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Everything posted by SCREAMING EAGLE-66

  1. ABSOLUTELY .... that is about problem #100+ facing schools today... finance, respect (for other students and also teachers), drugs, lack of parental support, and maybe most important... what to do with disinterested students who are just there because they are made to go and thus cause problems are at the top of the list.
  2. Weird thread... Asking for advice isn't ... but "Sell me one is". .. .. I have a .38 .. never shot it... made in 1890.... (no brand name) [Grandfathers ].. afraid to... only in desperation would I but have a few shells.... Last shot over 50 years ago. . Don't recommend it. .... Shot my son's .38 about a month ago ... hit a baby bottle 40 feet away first and only shot .. I am either very good or lucky . suspect the second. I am not what one guy here claims I am... I've shot 100'a if not 1000's of rounds. Just hate to see people carrying one that has no business with one. Some people are WAAY too careless. All rural or semi-rural people have guns and know to use them.., ..
  3. Let local schools district deal with the "problem"..... Most schools likely don't even have one person to deal with... Some may "think" that way but don't go to school dressed that way... As I stated earlier anyone that has a problem with a bathroom could go to a "neutral" non-labeled site like the nurses office or administration area... that includes anyone bullied, disabled, or not comfortable with any restroom. People are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. The situation is rather rare in schools.
  4. --- Let each school district handle it as they need to handle it .... At least one district out here has a policy to allow anyone who feel bullied or uncomfortable with the situation to go to the nurses office and use the one there which is not labeled any gender... Seems to be the best solution..... It is nearly a non-issue anyway .... I have been in class-rooms 50 years [ public schools and college] and not one student ( about 9000 later) I have ever had was transgender that I know of.... Gay and transgender are a totally different issues .... those who consider themselves gay use the "correct" restroom anyway. Obama and politicians should have stayed out of it and let schools handle the situation and above seems the best solution for everyone. .. Re: Dan Patrick ... If he had his way he would have us teaching the world began 6000 years ago and some extremist church running our public schools... ..so which one do you want running schools.... , Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Davidian, the El Dorado bunch, Mehodist, Church of Christ, 7th Day Adventice, Quaker, Puritans (hanging those who disagree with them) , Amish, Mennoite..... or which .. they are not the same at all. That is why we have freedom of religion.... We even had parents opposing "pep rallies" ... considered them idol worship .. lot of extreme nuts out there.
  5. Houston has a much better "long term record".... They were very good at football in the 60's and 70's and in fact they won the SWC their first year in the SWC. They have also been powerhouses at times in basketball ... Elvin Hayes era and Olajuwon one plus they have had other great teams as well... Tulane may have a few moments [none that I can remember ] but was once the doormat of the SEC.. Houston's history is much better than Tulane's.
  6. I hated losing Tulsa and Houston...... but Tulane.... why. ??? .. I can't ever remember them being good at anything and I have been around a long time....
  7. If one lives in a rural area, a person needs to own a gun.... rattlesnakes, feral hogs, skunks, etc. Also a good idea for self protection to have one in a home especially a rural one. .... but I don't see a need to carry one into Burger King, stores, or even college classrooms ... locked in a car on campus ... no problem. What is wrong with these guys that carry an AR-15 etc into stores.... this is not Somalia .... some have. Some people have no business carrying one around .. Too many careless people... includes the cop in my former hometown that shot himself in the foot and the one in a classroom demonstration on career day that let one go off (fortunately hitting no-one). Supporting the 2nd amendment does not mean supporting everyone carrying one around everywhere.
  8. You view as inconstant because of the way you try to "portray me" and not the way I am ... example ... You paint me as anti-gun ..really I own a "lot" of them and have several 100 rounds of ammo in my house.... (one in my car now) but no I don't support everyone carrying one around .. I have seen too many careless people (mostly city-types) and even had a friend drop one which fired and killed her... You paint paint me as anti-religion.. I go too church and even went to a religious college for a while ...but I do not want some church controlling public schools and have heard some very offensive devotions in the past so much I that even could identity which church they likely attended..[ we even have some "religous fanatic parents wanting to ban pep-rallies (idol worship) . Who do you want control them ,, Catholics, Baptist, Davidians, Jewish, Mormons, Church of Christ, etc. or which .... they are very different .. A terrible idea. You portray me and an have referred to me a a liberal .... well on financial issues I sure am not and hate the debt increase that began in 2001-2009 which equaled all 42 previous administrations and is still growing with the same political party in charge of Congress which passes spending. .... I guess I am a Liberal on religion.... go where you want .. I don't care. I am not what you try to paint me as and what some think because of you... I quit posting much because I got tired of your harassment.. (almost every time ) ... and stuff you just make up or call me some name (one obscene) Get a life and off the computer once in a while ..I would say spend more time with a wife or kids but I doubt anyone could live with you [ that is almost as insulting as things you say ] PLEASE NOTE: read... a lot of other people feel about your posts as I do....
  9. I agree .. that person is a on here constantly and doesn't do anything but make fun of others ... How else does one get 25,000 posts.... I really slowed down because of his constant harassment... Nearly every post I make he responds and negatively ... He tries to picture me nothing like I really am on top it... He needs to get a life... I like positive input and even input that may be critical but have a point to it ... not just personal insults as did constantly does... I was given the option to ignore his posts ...BUT .. I think I need to see what crazy remarks he makes about me... Being in education and have had 9000+ students... most that do that, do not feel good about themselves and constantly put others down to make themselves to feel better.
  10. Yep they can ... remember the Crusades.. no guns ...yet thousands were killed and the Romans empire killed 1000's also ... no guns..... I thought I would let you know... You always continue what you do ... I post .. you smart off, almost every time ... it gets annoying.... Just one example of what I claim about you... That is who you are.....
