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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. two sunbelt schools make it: http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/30/real_estat...sion=2006103108
  2. you think he should get rid of a lesbian with cancer? seems a little heartless to me, but I am with you.
  3. in the intrest of fair reporting, Mike Leach is a Pirate. that should explain most of his actions this year.
  4. says who? has anyone in administration even hinted that they are unhappy with DD? I dont like it, but I am of the opinion that no one is even considering a change. I dont even think it has crossed their minds.
  5. Bye Felicia
  6. I hear you Playmaker. I hear you.
  7. as long as you are willing to admit that.
  8. its not his fault. We seem to have trouble finding oponents to play who dont have a direction attached to their name.
  9. why would he negotiate for less? I know it is common among those who dont want to leave a bad taste in everyones mouth, but getting fired from NT effectivley would end his coaching carrer in 1-A. Unless he is stupid he wont step down for anything less than the full contract amount. that and I think that any money is more than we will spend to buy him out. that and they dont want to fire him. that and I am awsome.
  10. reguardless we need to recruit a QB. everyone else can be moved to somthing other than qb.
  11. guess which one I voted for.
  12. If DD decides to step down for health reasons, there better already be a descision made by the people in charge before anything is announced. otherwise why talk about it. He is not going anywhere.
  13. he should have another coach picked before even considering dumping DD.
  14. that was a bad call that really changed that game. FAU finished on the 7ish yard line. that would have been a chip shot to send the game to OT if not for the bad call.
  15. I am expecting a huge difference in play calling in this game. I would bet that we have alot more RB draw plays that go left this game. DD has realy been prone to go right, but I think some RB draw left will really catch the Defense off guard.
  16. I saw this the other day and I think it is pathetic. Spurrier is the head coach and responsible for who he hires. publicly ridiculing his coaching staff is rediculous. I hope he never wins another game.
  17. I dont know about "huge", but I am pretty big and this team has managed to upset me on a pretty regular basis.
  18. the last time we played tech with any regularity was also almost 10 years ago. the spread on that game was 5 1/2. I think 50ish was a pretty big surprise. of course you thought they were pretty even. you are an NT fan. the world on the whole did not think that.
  19. OK St is the only team with more wins and less losses than we have. I say that makes us #2.
  20. didnt we beat up on Tt a few times in recent memory? didnt we hang half a hundred on Baylor?? didnt we take down an SMU team that was favored this year??? I am not saying that I wouldnt like to be like TCU and beat Big 12 teams on a regular basis but, we upset teams as regularly as anyone else. If we did it all the time people couldnt call them upsets.
  21. I predicted that we would have lost to SMU and beaten MTSU. I still think that we will end up about 6-6 of 7-5.
  22. I am sure the school admin would be 100% behind an intitiative that gave 1000 people the right to feel like their opinion was important.
  23. scroll down to "Working Overtime" http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/gamedayFinal...ht&lid=tab3pos1 not the most glowing article, but some press none the less
  24. he probably had to go to the bathroom. I dont know if you have seen the bathrooms at fouts, but...
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