that worked and made "75" see the kids that did near nothing passing with a 70 and then decide... "Why work, you get passed anyway (HS not college)".
  4. A comparison between guns and car deaths is ridiculous... Using a car is not really much of a choice.. I'm not riding a horse or bicycle to Dallas (350+MILES). ... Cancer kills more than either... want to toss it in.?? Don't say fly ... how do I leave the airport to where i need to go out of a motor vehicle.??
  5. My ENTIRE point was not everyone is careful .... I don't doubt most are ... but there are those aren't.... and that is teh problem.... I stiil think more will be shot or die that would be saved by carrying guns on campus..... Unlike what "some" try to portray me .. I am not anti-gun.. just want people carrying them everywhere especially on a college campus. ________ UNT90.. you are right I should not have said you have called me unAmerican .. but I should have said unpatriotic... You have slammed me for not supporting Iraq and claiming I did not support our military... well I do ... I don't want them killed or permanently injured in a war or conflict that makes no sense. Surely you know that administration had access the ridiculous capabilities from satellites and other sources (sons have worked for companies that contributed to spy satellite construction) ...none of Europe believed they had nukes (and did not help USA much because of that) and even our own CIA did not really believe it either. ..Congress believed the Administration knew what they were doing [Cheney on video said he KNEW where they were] and they have access to more info that is publicly stated or Congress has and then they agreed to it.. I don't care what political party they were .... it was awful ... and I think about it every time I see a "Wounded Warrior" ad with blind and/or disabled veterans... That administration caused a lot of them for NO reason and no gain.... plus they screwed up the Middle East even more than it was. ( now we have ISIS ) No terrorist act to USA or Europe came from Iraq prior to then.. [name one] It was a terrible mistake. Toss in the terrible economy(and national debt) as of late 2008 which lasted a while .. and no I am no fan of that administration... I am sure you will attack me again for this ... you always do.
  6. http://freakoutnation.com/2016/01/drunk-man-during-showing-of-13-hours-drops-gun-shoots-woman-in-the-chest/ http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/state-regional/man-not-charged-after-gun-goes-sanford-cracker-bar/npD7S/ http://www.12newsnow.com/story/30295197/witness-accidental-shooting-in-beaumont-the-result-of-a-gun-falling-out-of-a-purse http://www.rawstory.com/2015/10/8-year-old-georgia-girl-fatally-shot-when-mom-drops-gun-while-braiding-childs-hair/ Feel safer now..?
  7. I am a college grad.... I did not come here (or post ) to be make fun of .. called unAmerican ... be misrepresented ...be called names etc.
  8. Well UNT 90 .. you are still doing it .....misrepresenting what i believe.. ... no ....Democrat debt is not fine with me... but also note the Congress is controlled by the GOP plus when did the insane debt climb start, 2002, pre-Obama and has not stopped since since then. .... The (GOP Congress) is passing nothing to lower it. Yes I am fairly liberal on some issues and conservative on others.... especially debt. Quit putting words into my mouth. State what you believe and quit claiming I say or believe things that I don't. ... BE HONEST. **not anti-gun either as you claim...I own several.. just don't want everyone carrying one everywhere. [ you want very LIBERAL gun laws ] Seen personally too many accidents and crazy actions. .. Have been shot at couple of times by idiots [ one a cop who thought I might be a burgher (was an employee) and one time by a careless hunter ] Even had a student bring a loaded gun to school after I got him suspended the day before... likely it was for me or the vice-principal that tossed him out. . . I also had a friend drop one and she died when it fired. Like i said ... you always come after me every time I post... This is another. You apparently stay on this site constantly .. do you actually work any.?? Profanity ... yes you did .. not a lot but you did some... one was very personal. .