  11. yep (UNTFan23) ..... Exactly and they have been safe.... they will less safe when students are carrying guns.... When the girl was murdered at UT this year .. that was the first student killed on camp us since Whitman's tower incident in 1965 or 1966.. Oddly the killer was a guy picked up hitch-hiking and dropped over there by a policeman that had picked up on I-35. [ no gun was involved ]...
  12. Although what this Dallas HS kid was illegal ... what he did is what I fear will happen in college classrooms... He illegally had a gun but dropped it or somehow managed to shoot himself. It is a wonder it did not hit someone else and seriously injure or kill them.... Too many people have no business carrying a gun.. too careless and don't respect how dangerous they can be. . [ I'm not anti-gun in general ] More people will be killed by carelessness and drunks/druggies on campus than saved..... Can anyone name an incident in Texas in the past few years in which a student would have saved lives if he had had a gun..??
  13. Recruiting in Texas is tough... so many D-I universities.... plus so many out of state conferences and universities (SEC,Oklahoma, many others) recruit big time here also ...... Most of the better HS recruits want to go where they will be seen a lot and to a successful program which increases their odds of moving to the NFL..... Success breeds success.. We did ok for a while but not so much lately ...... That hurts.... Even so there are several NT ex-players in the NFL...... I think I heard yesterday that 25-30% of NFL players were never drafted .... They tend to draft players that they fear might be drafted by someone else and not ones that likely be available after the draft that others don't know bout.. .. ..I am not making excuses for Rick or the coaching staffs ... just telling it like it is .... we could and should do better.....
  14. UT had only one and so did Oklahoma State.. SMU, and Rice none
  15. Everyone should be smart enough to know to drop any "weapon" with dealing with a policeman etc.... That even includes some toy gun that might be taken as a real weapon.. Part II is keep your hands in the "open" where it can be seen they have nothing.... and keep your distance unless told otherwise. Police have a dangerous job and also have the right to protect themselves....... having said that.... a few cops are idiots..... I had one shoot at me with no warning for no justifiable reason when in college (and put me in handcuffs) . I was a night employee not a burglar. Just be very careful with anyone that has a gun......... Good thing I wasn't carrying one or he would have shot again and claim it was justified.. ...
  16. Toss in the fact that most of those "elite" institution are near the media centers (radio/TV/publishing) like New York.... so they get attention and even better ratings.... I found it interesting that on one TV program I watched about colleges (CNBC maybe ) they were saying the price of those educations don't really pay off EXCEPT in a few professions such as Wall Street ones where it is the contacts they made and not really the education that is the big issue... I have met several Ivy League type people that I was very under-impressed with... I have talked with some oil company personal here that even said they preferred grads from public colleges over private ones because they were mostly hard-working people that knew how to work which was not the case in a lot of grads from expensive private colleges who seemed to think they deserved "special" privileges or consideration. [ hello SMU ] There are exceptions in both directions but employers often just play the odds on recent grads..
  17. How could I get negatives for that last post .... just because it was me.???
  18. Cars vs guns comparison is crazy .... How many hours are spent driving by the total population .... how many hours are spent carrying guns by the total population.... I saw a few 1000 cars today and no guns although a few may have had a concealed one... No comparison of the two makes much sense. ... and transportation is absolutely necessary to live in this modern world.... the other isn't for most people and a lot less time is spent with one. [ not anti-gun... shot a few rounds this weekend (ranchland)... just oppose carrying one everywhere and having ones that shoot 15 shots in 15 sec. ... you might need one if you are drug dealer though. ]
  19. There are a few in EVERY profession that are absolute idiots... it doesn't the rest or even very many are... .... and for what it is worth I never mention politics or candidates in class ... plus I teach math ... Don't make generalizations... I am guessing some some people in Granbury are total idiots too ... so should that apply to you..??? Think a bit .. and don't be so radical... and insulting.
  20. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/texas-man-accidental-shooting Above... In a Sulphur Springs Church (Jan) ;; http://www.kwtx.com/content/news/367793781.html http://abc13.com/news/teen-boy-accidentally-shot-killed-by-step-brother/1161643/ Plus many more "accidents". (. just in Texas) http://dfw.cbslocal.com/tag/accidental-shooting/ Too many careless people...........................
  21. This is why I oppose so many carrying around a gun ...... too many CARELESS, stupid, and drunken people ... more will be shot than saved by having one. .... I not anti-gun (own them)... and no... the Democrats (except a few very radical urban ones ) are not trying to take away your guns despite some claims... just reduce the number of felons and mental cases that can get one easily.. This was about a RABID pro carry woman... I do not want students in my classroom with them. ( .locked in their car.. ok.) http://news.jammedup.com/2016/03/09/avid-pro-gun-florida-mom-shot-in-the-back-by-4-year-old-son/ quote from article: Just the day before the shooting, Gilt had a heated debate about guns used for self-defense on Facebook, where she posted “Even my 4-year-old gets jacked up to target shoot with the.22,” ----------- stupid person... note .. Facebook picture.
  22. 90 .... Anytime anyone disagrees with you ... you yell "Liberal" ... interesting... so were those ranchers in Oregon that got shot protesting grazing rights were liberals too..??. I absolutely support police but don't ever do anything stupid around one (they have guns) ... However a few are absolute idiots... one shot at me when I was on the job back in the 60's .. I was a night employee (college kid) , not a burglar and doing nothing wrong.. .. I didn't even know he was there... he should have been fired not just chewed out.. he would in today's world (I hope)
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