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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. I agree. they dont need any help with that...
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/sto...mp;sportCat=ncf
  3. Of course I remember meeting you and enjoyed it. Everyone will be glad to know that I have just about fully recovered. How did I use to do this sort of thing every night? I must have been even better than I remember... ** To those who dont know me, I dont actually think this highly of myself. ***Unless I have been drinking. ****In which case I am probably justified ***** I Rule...
  4. I have replaced all names with the word "Name" and "My Wife" to protect the innocent. Its two days later and I still think I might throw up at any moment. If you missed me on Saturday, too bad for you. here is what happened as I remember it: 10:40am Denton is way further than I remember it being. I showed up at the fraternity house and was reminded how much old men like to hear themselves talk. 1:00pm We got to the tailgate. I was pleasantly surprised to see the quality of the tailgate. I had just ("naturally") assumed that since I hadn't been there to get things going in a while, what with the baby and all, that every one just kind of sat there and waited on me to show up and grant them fun. 1:05pm Did you know that "Name" has a customized golf cart? More importantly did you know that security doesn't care what you do if you are in a golf cart? and even more important than that, did you know that the stadium has a "golf cart entrance"? No b.s. Me and "Name" made it to the 50 yard line and downed a few beers. Security just waived us through. I cant even believe that I gave the golf cart back. 2:00pm I made the snap decision that the littlest "Name" (A freinds Kid) and the littlest "Name" (My Kid) deserved to be in the parade. They were a big hit and had fun being paid attention to by hundreds of people. That thirst for attention must come from their mothers side... 2:15pm - 6:30pm I am not really sure. Any help would be appreciated... 6:31pm (My Wife) is yelling at me and asking where I disappeared to for the last few hours. Please see above for explanation... At this point I was tricked into getting into a car with her. I didnt realize that I was not being allowed to go to the actual game untill about 4 hours later at which point the game was already over. I am not quite over missing it yet, but one day I am sure I will find forgivness in my heart 7:30pm We eat some food and my memory returns a little. I know that I ordered like 3 pounds of chopped beef and "Name" ordered a half gallon of peach cobbler. I am pretty sure that this was the secret to my success the rest of the night 8:00pm "My Wife" decides that I should just go to the bar. I find this to be agreeable. I think I am hanging out with "Name" and "Name", but I think I rode to the bar with "Name", Im not sure when I got passed off, but I ended up where I wanted to be. The Tavern was packed with all the usual suspects. I don't even think they let current students into those bars on homecoming unless they are ridiculously hot and in a sluty costume. 9:00pm At this point in the night I know everyone I see and, more importantly, they all know me. I am a 7 on my awesome scale of 1-10. All the bars are one in - one out, but I decide that I want to go to Side Bar and have a shot. I see the line around Tavern and ask the door guy if he minds if I skip it on my way back in. He looks at me and says "For you Rob, there is no line" I go from a 7 to a 9 immediately. I walk down to Side Bar and they are 1 in 1 out. I have never seen the door guy before in my life, but he looks past the 10 or so people in front of me including 3 really hot girls in sluty Halloween costumes and says "Hey, aren't you Rob?", and motions me past the plebs. I am a 10 on my 1-10 scale of awesome. I go up to the bar and I have never seen the bartender in my life. He looks at me and says "ROB, I haven't seen you in forever", He knows that I drink Beer and Jager. I take my shot and drink half my beer. I asked him what I owed and he said "Its been years since I've seen you, these are on me." I am a 27 on a scale of 1-10. At this point I was far to important to talk to any of you. You are lucky that you weren't there as I would have most definitely looked over your shoulder for a mirror so I could keep my eyes on the most important thing in the room. 12:00 midnight Super "Name" arrives. He has to stand in line like the rest of you. I walk past every line, as I am not one of you anymore. I am transcendent. I think I am made of cool itself... Super "Name" decided that he had to go to RBAR and see "Name". I finally talked him down from driving by offering to buy him a cab to take him there. Unfortunately Super "Name" is a slippery drunk and he escaped my clutches yet again. I cant believe he doesn't have like 10 DWI's and the blood of an innocent on his hands. 12:01am - 2:00am I am not sure what I was doing, but I know that whoever I blessed with my presence will remember it for a lifetime 2:00am - 4:30am I am in my element telling the (Young guys in my old fraternity) stories about how cool we were when we were here. One of them mentioned no drinking in the house (to those who dont know allot of the fraternity houses are dry these days) so I finished my beer and flung it at him. I opened another one and he didn't make the same mistake again. some time between 6 and 7 am I arrive at our hotel and disrobe. I think I kicked my child's porta crib like 5 times. 