  9. I tell my class (college math) that some this material you may use and some of it you may never use ..... But some of you in this room are likely to fall into a lake, pool, or river and need to know how to swim....which one of you will it be ?? .. . it might be you ..... so learn to swim...... .. some of you in the class will need to use algebra/geometry regularly and some will almost never ... will it be you...you don't know.. so maybe you need to learn how to swim..... Odd part I was talking to one of my ex-student who performs/works on Broadway and I commented "I wasted my time teaching you algebra I suppose"... His response " Rarely does a week go by that he didn't use it building sets and other things ... he now is a producer.. I then accused him of just humoring me ... he claimed not.. that he really did use algebra and geometry a lot to get things to work right on stage..... Learn to swim .... but you don't have to swim every day.... nothing wrong with owning guns or how to use one... you just don't need to carry them everywhere. . Open carry: If a crook is robbing a store and discovers a person with a gun in there ..... he is likely the first and maybe only person he would shoot..... the rest aren't much threat.
  10. ---Get a traffic ticket and you may be sent to a driving school. ... Driving seems to be a necessity (unless you live in a huge city with a lot of public transportation) .. not sure carrying a gun everywhere is a necessity unless you live or go into in a drug-infested or crime infested neighborhood. Many times more people drive than carry guns ...so expect more deaths... lousy argument. Probably more people are killed crossing a street also .. so you suggest we should never cross a street.??.
  11. --- I have not seen one being carried either and they aren't legal on Campus until Sept. I am not the crazy "left-wing- anti-gun-pagan " person UNT90** pictures me as... I often had a gun in my car at College Inn when in grad school (not sure it was legal or not.. not university owned then) ... but I am pretty sure every policeman's training far exceeds any CHL course ... and yet he was careless and shot himself.... also Yawl have likely seen the video lately of a policeman that accidental fired his in a classroom (no one hit fortunately)... I'm not anti-gun ... just know there are way too many people that are too careless (or drunk) to be carrying one and even highly trained people sometimes screw up.... That is why I oppose carrying them on campus... in a car locked up ... no problem. I also had one in my pickup in HS ... my family had cattle and we needed one to shoot rattlesnakes which were often under bales of hay at times.. I consider a CHL course about the level of a drivers ed course.... It doesn't make anyone an expert, just better than nothing. **I quit posting because he often he changed the meaning of what I said or implied I believed things I did not believe.. sometimes with profanity and nothing seemed to be done about it. True .. I am "the left" of him but I suspect 99% of people here are. . Anytime you disagree with him he yells "Liberal". I am guessing financially I am much more conservative than most here.. I hate any debt.. personal or national which has increased greatly since 2001 under two presidents and usually under a supposedly conservative Congress (really??) .. . it is now triple what it was in 2000 after 210 years.
  12. http://www.brownwoodtx.com/news/20160125/deputy-man-accidentally-shoots-self-in-leg Are you sure you want open carry or any guns by students on campus... I fear accidentally shootings from careless people more than the need to have one... How many time have we had an incident in a classroom (ever) that would have been helped by having a gun.
  13. Got tired of UNT90 or whatever his name is. Does't matter what I say he attacks me as an idiot. .
  14. Yep ... been that way mostly for past 10-15 years .... Need to compromise some as they once did.... but there are some that won't and you can't just let them get their way all the time and on everything. ... [ Cruz seems to be the worst.... even a lot of older type GOP people can't stand him meanwhile the debt climbs rapidly and has since 2001 .. that is not conservative ]
  15. Religious EXTREMISTs are never good ... They think they have the answers and the rest of us are idiots, pagans, or worse... Same applies to any group... Christian, Islamic etc. .... That is the root of most problems in the Middle East now ... Religious Extremism.... In the West we have had witch trials, the Inquisition, IRA bombings, and Nazis trying to wipe out the Jewish religion. Extremism is never good.....
  16. You haven't seen me posting ( or even reading ) anything here in months.... I got tired of "one person" constantly insulting me and twisting everything I said into something I did not say or even mean ... Others disagreed at times... but not so insulting or in a dishonest way... It seemed he was just looking for my posts and something to make fun of .... It doesn't have to be that way... I just read today because of the coaching situation and the changes that will take place. ... Go Mean Green. !! I have no knowledge of why yawl are dog-pilling and talking about Tasty.... I am not talking about him.
