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  • Birthday 05/24/1970

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  1. @untjim1995 -- I'm a big UNT fan and even I gotta say, how about you just sit the next few plays out? It's not a good look...
  2. That's one of the things that impressed the hell out of me with Wren Baker. A few years back -- early in the season cuz it was HOT -- we were having our usual football tailgate on the grass at the end of the golf practice facility's nets and who shows up to chat for a little bit and see how we're doing? Wren. Then he moved on over to the next tailgate. That went a long way with us!
  3. @SUMG - THANK YOU for posting this. I was going to do the same thing so you saved me some time. Glad to see the national media sees what occurred yesterday at the same time we had moronic hot sports takes tagged under "We picked the wrong quarterback" and "So sick of the crap this football program slings us". Pretty sure most of us expected to get blown out (let me raise my hand) with so many hitting the portal, so IMO we played a really solid game and barely lost. For those people that constantly berate all things UNT and are never happy, it's a New Year -- find something that DOES make you happy. Back to the point, great article by ESPN. Very eye opening and well done! 🙂
  4. Thanks for that Google Maps pic @UNT 90 Grad. I guess they recently developed the parking lot and put in Burleson Park? Dang, new info right there. Sorry for the false alarm there y'all. It does look like in the pic that the area below the park is now parking and that whole area was under construction last time we were there. So maybe that should be open for tailgating? Watch it be 25' out on game day and all this will be moot. haha
  5. If it helps any, this is where our group has been tailgating for years whenever we played SMU. Never had one problem with setting up the BBQ grill, TV, etc.
  6. Sorry, I seem to have stumbled on the SMU message board talking about us ... or TCU ... or any P4 that has agreed to play us either home or away Guess when the shoe's on the other foot we seem to have the same complaints. I can assure you it's not beneath us to play Texas State. This would be a great rivalry to renew ... short trip for both teams every time we would play.
  7. I guess since we won yesterday and qualified for a bowl the usual post-game bitching has been muffled ... probably only for a day or two. But since we can never be happy, let's complain about the band instead post-game so we can still complain.
  8. Football season ticket holder here that normally starts going to b-ball games once the calendar flips to the new year & my schedule opens up. But since UNT is a #basketballschool now, starting earlier this year. First off, anyone agree with this assessment? When I go to football games I'm just waiting for the proverbial kick to the nuts in the second half. East Carolina was a perfect microcosm of this. Oh look! We're up 21-0!! What are we going to do to blow it? And sure enough, we do. Over and over again. With basketball, I feel the exact opposite. Whether it's Minnesota, Oregon State, etc, what are we going to do to win it? And more times than not, we do!! Clutch, clutch, clutch. Well done team! I love it. Really liked the game presentation too. The only thing I've noticed is it seems the pep band is getting less "air time" if that makes sense at the expense of giving the hype guy more exposure. Kinda an ass-whip if you ask me. "SOMEBODY MAKE SOME NOOIISE!!!!!", "EVERONE SCREAM HELL YEAH!!!!". We can be loud on our own without being told, thank you very much. It s almost like a warm-up act before he heads down to Dallas for his 2nd job at Baby Dolls. With that solid radio DJ voice he can then bark out "EVERYONE SCREAM HELL YEAH!! AND GIVE IT UP FOR DESTINY ON THE MAIN STAGE!!!!". Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about there. 🤣🤣 Happy Thanksgiving all and Go Mean Green!
  9. Fixed it for you. Otherwise we'd end up having NIL situations where in 1986 my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw a stud LB at Northwestern do an ad for 31 Flavors and didn't get paid. I guess it's pretty serious case and he needs the $$.
  10. This. 100%. Great post! When you have a blowout win like this, there's nothing to really complain about and our regular complainers can't work their magic. There's nobody to fire, etc. Wait until our next loss. Then the message board will be full of overreactions like let's fire all the coaches, replace the AD, yada, yada, yada. In the interim, I will very much enjoy the win. This was great!!
  11. Sadly I was at the first 4 games on your list (plus the TT loss on Saturday). I think I need hazard pay or a therapy dog at this point.
  12. What was he supposed to say: "They left me with a bare cupboard and our team will be mediocre. I predict a losing record but please come out anyway"?
  13. Yep, that's the problem with e-tickets that nobody wants to admit. "Geez, my phone isn't loading the tickets!" "Wait, how do I pull them up again?". "Hang on, my grampa is having problems with the tickets". Paper tickets? Beep, beep, beep, beep. Lines keep moving quickly. Just cuz it's cool technology doesn't mean its automatically more efficient.
  14. Since when does ONE fan post on a message board about an opinion that maybe SFA should think about cutting baseball equate to a headline of "SFA trying to get RID of baseball". Talk about clickbait! I thought you were quoting, y'know, actual news versus imitating a Daily Beast headline writer. Lordie!
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