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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. as a founding memeber of PETA (people for the eating of tasty animals) I can assure you that no such movement against the Gamecocks has been started. I dont know where you get off digging up these Rumors about us loving animals but I am not scared to file a lawsuit for slander.
  2. wish bone ! WISH BONE!! WISH BONE!!!!!!!
  3. that first hat is really awsome. I am really digging our new logo's
  4. plano, not far but the drive is still about 45 min on a good day. it takes at least two hours for my wife to drive me home though.
  5. I can only hope that living in texas will keep us safe from this crap
  6. these rankings are stupid. we are number 1 across the board. our defense is number 1. I know that because we always end up with more points than the other team. our offense is number 1. I know that because the other team always scores less points than we do. our special teams and coaches are number 1 too. position by position, I say we are probably either.....number 1 or number 1, I cant decide. we get low rankings on our d-line and line-backing corp... really? than how come we always get 2-3 times as many rushing yards as they do? is it becuase we have the best runningback? yes. is it because those rankings are wrong? yes. I get that controversy is a great way to get publicity, but really? were not number 1? I doubt it.
  7. I have watched most of the CWS games and have thoguht that overall they were well officiated. I watched the Baylor Oregon State game all the way through and dont remember any bad calls or anything. what play are you speaking of? and I say this as someone who will always acuse Baylor of cheating if given the chance. really I just want to know so I can bash some freinds of mine who are Baylor fans. I must have missed that grab. oops.
  8. ----That argument is seriously flawed. First, 10 Presidents did not attend college including Washington, the last one to not attend was Truman, plus there was three Military academy grads and there are no fraternities there.... and some of those who did attend college did not join fraternities... the number has to exceed 15, maybe 20, presidents. Most Presidents come from wealthy families ( Bush, Bush, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Wilson, Hoover, Taft, even the Carter and Johnson families in this century were far from poor). Most wealthy college students join fraternities therefore it is likely a presidental candidate would have been a member of a fraternity. Not too many presidents have had to work their way through college, Reagan and Nixon maybe. Clinton had scholarship money and even became a Rhodes scholar . ---It is likely that fraternity people do contribute more money.....again the wealthy almost always join fraternities and no doubt wealthy contribute more. ....This is not saying every fraternity member is rich however, but most have above average I suspect. ---An article came out this week about the U.S. Senators being a millionairs club, almost all were. Almost all of them come from families way average in wealth and did not have just the money they earned themselves. The frat connection didn't elect them, access to money and people with money did. ---Fraternity membership may be some advantage to business majors but for the others it is not much help. In the same vane, most reports claim a Ivy-League degree may be worth the money it costs but only if if one plans on working in/near Wall Street ( good connections with money people) but for most professions it doesn't give you much advantage especially after getting employed. --- Bill Clements (very wealthy frat member) has contributed much more to SMU than I ( a not-so-poor non-frat member) have contributed to NT. .....But then again his efforts, actions, money, and comments, earned SMU the death penalty..... nice guy!!
  9. I see no reason to have any idea what I am talking about. and if you put somthing out there for me to make fun of I just cant help it. Ill slice Ill dice Ill chop Ill.... damn it Rob stop it.
  10. is it made of space age polymers?
  11. I can honestly tell you that you are not in the business world. A fraternity is really a business internship. I dont think you can be adequatley prepared for the business world without being in one. as far as statistics go there has only been three presidents who were not in a fraternity (coincidentaly the three who didnt go to college) somthing like 85% of all senators and representatives were in a fraternity (I dont remember the exact stat but almost 100% of either democrat or republican were, the non fraternity memebers were almost all independant so you can insert joke here). also some large percentage of controlling officers of froture 500 companies were in a fraternity or sorority. I know that none of this really addresses the question of what virtues they have, and that is because it is a really tough thing to quantify. you learn lessons in how to deal with all types of people succesfully. you learn what networking means and how to do it well. you learn how to handle it when your best freind is the root of a problem that you have to deal with. you learn that that guy from that house down the street that you are working on a project with may be smiling and shaking your hand now but he is trying to bed your girlfreind when you look away. and you learn how to deal with a boss (the school) that thinks you (the fraternity) are wortless and more of a nusance than anything despite the fact that greek alumni donate on average 1000% more money to their alma-mater than non-greeks. no there is not an extra zero there and that number is about right on. there is a ton more I could type on this but I am taking an early retirement.
