Football season ticket holder here that normally starts going to b-ball games once the calendar flips to the new year & my schedule opens up. But since UNT is a #basketballschool now, starting earlier this year. First off, anyone agree with this assessment? When I go to football games I'm just waiting for the proverbial kick to the nuts in the second half. East Carolina was a perfect microcosm of this. Oh look! We're up 21-0!! What are we going to do to blow it? And sure enough, we do. Over and over again. With basketball, I feel the exact opposite. Whether it's Minnesota, Oregon State, etc, what are we going to do to win it? And more times than not, we do!! Clutch, clutch, clutch. Well done team! I love it.
Really liked the game presentation too. The only thing I've noticed is it seems the pep band is getting less "air time" if that makes sense at the expense of giving the hype guy more exposure. Kinda an ass-whip if you ask me. "SOMEBODY MAKE SOME NOOIISE!!!!!", "EVERONE SCREAM HELL YEAH!!!!". We can be loud on our own without being told, thank you very much. It s almost like a warm-up act before he heads down to Dallas for his 2nd job at Baby Dolls. With that solid radio DJ voice he can then bark out "EVERYONE SCREAM HELL YEAH!! AND GIVE IT UP FOR DESTINY ON THE MAIN STAGE!!!!". Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about there. 🤣🤣
Happy Thanksgiving all and Go Mean Green!