  17. Guns are not outlawed in France..... but they do have stricter controls ..... I have seen several guns stores in Europe especially Italy and I think Switzerland... Britain may have the toughest laws and easiest to enforce because it is an Island and people can not just drive over the border with one as is the case everywhere else. Inside the EU there are no real border checks as there was once. I doubt you could kill dozens of people with a 30-06 that holds about six shots in just a few second or any of the single shot shotguns or .22's I own. Yes it is 'possible' to hunt with one but most are not huge caliber and not well suited for hunting and especially for killing huge feral hog.... You need a 30-06 or something similar to knock one down and for him to not escape.... [ I am not a city kid.. own rural ranch land. ... been around guns all my life and seen a lot idiot behavior with them ]
  18. .. You are forgetting Jade Helm-15 .... Abbott seemed to think the US military was going to overthrow Texas and keep Obama in office... We need protection from our military... . Yep .. a box cutter is a weapon of mass destruction.... can take out dozens in a matter of seconds... .
  19. 19 kids and counting ... Fine moral people (sarcasm) ....... besides if all of us had that many kids ... the world would be an impossible place to live in a couple of generations.... [ no food, no open land etc.. I have always found them disgusting.... way before this happened. These is a limit to how many people this planet can support .... and those poor starving kids you usually see on those commercials usually come from places that are way over populated and have few recourses. I am Christian but how many of the TV preachers and supposedly TV super-Christians have been involving in this sort of thing.....lots... includes Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggert and many, many more. They are more about money than Christianity or morality... . Math : 19 x19 = 361... so every two of us becomes 361 people in two generations.... STUPID.. .
  20. There is a lot BS out there on gun control ...... despite what some claim about others wanting taking away ALL guns (very few of those really) ... most is about having guns such AK-15's that can kill a dozen people in a few seconds... Those are not really about self- protection or hunting but killing a lot of people in a hurry...... This incident was not about that... but the train in France was.... Personally I hate to see it legal for students to carry guns on campus to class or keep guns in a dorm room... A lot more people will be killed by carelessness and idiots playing with one than will be saved... Too many just consider them toys and have no business with one. Then there are the idiots that think they have a right and need to carry an automatic rifle into every store in town.... [ really .. why... ??? ] this is not Syria or Somalia... Ever heard of one of those characters needing one...?...
  21. Good program on today again tonight at 1;00 AM plus will all be available Sat morn at 8;00 on ESC..... I am sure SMUt fans wishes it was on more often hahaha..... Makes them look terrible and Gov. Clements even worse.... Title of program is 30-30 and called Pony Excress. It actually appears a lot on ESC...
  22. Yep the EPA screwed this one up ..... but first a mining company just left and the mine was a total mess... Apparently about 5000 mines like this exist... The EPA are not perfect and make mistakes but near Pecos it was discovered lately that an oil company had been dumping waste on the ground .... ruining the soil ... and groundwater in the area... and was polluting water wells ..... and if not discovered would be in the river system and our lakes... The EPA isn't perfect but in the oil fields (and many other industries) things would be far worse without them keeping an eye on things. There are areas out here that are so ruined by oil company waste (pre EPa) that weeds won't even grow. .... At least we now have some agency TRYING to keep us safe and our water usable. In Texas the RR commission has to plug a lot of abandoned wells when companies (which may have gone out of business) abandon them.... If not plugged , the wells may leak chemicals and .saltwater into our water supplies. . Remember the company in West Virginia that was caught dumping toxic chemicals into a river there recently ... Can't trust much of cooperate America to do what is right ... just to try to make a profit. Check out China also (no EPA or anything similar... at least not until recently... } .... Their rivers and air quality is a total mess....
  23. Russell — herself a licensed private investigator and former Fulton County, Georgia, sheriff's deputy with two martial arts black belts — told NBC station KOB that she and her husband had stopped in Albuquerque for dinner with a friend. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/gunman-killed-trying-rob-ex-reporters-lynne-russell-chuck-de-n385416 (source)
  24. Another man killed by dogs...... a pack of pit bulls. (Pecos) ..... not some other breed... http://cbs7.com/multimedia/article_9618ebec-20e9-11e5-9cd2-4f10c7bf2cc2.html
  25. Really .??.. and where was this poll taken..... at some women's club or an Opera House... ???
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