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SCREAMING EAGLE-66 last won the day on July 13 2020

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  • Birthday 09/29/1943

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    Mathematics, and watching football.... NT-1966 and 1975 offspring: NT-2000, NT-2003, Aggie-1998

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  1. I lived there the first year it was open --1964-65 also 65-66. also a few summers while working on a masters.
  2. I had him ... two classes . in tshe 1960's. ..
  3. Go Green.!! (aka Eagles when I graduated)
  4. STANZAS..??? This guy has no background or knowledge of football ... He is embarrassing.... Replace him .. he will not get much better.
  5. ---In the history of the program. ?? .... UNT had lots of NFL players about 1970 ... partly because the SWC was not allowing blacks to play in the late 1960's and many great ones came to UNT and West Texas State ,now West Tx A&M at Canyon. They had Mercury Morris and Dwaine Thomas there. ... Not all of them at UNT were black either ... The Denver QB was Steve Ramsey for a few years and he was white and good and was replaced by Craig Morton later.... Ramsey was our QB at UNT at the same time as Joe Green was here .. also Cedrick Hardman, Ron Shanklin, and several more that played in the NFL . We have had a few since then as well... including a RB (Randal Cobb) about 2000-2005..
  6. note what my '"permeant comment"" below is...... Go whoever against SMU..
  7. As for Abbott .... i do respect him and think he is trying to make good decisions and is not afraid to change his opinion as conditions change ..... As for Trump ..Go to Hell ..... Life is all about him plus getting re-elected and most of his comments are stupid. He appears to me to very dumb as well.. if you don't think so .. go listen his 2019 4th July speech if you doubt me.... He mentioning taking airfields in Revolutionary War (true), Cornwallis at Battle of Trenton (try Yorktown) , and Fort McHenry which was in War of 1812.... not in the revolution ..... Damn ... most middle schoolers know better than that and also the stupid remarks made by him regularly when not reading one from speech-writers. . .... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/05/flight-of-fancy-trump-claims-1775-revolutionary-army-took-over-airports
  8. ---Huge schools need to think twice about opening but small districts especially with no or almost no cases in the area should be allowed to be wide open. Each area/district need to make their own decisions without a state wide mandate to be open or closed. Pictures of that Georgia school are crazy .... no way that could be safe and they will pay for it .
  9. Public schools and libraries fit the definition of socialism..... Public taxes pay for them for the benefit of the public in general ... even if you don't use them. ...
  10. -----I don't trust him ... not about which party he is ... I don't trust anything the says.. before getting elected he PROMISED to get Mexico to build a wall on their side of the border and they would pay for it .... nope didn't happen...... he PROMISED to release his taxes if elected .... nope didn't happen... He has complete control of that ... so he lied. ....What is he hiding. Christian?? ... the church he has claimed to be a member claims that they no memory of him ever attending....Smart??... well if you think he is very educated and smart ....then listen to this speech and especially his "airfield comment........ https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/
  11. Based on the news today ..... "Predators" ... seems be a correct name. .
  12. I hope Washington keeps some Native America term as a name.... and keeps the symbol ... I see nothing offensive about it, in fact the opposite. ... The name... I get that.
  13. ----The term liberals bothers me .... Progressives ... ok ... Liberals to me means free sex, drugs, hippy-types and doing whatever you want ... Progressives is about changing things that need changing .[ie. progress] ... like integration, rights for minorities and that includes women which could not even serve on Juries in Texas until about 1970 or conduct business ( my mother tried at times and they said they had to check with her husband, my father first) ... I believe in progress ... and not making America great again like in the 1950's when women and minorities had limited rights and opportunities. I lived then and the blacks in my HS class could not attend ANY SWC college after graduation and in places could not use typical restaurant and many other things...... Those were not changed by "so-called " conservatives... If you were not alive then you might be shocked at how things were.. also no interstate hwy... . Things change ... even in the 70's, likely had only 4-8 TV channels, no PC computers, no cell phones, paid long distance calls and not cheap, and so much more that exists today. Do you really think things "were great then"... or in the 50's. ??? ----- Except for the virus .... recent years, not just 3 have been great compared to those years.
  14. Sending them is bad ..... Staying at home is bad... Maybe the answer is dividing a room up into 2-3 groups and sending them every other day or whatever is the answer.... helps keep them apart more (smaller groups) but still face to face some but more work at home ... ... No easy answers. -- but many have no access to computers to learn even . Having taught public school (30 years) and college classes (41 years) I can tell you students that took online classes in Math/science are not near as good as those those that were in a classroom. Maybe English or History... don't know ... Foreign language and many others don't work well either.
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