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Everything posted by vpackrats

  1. On the bright side for untjim1995, while he may sound like a broken record, another thing that might be a true broken record is the first post on GMG.com to get all 13 reaction options on a single post. Congrats there!
  2. However, to expand on Rudy's point, literally nothing was said in that segment by Craig or JubJub that hasn't already been extensively commented on by this board -- poor recruiting, downgraded results by Seth these past few years, we haven't had a coach with an overall winning record here since Hayden Fry, etc. Basically, our 2 alumni succinctly summed up this board's issues in a 5 minute discussion of UNT.
  3. Side Show Joe -- but how do you really feel? I can't tell after your 20+ posts in this thread alone. Your vote is duly recorded -- fire Seth -- and I'm with you. But this isn't California and your vote should only count once. We get it. 😏
  4. Count me as apparently the first one to put the stamp of approval on this gift. I actually love it. Of course, I was also the guy in a different thread complaining that we only had e-tickets this year and I have a pretty sweet bulletin board collection of about 15+ years of season tickets. So, this is perfect. P.S. in 2022, why doesn't everyone win? Give ticket holders the option of e-tickets or card stock? And then we can get a new gift. 😀
  5. Good job with the topic headline. It just screams a thread about "he who must not be named".
  6. Good post. But this post is causing me to re-examine my sports life. I've been to every single one of those disasters PLUS OU's 79-10 thrashing in the Dodge Ball debut in 2007, a 65-0 mauling by Texas and all manner of SMU disasters (sure I'm missing a few others). Crap, what am I doing with my life? haha
  7. Not mad at Cody at all. His post tells me he 100% cares about the school. Isn't that what we want from former players? To be invested? I know Cody's take has kinda hijacked the thread about Littrell's record without Graham Harrell ... so I suppose I won't bring up the hot takes on this board when Harrell sucked and needed to go, we didn't need him, we'll do better without him, etc. Cuz, y'know some "experts" on here have more off-point "hot takes" than Skip Bayless.
  8. Since this seems to be the designated thread for the SMU stadium experience, let me just add my .02 cents to Saturday on top of what's already been said about the concession stand lines, etc... and that would be this was probably the BEST atmosphere for a North Texas - SMU game I've seen at Ford Stadium and I've literally made every game since "Dodge Ball" started at UNT. My take is I've never seen more SMU fans at our rivalry game ...the stands were quite full and the grassy knoll, which is usually pretty lame was packed. Unless I was missing a view of things from the visiting side in the lower section on the 30 yard line, I've unfortunately never seen less UNT fans at Ford. Maybe it was the pandemic, maybe it was the betting line, but for whatever reason it wasn't packed by UNT fans like normal. (I realize not bringing the band certainly didn't help the look). Anybody who's been going to a lot of games agree with that assessment? P.S. Sux that it sounds like they're getting rid of the grassy knoll on the south side of the stadium. It looks a cool area for the students to hang.
  9. Is anyone else besides me disappointed that all tickets are going to be mobile again this year? I love saving ticket stubs and have quite the nice bulletin board collection after many years of saving UNT season tickets. It's a nice collage. This new trend of everything going mobile sux IMO.
  10. CBS.Sports liked the pick too ... check out this nice glowing review:
  11. Like the idea ... but guess not. See attached snip from the UNT website. Thanks a lot Bin Laden ...
  12. This is #1. I think he's still around as far as I know.
  13. Have no idea why you got some downvotes for that take. (Unless it's just a reflexive "Liberty team bad" vote). I think you're 100% correct. That's the only team on our schedule that regularly appears on the various "super-early" Top 25 lists out there. They were 1 point away against NC State from going undefeated. Personally, we should look forward to the rare possible Top 25 team playing in our stadium. I guess the question for the board is when was the last time we had a ranked team in our house? I'm class of '93 and don't recall any that I'm aware of from like 1990 --> forward. ?
  14. Per Vito's article, it looks like we ARE getting Novil back. Sweet! Torrey, Novil and Davis are among the UNT players who elected to take advantage of that opportunity. Torrey led UNT with 656 rushing yards and six touchdowns in nine games last fall. Novil posted eight tackles for loss and was UNT's lone first-team All-Conference USA selection.
  15. I think the NCAA created more problems than they thought they were solving with this stupid "one year free transfer" rule. Think about how P5 schools could really screw G5's around this year. EX: Grayson McCall is an unbelievable QB at Coastal Carolina and he's only a freshman. Waaaay too early for a graduate transfer and immediate eligibility. But this year, if some P5 needed a QB, voila!, the G5 schools becomes a de facto minor league for the P5 schools. Thankfully he's staying from what I hear at Coastal. Either way, I can't wait for this dumb rule to be one and done.
  16. Our RB's are pretty kick-ass year after year. I personally wouldn't put Patrick Cobbs in the "mediocre at best" category. I think he's doing a really good job of coaching them up.
  17. I think the better poll would be who would win if it was 13-0 Alabama vs. 1-15 Jacksonville? I think Alabama has the advantage at the skill positions. Mac Jones --> Gardner Minshew // DevonteSmith and Jaylen Waddle --> D.J Chark and Keelan Cole // RB's likely even. Etc. I'm guessing Jacksonville would have the edge in the trenches.
  18. I guess we got our answer to this question yesterday! Texas fires Tom Herman and hires Steve Sarkisian within like 3 hours of each other. Wow! What a quick interview. Wink, wink. 😂😂
  19. We had that coach. Darrell Dickey. And 80% of y'all complained about those low scoring games, not enough passing, etc.
  20. Let the record reflect that the "crappy" conference we left ended up with 2 teams ranked in the CFP Top 25. Coastal Carolina at #12 and Louisiana-Lafayette at #19. Let the record also reflect that the allegedly superior P5 Pac-12 ALSO has 2 teams ranked in the CFP Top 25. USC at #17 and Oregon at #25. Who woulda thought the SUN BELT ends up having a better conference than the Pac-12? That's really impressive and good on 'em. The gap isn't so big between certain superpower conferences and others IMO.
  21. Welp, yet another CA institution heads to TX. Haha
  22. More unimpressive than Andrew McNulty slinging it around the field for 105 yards in a stellar 17-14 win over FIU back in the McCarney era? I think that's some "recency bias" kicking in. 🙂
  23. I guess I'm a little confused. All week I've heard that UTSA is not our rival, it's not really a big game, yada, yada, yada. But when we lose, NOW it's a big game, now it's Seth can never win big ones, yada, yada, yada. It's in basically every thread. Can we at least be consistent about this? Maybe do a poll to determine once and forever more if UTSA is our rival? Otherwise, nothing says inconsistency more than a GMG football forum.
  24. Mike Doocy and his diary is feeling kind of down today.
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