8:00am I am awakened and I feel great. I have lost my underwear."My Wife" reminds me that I probably only quit drinking 45 minutes ago and that my hangover has not forgotten me, it just cant see me yet. does anyone know where the skin on my right hand and knuckles went? seriously, did I get in a fight??? I bet I kicked his a$$. 10:00am I found out that Super "Name" never made it to RBAR, but was instead apprehended in the parking lot of Whataburger. Lucky for him that the Police finally realized he wasn't kidding when he told them, and I quote "I don't know why you are F-in with me, I own Denton B%$#es". I guess they were afraid they would loose their jobs if they messed with the owner of Denton, because they let someone come and get him. Maybe when I brushed past him in line some of my awesome rubbed off on him. 10:15am I have to expel some gas, but I am still without underwear and afraid that I will mess my pants so I make "My Wife" pull over (since I am sure I am not yet legal to drive) and go to a bathroom in the gas station. everything worked out fine, but I was at a urinal and I lost my grip on my pants. I don't know if the guy walking into the bathroom was aware that there was an aquarium inside, but I do know that he got a great view of the rare and beautiful chocolate starfish. I was too embarrassed to look at him so I just pulled up my pants and left. 10:30am I can tell my hangover will be here any moment... Sure enough it hit me like a sledge hammer to the face. "My Wife" tells me I deserve it. If she only knew how cool I was last night she would know that she is lucky just to be near me. If you know of anything I missed please remind me, as I am sure that it was cool if I was involved...
  5. The price isnt whats important. My problem is the availability. The under Armour website has 3 pages of Texas Tech stuff (fyi polo's are only $50.) but not a single NT item. I see Todd Dodge wearing new Under Arour polo shirts and since I know they exist, I want one. They could charge $100. per shirt, I just wish they offered them http://www.underarmour.com/ProductFullLine...ge=2&page=1
  6. My wife ordered me a new NT polo the other day from Vortmans. She got me a really nice dry-fit style with the new logo etc... here is my question. Why are the new dry fits at Vortmans made by Russel Athletic? Shouldnt Under Armour be the supplier of our gear?
  7. No chance we will hold them to 28
  8. Some freinds and I met at the Irish pub that I heard was the Exes meeting place. Who picked a bar where they dont show football? we walked in and saw quite a few NT fans, but there was soccer on TV. needless to say we turned around and went to another bar. I have to know what MENSA memeber choose a place like that for a football game pre-party?
  9. I am just happy that I am not the only one questioning our defensive strategy. SMU will not approach their offensive output against us all year. If they end up doing this poorly all year long on Defense there will have to be a change. no offense can put up enough points to overcome SMU getting 600 yards on us.
  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/eticket/sto...outhernfootball
  11. Giovanni Vizza to Super Jamario on a screen that goes for 49 yards and the touchdown as time expires to upset the 40 point favorite OU team in NOrman 2007. Mark it down
  12. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ...ding/index.html
  13. French people are gay.
  14. It amazes me to see the anti-UT predictions on this board. I cant even imagine ASU getting 17 points let alone pedicting an outside shot that they could win. Texas will win 64-3
  15. I saw this on PTI yesterday. They seemed to think that this was a huge step in coming to a playoff system. I couldnt be more excited. The problem that they will have is when Boise St goes 12-0 and doesnt get into the final four. you will end up with the same argument. of course this wont happen nearly as often as it does now.
  16. OSU Georgia ought to be the game with the most star power on the opening weekend.
  17. I dont know his name, but he plays saftey for SMU...
  18. I have that same hat except it has a big puffy UNT embroidered on the bill. I just looked at it for a second before buying it (I wanted a hat with a new logo) and have been upset ever since.
  19. He couldnt talk a truly high rated QB into competing with his son anyway. We will not sign another top flight QB untill Rileys Junior year at the earliest. Recruits dont mind some competition, but no one is going to enter into a race with the (real or percieved) handicap of competing with the coaches son.
  20. we had talked about doing this a while back. I am not sure what happened to it, but I think one of the moderators was trying to get an are for us to post tailgating pics.
  21. I am always happy to see the frogs do well. I think teams like them an Boise St. really help our cause.
  22. I really like the Idea of a mean green Terrible towel. It would look cool to have a bunch of people twirling green towels and it would serve double duty of helping keep you dry on those hot summer days. I think that I will have a few golf towel sized ones made up and make that my tradition weather anyone else follows or not...
  23. If this is how it happens I will have an ear to ear smile at the end of the season. I dont expect to start off this strongly though since it is the first season of Dodge ball
  24. dont throw the ball to stone hands!!!!
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