  12. but wait theres more...
  13. the addition of nunchuck skills will definitly put him on the radar for some teams.
  14. Adrian Awasome... duh. but the best name ever is still Incognito from tOSU
  15. how do you think Jamario will end up in the feeding order of all time college running backs? will he be the fourth back to reach 5000 yards and 400 points? will he break every record ever held? or will he just be really good? I tend to think that he will end up in the top 10 statisticly, about on par with Cedric Bensons numbers. I dont think he will come out nearly as high as Benson did in the draft, but I think that will be enough to really get noticed.
  16. I heard he was getting close to the 2's
  17. damn. http://lionvs40midgets.uk-directory.com/
  18. this is the greatest sporting event of all time
  19. which ever team wins that game will lock up the number two spot and it will be theirs to loose. Texas would still have to get passed OU and ohio state would still have to go through Michigan, but they would certainly be the early front runners for the Rose Bowl.
  20. Ohio States entire fortues ride on one man. Ted Ginn Jr. if he can have the game of his carrer then they will win a close one. otherwise its Texas in a blowout. P.S. I am well aware that my knowledge of college football is suspect at best. but having said that I am always right at least untill game time.
  21. he might have bet against his own team a few times and puposly lost. each time he chated he deserved his punishment of being banned form baseball, but a steroid using player is chating every moment of his life. even after he quits using steroids he is cheating by havig the extra muscle that steroids gave him. baseballs newest punishment of 50 games, 100 games, lifetime suspension is a step in the right direction.
  22. using steroids is the worst thing an athelete can do. much worse that betting on baseball. it is cheating.
  23. I want a lime green uni with a big flying worm in darker green on the front. I know I am the only one who thinks so, but the flying worm is the best logo of all time.
  24. Courtesy: Rick Yeatts Deidra Wesley tied the school high jump record and will attempt to break the heptathlon record tomorrow at the Texas Relays. Austin, TX (04-06-05) - The Mean Green track and field team is off to a blazing start at the Texas Relays thanks to a spectacular effort from Deidra Wesley in the heptathlon. Wesley racked up 3,239 point through four events and tied the school record in the high jump with a leap of 1.75-meters (5-08.75). The jump is tied for the 14th best in the nation this season and qualifies the junior for the NCAA Regional Meet in the high jump for the third straight year. Tomorrow, Wesley will compete in the final three events, the long jump, the javelin throw and the 800-meter run. Wesley is on pace to shatter her own school heptathlon record of 4,808, and become the first person in North Texas history to qualify for regionals in this event. She is only 1,761 points shy of the 5,000 point qualifying mark. Senior Justin Kauffman and freshman Sean Covington also competed in the 1,500-meter run. Kauffman finished in eighth place with a time of 4:05.08, while Covington finished in 11th with a time of 4:10.78. In the women's 10,000-meter run, Cassie Storms finished in 39:14.52 and claimed 11th place. The junior's time is the third fastest in school history. Matt Gieringer finished 16th in the men's 10,000-meter run with a time of 33:08.53. Action will resume tomorrow at the Texas Relays and will continue through Saturday.
  25. what do the Exes do? I joined for the first year but never got a renewal and Ive never heard of anything they do. maybe that would be a good start since there isnt anyone who has been to more games than me in the last 3 years and I'm not even a member anymore. (I did miss one game but that was my wifes family not planning events correctly. seriously a wedding during football season?). anyways I would like to get more involved and I know plano has to have a chapter. the end.
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